What To Not Feed Worms
Worms live in a condensed, confined area so it’s important to keep their environment free of certain types of food that they don’t like to eat or can harm them. For instance, the pH levels of the bin cannot become too acidic or it will harm the worms. Also, worms must breathe through their skin and certain types of food will irritate that process. Other foods will stink up real bad when thrown into a composter and that can attract rats and other vermin. These are just some of the reasons you should avoid putting the following food scraps into your worm composting bin or
worm farm:
- Meats, bones, fat and anything oily or greasy.
- Dairy products including butter, sour cream, milk, whole eggs (egg shells are ok) and cheese.
- Canned sauces, peanut butter and other processed food.
- Citrus foods like lemons, limes and oranges.
- Onions and garlic.
- Spicy foods such as hot peppers.
- Yard trimmings that have been treated with pesticides.
- Plastic, metals, glass or other non-biodegradable items.
- Soap
- Paper that has a glossy finish or colored ink
- Poison ivy, oak or sumac or other poisonous plants.
Oh.......ok.......you need to watch what you feed your worms..........so make separate compost piles right??????
And how you feed them right? Hey Kev, that watermelon is not prepared well enough for your worms......you need to chop that shit up........after you sort it of course, LMAO!
Then don't forget the burlap to keep the flies down.
For worm shit..........that's basically everywhere. Of course internet
weenies enthusiasts don't mind the extra work.
And for all you out there that don't mess with worms I feel for you having to buy a bag at the store. The worm shit guru has deemed them shitty and below his worthiness......
It's not the A-list worm shit ya know.
The blending and type of worm is the only thing you have a bone to pick about. You're trying really hard to clown on me when I was totally inclusive of your method. Read any of the threads on worm farming on ICmag, RIU, any serious organic gardening/worm farming forums and you will see that these are mere tips and tricks I was passing along to kev. You might not do it or deem it necessary but you'd be remiss to not admit that there might be a reason behind the extra effort/costs.
Blend it up so they can eat it faster, shit it faster and breed faster. Obvious waste of effort and totally doing it wrong.
Get worms that are fine being in a smaller container with little depth and happier than a pig in shit to eat what you give them quicker than night crawlers while breeding exponentially faster. Obviously a waste of money for the guy who needs 2 or 3 tubs working like clockwork that is starting at 0 castings, 0 worms. Terrible advice.
Add kelp, oyster shell flour and neem to some compost/peat mix so it's already being processed by the micro-organisms before it even comes into contact with the rest of the soil mix to be as available as possible for the plant. The worms love the neem, especially, definitely makes them breed faster. Total waste of time, effort and money for an organic gardener to try to make what constitutes 1/3 of their soil mix, a primary ingredient in all teas and top dressings as quality as possible.
Just because it's not your way doesn't make it wrong. You could get half the amount of lesser quality castings in double the time if that's what floats your boat, no skin off my nose.
This is basically what you've done:
Signed up for a giant pumpkin forum because you're interested in growing giant pumpkins.
Posted just about nothing that really contributes to the community in over a year.
Gone into the organic section where dudes that are growing organic 2000+lb pumpkins with their vermicompost are giving advice to someone who wants to grow 2000+lb pumpkins with vermicompost they make and tried pulling some childish red herring bullshit where you actually suggest buying "castings" or whatever they are is on the same planet as someone's whom took the time and effort to do it up all the way.
The why was laid out with the how very clearly and you ignore it. "That's not how I do it, ya'll 2000lb pumpkin growers are wasting your time. Here's my half-assery with nothing to back it up."
You were met with no hostility. You decide to inject hostility, still get none in return... just a shoulder shrug and a "you do you"/"Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man" and you still come back for more.
Why are you here? People like you puzzle me. I'll never understand how someone cares enough to grow their own pot, signs up for a forum to connect with other people doing the same but can't conceive how someone could care about every detail of getting the best possible product at the end of a grow. These are the people that should just buy, not grow. Grow less mids!
Honestly dude, I'm just gonna block you. You're a fucking clown. Seriously. You're not very bright, you've got no ambition to learn from others, contribute pointless drivel/shitposts and for being an old man you're not very mature/don't play well with others.