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High kev

Yankee seeds
Just got a pack from amazon with more coming was supposed to be here yesterday and another Thursday 31B93E5C-F04F-4606-84B7-97F292B8E1AD.jpegFB18BC76-E497-4F5A-A193-46407B2FB242.jpegFB18BC76-E497-4F5A-A193-46407B2FB242.jpeg🧐😳😧

High kev

Yankee seeds
I checked my package came from Kentucky but two have yet to arrive I don’t know where they’re coming from this is the first time I’ve ordered from amazon ever. Me is held up for some reason my 3000k boards

High kev

Yankee seeds
My wife says if I get it I have to go live my n the grow room
@High kev Just wondering when you were going to show up! Yeah, I read that too. Did you stock up on food and necessities yet? I'll be loading up on toilet paper!
i did but I have to go to work. If it hits anywhere near where I live I am def going to get it. My work is a shit hole that doesn’t get cleaned not even close to properly


Heathen Basterd
The fact that all International traffic and travel wasn't stopped immediately is fucking stupid. Borders should have been sealed off including putting Military on border with orders to shoot to kill any illegal crossing . Pandemics start by Governments more worried about the economy than its Citizens , At least the US is ahead of Canada who only went to level 3 , US went level 4 2 weeks ago,.

Highland Rogue

Really Active Member
The fact that all International traffic and travel wasn't stopped immediately is fucking stupid. Borders should have been sealed off including putting Military on border with orders to shoot to kill any illegal crossing . Pandemics start by Governments more worried about the economy than its Citizens , At least the US is ahead of Canada who only went to level 3 , US went level 4 2 weeks ago,.
What if "the pandemic" isn't supposed to be stopped and it's part of a plan to gain even more control over people, with a side dish of population reduction thrown in for a bonus?

In an emergency or catastrophe, trained sheep look to the shepherd for help, not realizing they're gonna get sheared eventually, by the shepherd.

But on the positive side, think of all the interesting people you'll meet at the "health camp" you'll be assigned to!
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