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Heathen Basterd
They should have suspended all flights from the effected countries immediately.

I recomend laying off the heavy sativas while watching zombie movies for the forseeable future.

And take 2 gummies and call me in the morning..
All International travel should have been suspended as soon as the Virus was known to be leaked, all borders shut down and Miltary enforcing all crossings, these cruise ships and airlines that kept running after the virus got out should all be sued till their nose bleeds. Its going to spread like the plague now and the fucking Chinese wont be held accountable at all. Should snake and nap that entire country .


Hobby Farmer
All the stores are out of those masks.....but there is a solution...Lettuce romaine calm.

Corona virus solution.jpg
I couldnt look at this picture for a while...i would laugh so hard i couldnt see to copy it..

That wedding dub is killer...Half a doob and done and laughing like a hyena for 10 minutes..


Just got back from walmart.................there isn't one bottle of peroxide, or alcohol on the shelves. But the store inventory said they had some. But the mexican woman who was working the aisle has them somewhat hidden, still in a closed case box. I know how shit works and se habla espanol poquito. I charmed her a little with my limited bonita senorita schtick, she rolled her eyes and she gave me 2 bottles. lol

Anyway, whoever's bright idea it was to let that lawyer go home under "voluntary quarrantine" should get in a knee or something. The lawyer that was too too rich........ to play by the rules everyone else did...........should be held accountable. Fuckers 40 min from here and his shit has spread to another town that's even closer. In fact my kids work one town over..
Ground zero here Kev............I'll give you the heads up if I die..........unless I become a Zombie, then all bets are off till after I eat


Upside down
Some stupid fuck got tested then went clubbing, shopping, working until he was confirmed positive. Was only the second in my area to have it. Expecting a blow up in these parts in the next few weeks. Interesting to see what happens.

People losing their shit around here atm. Buying toilet rolls??? For some reason I don't get it. I'm just casually going about my normal business. I'm not overly concerned about it tbh. But time will tell.

High kev

Yankee seeds
Some stupid fuck got tested then went clubbing, shopping, working until he was confirmed positive. Was only the second in my area to have it. Expecting a blow up in these parts in the next few weeks. Interesting to see what happens.

People losing their shit around here atm. Buying toilet rolls??? For some reason I don't get it. I'm just casually going about my normal business. I'm not overly concerned about it tbh. But time will tell.
I wonder how bad it is for the people that get it


I grabbed 40 or so rolls, but I hope there isn't that much shitting involved. ;) I may have to pull out the Mec 12ga and crank out some zombie rounds. And yes, you add needles to the loads unless you have some govt. issued fleshette rounds.
Anybody coming for my toilet paper is goin down ugly, it's that simple. :devilish:🔫


Hobby Farmer
I have a few boxes of Federal Power Shock #1 16 gauge buckshot for the side by side....chillin like a geezer on a front porch.

Shotguns really are the handiest firearm...from birds to big game you can take it down...a 16 gauge slug is a big hunk of lead and they make real fancy ones now...

BRING it zombies!

You need the toilet paper because WHAT IF YOU RUN soft the populace has become (I got 4 costco cases of TP so i can say that now)


Most folks don't know what a pleasure a 16g is to use. I got a progressive loader for the 16 too, in fact all of 'em :)
I can doo 100 rounds in 15 minutes, in every flavor lol.

Shot International Skeet for many years and got the hearing to prove it.

There's a bit of satisfaction making powder out of clay birds, but it's humbling to compete. You have to be over 99% avg to win.


I’m ready to tape and board windows. Got the pieces of wood cut. Just need to screw em in. My filters will keep me alive right??
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