The James Gang

When I was taking clones I would get the 4-tops set in veg, then not prune anything else until about week 2 after flip. Each limb would have at least one good one out of the lowest two, but usually two. Then at week 3 after flip (or when the puffballs showed) I would take another 8 per plant.
Right on H.A.F. it's day 10 of flower now and I have not touched any lowers since flip and have just been selectively defoliating big leaves that block flower sites. The cuts I am going to be able to take come day 14 - 21 would absolutely FILL a damn tray with some really nice looking "flower" cuts. BCL that I have growing with Harlet 2 in my other tent was a flower cut(like around day 7) and rooted in my cloner in around 12 days, then grew ugly for a bit just throwing 1 leafs, 3, then 5's. Once I got her all cleaned up and topped then flipped to flower this cut showed like 4 days sooner than her mom did once flipped and she is bulking much faster.
Harlets & Hasplants D10F.JPG


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I have a tent shut down until I up-pot. I could probably stick this
in the middle of this and be fine. :unsure: Definitely happening next watering. I'm keeping the testers pretty skinny so it won't be an issue, but I need to rig a different fan. I pull about half the plants out when I water anyway just to make room to roll the other half around.
Random shit - get plant caddies that are smaller than the pot so you don't lose floor space. Get the green hydrofarm trays to match every pot you have.
The empty tent will have these, in 5-7g for the girls, and 1g for the regs. I changed my mind and re-pot will happen sooner rather than later. I have never had issues with plants getting rootbound in 1g's since I don't veg that long, but I can see it happening in a solo. In general when I can soak the cup and they can drink it in a day or two, it's time. The Space Queen is a supafreak. The Grandpa's Stash re-drop has caught up to the regs. Pretty happy with everything.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Bucked and jarred the Big D Energy and kept out a small cone and a few bowls worth to go with the dry sift. Nothing special on the pics, the whole run seems to be frosty fire. The smell is intoxicating - like hot buttered, spicy, sweet, sour, something delicious. Hitting on the bowl the smoke is rich and smooth - at 10 days... I haven't topped it with the kief yet but that should be a trip. I'll probably toss the hash wad in with the stuff to decarb and wash. I gave it a taste and it was fine, but I just don't dig the dirty hash with all the pistils in it. The Querkle is already a top shelf winner, the Tardis is milder (as advertised) but could be my go-to daytime smoke. The three make the run worth it already, and the Prana is getting jarred and tested tonight or tomorrow. Thicker buds so when I bucked it there was still a little moist feel close to stems and such. It's on a rack and back in the cedar.
Saving the cone for a walk in the woods. Snow is not unusual where I live but it's usually a once-a-year event and doesn't last too long. My cover crop is under that lumpy spot in the garden. It's wilted and greened up over and over with hard frosts so it'll be interesting to see it after this melts off. The squirrels are gonna go apeshit.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Niiiiiice. It tastes similar to how it smells- delicious but more gassy/minty. Smoked about half while doing some shoveling and it went out because I got high...

Dry hit the thing for 10-15 minutes while finishing and even that was nice.

Re-lit it and made it through about three hits - still tasty - i'm higher.

Looking at the last third of it with fear and awe :cool: :unsure::ROFLMAO:


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Basically, everything is getting an early taste at the 10-ish day mark when it gets jarred. Having so many strains hanging/drying/jarring at close intervals gives me a nice variety of new stuff to taste and give me a tolerance break :unsure: from the fire I've been smoking. I have about a week of sampling new stuff.

