The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Double Alien from La Plata is fucked. When a plant says 50-60 days and you let it go 10 weeks because of foxtaililng and new growth, and it should have been harvested at 50-60 days, it WILL put you to sleep. I am caught up on that sleep shit like a madman.
Bucked it and smoked a tester bowl with some kief and about half a cone after breakfast - bedtime.
"That's odd, let's try again after lunch" 👀 ... dumb-ass.
After another long nap I think it's pretty much decided. It'll definitely have its place and the kief should ad nicely to the overall hash profile from the run, but it ain't just smoke anymore.
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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Basically this is how and why I am growing for now. The Double Alien was a 5-pack of regs and I have 4 left. When I get back around to it I'll drop the pack and look a lot closer at that 7-week mark for the girls. Maybe harvest at intervals if I get a few. I have a few notes like that peppered through this thread. Don't get me wrong - I like that I have it, but I have a pretty high tolerance, and this zonked me. And that's not even cured.

It is definitely Nyquil weed. I know a bowl before bed will serve a purpose when needed but since that's about all the smoke I'll need from it I'll decarb a lot and see where that goes. I'll also have a strain I know I can grow to that potency if I want to keep some on hand.

I'm also getting some strains I know I'll clone and run bulk of at some point. It's good to have several of those to drop in case there are a few runs of *meh* weed and the fire runs low. A few like the CLHP will get a re-drop before I run out or shortly thereafter just because of the number of boxes they check.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
On the other side of that coin the runty, slow, only girl from a bunch of duds and a dude 007up I grew out from Swamp Boys is now my go to "fix it" weed. Outstanding overall high and it just makes you feel good and stoned. It is a cross of Lemon Tree and The White. One of @Heisenbeans Lemon Tree S1's got me close to that buzz, but the second one I grew wasn't as loud and had less effect. I think it's the citrus that agrees with me. The next Lemon Trees will get flower cloned as well in case I get "that one".

But I have three regs left. Having only 2 out of 6 pop, (I gave 3 away) doesn't bode well for the next drop, but I'll be cloning if I get anything. Got me a free pack of their Mojito as a replacement, but now I'm wishing I had gotten another 007up. I'll be dropping a set of the Mojito soon to see if their whole line is worth checking out. But I'll probably flower-clone any girls on the chance that it's the only one I'll get.
On the other side of that coin the runty, slow, only girl from a bunch of duds and a dude 007up I grew out from Swamp Boys is now my go to "fix it" weed. Outstanding overall high and it just makes you feel good and stoned. It is a cross of Lemon Tree and The White. One of @Heisenbeans Lemon Tree S1's got me close to that buzz, but the second one I grew wasn't as loud and had less effect. I think it's the citrus that agrees with me. The next Lemon Trees will get flower cloned as well in case I get "that one".

But I have three regs left. Having only 2 out of 6 pop, (I gave 3 away) doesn't bode well for the next drop, but I'll be cloning if I get anything. Got me a free pack of their Mojito as a replacement, but now I'm wishing I had gotten another 007up. I'll be dropping a set of the Mojito soon to see if their whole line is worth checking out. But I'll probably flower-clone any girls on the chance that it's the only one I'll get.
My next drop is going to be HEAVY on the lemon and I am finally going to be able to get a look at H's Lemon Tree cross Lemon Frosting. I hope I get the pan galatic pheno to show up like you did.
Heavy Lemon.jpg
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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Chomping at the bit to buck this last one. Spyrock Special Hashplant x Baguettes. It's dense enough that it's drying nice and slow. Day 8 and it still has a few grams to go. Something I just noticed that may mean nothing is that the stems and trunk still feel cool compared to room temp. It just seems that whenever stuff is dry it equalizes with that room temperature. Be interesting to add some science to that with a thermometer gun or something.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Early smoke report on the SSHP x Baguettes is piney, hashplant taste - and fucking stoney! 9 days drying and a few tiny nugs put me on my ass. Very nice. So far the Baguettes has the Midas touch. It was a day shy of 10 weeks and worth it. In a few weeks I'm gonna be wasted testing all the cured stuff from this run.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I had to check to see if the seeds I used last year are viable so I can snag anything specific I want in the garden. I'm only going to have one of each tomato plants. Started some cukes and a few more peppers.
This little tent will mostly be shoved outside, by the window, or mulched if I need room. Planted some wheat and alfalfa just to see what happens in a cup, same with daikon radish. The peppermint upper right was a clone experiment just to see if it would grow in a tent, possible companion plant if it keeps bugs away. I have a patch outside so I don't need it. Comfrey is supposed to be a super-food as far as the variety of nutes it contains when broken down. I have a dwarf cherry tomato and some peppers that may stay inside. The chicken tray has lettuce and spinach and stuff.

