Started my worm farm today we will see how it goes and learn along the way. Plan on making worm castings and worm tea in my never ending simple homemade worm farm. All you need is three totes two with small holes in the bottom for worms to crawl through to next layer Maybe a few holes in the top to let in air for the worms or if your keeping inside just open it up everyday to let in air for them. Place the food in the middle tote on top of some newspaper so the food don’t fall down into your worm tea that drips to the bottom as your worms eat the food. Once they are done eating the food in the middle tote start placing the food in the top tote same as the middle. Once they are done with the middle they will make their way through the holes to the top tote where their will be another layer of food to munch on Once they have all moved up to the top layer wait about a week so the babies will hatch and also move up. Then take the middle layer out as this is the worm castings ready for useage. Then place on top and repeat. The tea will drip down to the bottom tote and collect as it produces. So let’s get this thing rolling. Any tips for me is greatly appreciated as I am also learning how to master this worm farm mainly for the worm tea.