Then while it's curing I start re-evaluating the mid-shelf goodies I've been hanging on to. If anything has lost that bling it gets sifted or decarbed. Gives me something to stay busy while letting the stuff fully cure :)


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I'll get some group shots later but I wanted to check this out before I started gardening. My That One's have two white tops like regular - really deep veins on the leaves.
I have one that looks like it might show brown or purple when it plumps up
And one showing purple now
And it has baby trich's! Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :ROFLMAO: IMG_8426.JPG


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I came up with a way to fit 9 and still have a low fan so now all 9 plants are in one tent. I took it off the frame and wired it to the bottom of the shelf.
The Chocolate Thai Zkittles is a month behind but is an 11-week strain. Feb. 12th is 11 weeks for it and Feb. 20th is the generic 8-week date for the testers.
All mixed up arranged by height.
I now have plenty of space to up-pot any and all of these I want into their final pots including regs I may cull. These got their last in-cup watering with a little blendered and strained aloe leaf. Once they drink it they get new shoes.

Big Terps

Growing on a dime
I came up with a way to fit 9 and still have a low fan so now all 9 plants are in one tent. I took it off the frame and wired it to the bottom of the shelf.
View attachment 105906
The Chocolate Thai Zkittles is a month behind but is an 11-week strain. Feb. 12th is 11 weeks for it and Feb. 20th is the generic 8-week date for the testers.
View attachment 105907
All mixed up arranged by height.
View attachment 105908
I now have plenty of space to up-pot any and all of these I want into their final pots including regs I may cull. These got their last in-cup watering with a little blendered and strained aloe leaf. Once they drink it they get new shoes.
View attachment 105909
Lookn good as usual....
Quick question=
When u say u blenderd up sum fresh aloe to add to pots, do u use the aloe leaf(the green skin)??
Reason i ask is that everything ive read up up bout using it on plants , they say to carefully cut skin off cause its got sumthing harmful in it?
Thats what ive allways done is just take filet knife and slice skin off leaving gooey slime then blendering it up?
Just curious if that claim ive read online was actually true or more bro science..?


Seed Slingin' Outlaw
Reason i ask is that everything ive read up up bout using it on plants , they say to carefully cut skin off cause its got sumthing harmful in it?
Thats what ive allways done is just take filet knife and slice skin off leaving gooey slime then blendering it up?
A yellow sap called aloin comes out of the leaves that Humans shouldn't consume, but It has little to no effect on soil microbes, so it isn't a issue unless you plan on drinking the aloe extract yourself.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Lookn good as usual....
Quick question=
When u say u blenderd up sum fresh aloe to add to pots, do u use the aloe leaf(the green skin)??
Reason i ask is that everything ive read up up bout using it on plants , they say to carefully cut skin off cause its got sumthing harmful in it?
Thats what ive allways done is just take filet knife and slice skin off leaving gooey slime then blendering it up?
Just curious if that claim ive read online was actually true or more bro science..?
I put about a 1" piece in a blender with RO water. I strained it through a fine sieve and made about a quart. The green part strained went into the worm bin.

Anything I mention doing is at a small 'dose'. Just continually adding to the soil

Big Terps

Growing on a dime
A yellow sap called aloin comes out of the leaves that Humans shouldn't consume, but It has little to no effect on soil microbes, so it isn't a issue unless you plan on drinking the aloe extract yourself.
Kool thanks for clearing that up for me. I new it had sumthing to do with the yellow slime that oozes out after u slice the aloe.. Kind of a pain in ass slicing the skin off, so now i no i dont gotta do that step.. So thx

I put about a 1" piece in a blender with RO water. I strained it through a fine sieve and made about a quart. The green part strained went into the worm bin.

Anything I mention doing is at a small 'dose'. Just continually adding to the soil
Ya i like to use aloe n coconut water to when i give the plants a drink... And also foliar mists.. But like u said u gotta strain the pulp or itll clog them sprayers quick. Learnd the hard way u can say..


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
But like u said u gotta strain the pulp or itll clog them sprayers quick. Learnd the hard way u can say..
Since I have worms in the pot I usually don't strain it too fine. The watering can I use has the bottom feed spout so it pours out any sediment, but it's only about 1/4" tubing. I keep it small, but any nuggets are worm food. Have to keep it fairly small so any bulk doesn't clog it up.