The main reason for this tent is to have something ready to take a clone if needed. After I get the garden going it may shift purposes.
It is amazing how many good looking flower cuts of Hashplants and Banana Has Harlets I got. I only needed 4 and it always makes me kinda sad when I mulch all the rest. It will be interesting to see how long the lucky 4(R) take to root.
Hashplant&Harlets Cuts.jpg The Lucky 4.JPG
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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Dry-bubble-sift-hash :unsure: 🤷‍♂️
The dry sift was dirty, lots of greenage in it. But because it's 7 strains there is good stuff in every size. I found an easy way to clean it.
The 1g bubblebags fit perfectly in a 1g pot. I filled my RO sprayer and added some ice, then washed this all in a large bowl one sack at a time.

I tried spraying through the entire set then removing the top one, but there was a lot in there. The easiest solution was to get a second bowl. rinse the hell out of bag in the bowl, then dump the bowl through the next bag and rinse the bowl with the sprayer into the bag. I had enough water in the bowl so I could submerge the bag and use the little screen to skim off any floating trash. From each batch - that was the game changer.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I kept sifting that through a 220m flour sifter until it didn't clump together, and it looks like beach sand. I got 13.4g of very clean trich heads. It's in the fridge, in a tin, in a 25m drying cloth, between paper towels, with a desiccant pack.

I'll check the weight of it over the next few days I want to get it completely dry while I decide what to do with it.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The flowers are really starting to fill out so I gave them their last big feeding.
Some stuff will get used sooner than other stuff but it's mainly a shot-glass of insect frass. There's a tbsp each of malted barley, craft blend, and bokashi, and crustacean meal. I just shake it with a bigger cup like a mixed drink then spread it around. I also added a half tsp/g of fish hydrolysate in the RO to water it in.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I'm pretty damn high on some lemon creme flavored bagseed that only went 30 days in 12/12.
Tried the stuff again to see if it was just me last time. I already froze most of it to get the hash from, but I kept out a few cones.
Half of one has me typing about it...

This makes no sense unless it was going to be a very early finisher. It was just starting to get brown pistils so it was beginning the maturing process.

The only reason I am mentioning it is because if you have to chop a nanner-plant early and it has started ripening and has any smell at all you find pleasing, let it dry. You can always toss it later.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
On the bagseed, about an hour and it's still kickin. Crazy. Three days from repot and everything is still vertical.
Nothing but the Space Queen is really happy, but nothing died. Whether it works or not I am spraying the surface daily just to moisten the rice hulls and water the cover crop, then every other day about a quarter cup in a ring around the plant. Added some worms to each pot just to make sure.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Just noticed that these plants are 3 weeks old. Definitely not flipping at 4 weeks. Cooler temps are making a difference. I have the empty veg closet if I need to flip a few before the rest.

The main reason I have been flipping right at 4 weeks is to make sure the roots have room to grow throughout the grow. I think going right to big pots is also making them take longer to really root. Like the hitting bottom theory about when plants have growth spurts.

They are all gonna be 4-tops and need to be 8-12" tall and just look ready before I flip. Still dropping the next batch on time.


Just noticed that these plants are 3 weeks old. Definitely not flipping at 4 weeks. Cooler temps are making a difference. I have the empty veg closet if I need to flip a few before the rest.

The main reason I have been flipping right at 4 weeks is to make sure the roots have room to grow throughout the grow. I think going right to big pots is also making them take longer to really root. Like the hitting bottom theory about when plants have growth spurts.

They are all gonna be 4-tops and need to be 8-12" tall and just look ready before I flip. Still dropping the next batch on time.
Totally agree HAF I have done side by side with clones and seeds those put in big pots were always slower I am sold on transplanting 2-3 times even autos I know that statement will raise some eyebrows but for me it's how I roll sometimes life gets in the way and I up pot later than I wanted too but I love watching the plants grab another gear when you get it right