When I do the sprout teas where there's a lot of pulp I use a large-mesh strainer. I'll end up with a fine layer of sediment in the bucket so I just stir it each time I dip out a watering can full and try to evenly distribute it for little worm treats.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
@Big Terps - one thing I picked up from Clackamas Coot is to just take tips off the leaves. I had been snipping a whole outer leaf at the base, but if you do that it doesn't grow back. If you take half a leaf it heals and continues to get bigger.

Big Terps

Growing on a dime
@Big Terps - one thing I picked up from Clackamas Coot is to just take tips off the leaves. I had been snipping a whole outer leaf at the base, but if you do that it doesn't grow back. If you take half a leaf it heals and continues to get bigger.
Thats good to know, didnt no that either.. I no its hard as hell to kill a aloe, but at same time they seem to get pissed when u do remove a whole leaf...
Thats kool that theyll grow back if only removed half of leaf. That will keep me from stocking up on aloe plants every couple yrs..

In the produce section at wally world here they sell aloe leafs individually.. Them fuckers are as long as my arm the size of a ball bat... Was like dam they arnt aloe from these parts with that

When i ust to clone, the very first time i ever tried cloning , i took the cutting, dippd straight into aloe gel, then straight into a cup of soil. No dome, just sprayd 1 time a day with aloe n r/o water. 7 days later i had roots forming.. I no it wasn't solely cause of the aloe but i seen then that aloe was good stuff..
Thx for the info dude ✌


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
When i ust to clone, the very first time i ever tried cloning , i took the cutting, dippd straight into aloe gel, then straight into a cup of soil. No dome, just sprayd 1 time a day with aloe n r/o water. 7 days later i had roots forming..
Coot says to just poke holes in a piece of aloe leaf and stick the clones in it for 24 hours then plant it. Never tried it but it has to do with the salicylic acid it produces, same compound that's in aspirin.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I wanted some hash after all the talk so I busted out the collection to unwrap and sneak a chunk of each.
The upper one is still cold because if flattens like a semi-deflated beach ball. That is the "blonde" full melt that would probably be about 5-star.
Center on the lower mat is a close second, I think there was more amber overall in the resin and the consistency is just different. The little one lower right was the first attempt with dry-sift kief. The rest are bubble. The two black ones are over 2 years old before watching any videos. They're like a brownie on the inside and are like what I remember seeing back in the day. The crumbled one was the latest finger hash that pressed into a nice ball until it dried out. That just has amazing terps or I would have decarbed it for edibles. If it smokes harsh that's still the destination.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I updated the flower tent over on the contest page.
I am firing up the closet and the seedlings are gonna go their separate ways. Two of the fems are jumping compared to the rest - and they're fems... Those are getting big pots soon and I may go with the 7 gallon for the Space Queen. With my split cups, one thing that makes transplanting easier is to really soak the cups, then give them a day. I think the soil that isn't rooted yet sticks together better,
But here's the Space Queen compared to what ALL the others look like
IMG_8453.JPG IMG_8454.JPG
Almost like it was planted days earlier than the rest.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I have the Double Alien and SSHP x Baguettes still hanging then I'll dive into this and try another dry-sift hash ball.
I dry-sifted all of the individual plants when I jarred them and got a really clean first run of primo to start with. I think the stuff that was ripest should come off the easiest.
IMG_8448.JPG IMG_8451.JPG
But there's still plenty on the trim. You can smell the stuff and tell when the terps are gone. What I get from the second run will get decarbed.

The classified kief is all the different plants from this run so I have volume to play with. I'll get the warm water rolling pin out and test each of the different sizes to see if anything starts melting and sticks together.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I have gotten bored and re-sifted the stuff after it has cured for a bit and you end up with different amounts of each than you started with.
Could be shrinking as it dries for the non-oily bits, or any veg matter could be hydrating so it gets caught the second sift.
I am also looking into the static thing to play with