The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
that would stand to reason!
This is also the second nesting by the same pair. Before she layed the eggs they were both busy apparently cleaning it out and sprucing things up. It may turn into a cozy mitten for eggs by the end of summer. They may nest one or two times more before winter.

But I don't see any increase in population from the kids hanging around so I need to put up more houses, but spread out by about 25' and on a structure. I tried the front porch but the finches own that spot so the gourd has wasps - which is fine. I'm going to hang the gourds I have left around the outside of the house and they can use whichever ones they want.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Product Endorsement.

Kozo Grinders

I dropped $30 on a 4" grinder It is amazing how large it is, and the grind is perfect.
I busted up 2 decent size top nugs and use it as the tray. Get out the stems but that's it
The tooth set-up is perfect so that if a sugar leaf is one of those semi-floppy outer ones it stays up top. I have a sift screen I toss it all on to dry or I'll decarb and wash it. But it's the stuff that harshes the burn ;) but it does get a good bit of kief off them.


Product Endorsement.

Kozo Grinders

I dropped $30 on a 4" grinder It is amazing how large it is, and the grind is perfect.
View attachment 137821
I busted up 2 decent size top nugs and use it as the tray. Get out the stems but that's it
View attachment 137822
The tooth set-up is perfect so that if a sugar leaf is one of those semi-floppy outer ones it stays up top. I have a sift screen I toss it all on to dry or I'll decarb and wash it. But it's the stuff that harshes the burn ;) but it does get a good bit of kief off them.
View attachment 137823
Most of the milled aluminum grinders will last a really long time if you take care of them. I had a cheap $15 3" milled aluminum grinder from amazon that lasted me years before I gave it to a friend. One of my best friends who's been smoking weed since we were kids still uses the same piece of shit grinder he got at a head shop when we were in high school. It drives me nuts when I see him use it. :ROFLMAO: @superdave.Kc will know who I'm talking about.

I actually found it's this piece of shit except the nickle plating on his is completely warn off so it it looks like pot metal with 30+ years of patina


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Most of the milled aluminum grinders will last a really long time if you take care of them. I had a cheap $15 3" milled aluminum grinder from amazon that lasted me years before I gave it to a friend. One of my best friends who's been smoking weed since we were kids still uses the same piece of shit grinder he got at a head shop when we were in high school. It drives me nuts when I see him use it. :ROFLMAO: @superdave.Kc will know who I'm talking about.

I actually found it's this piece of shit except the nickle plating on his is completely warn off so it it looks like pot metal with 30+ years of patina
View attachment 137824
You can see on the older small one that the inner part is fine but the outside coating has heavy wear. The new ones have the aluminum that is colored before it is milled, so there's nothing to wear off. The blades never touch each other or the other piece of the grinder unless you get stupid with it.

The other thing they did was put the "male" part of the middle on the grinder base instead of the lid. You can keep the middle from getting jammed up as well as keeping stuff mostly out of the edge. The only thing I have to clean really is the outer edge of the grinder and the inner edge of the lid. kief gets in there and gets hashed up.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
My blackberries are coming in good now, and I have definite deer path that stops before the woods do at a berry patch. I also have tons of grape vines that I have suspiciously never gotten many grapes from.

I saw a young buck (4-6 point) behind the house from about 20' away two years ago but it was a one time thing. I think I need to pay more attention LOL


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Thre were 5 Purple FLoyd beans, and they are coconuts. Yuuuuuuuuuge!

Then my OCD ass had to get some kind of idea how many were in the envelope. I counted out 100, weighed them then weighed the lot. it's in the neighborhood of 750 beans.

I also looked through the Heisen Dante's Inferno crosses and there were anywhere from 9 to 19 per case plus the commercial S1 packs of "8".

Good day LOL


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I got the up-potting I was postponing done. I flipped the three similar size Dirty Taxi 1-3 to get an accurate idea of what each smokes like.
From the left there's two Dominion G regs that still need a bit more size then flip. extra Chem91 in the corner. Three Coreys Crush with the OK Coma behind.On the right is the Dirty Taxi #1 that was bigger than the others. I gave her a new 2g pot and I'll be pruning and training to make a shrub. The FB68 that I am waiting to clone got one too. The 6 cups are the Blue Nose Pitt and 5 Chem&Koffee. I moved the seedlings in here too.
And I moved the Frosty MacFish re-veg in here with the other moms. Seems to be working well with just a 65w light.


Really Active Member
Most of the milled aluminum grinders will last a really long time if you take care of them. I had a cheap $15 3" milled aluminum grinder from amazon that lasted me years before I gave it to a friend. One of my best friends who's been smoking weed since we were kids still uses the same piece of shit grinder he got at a head shop when we were in high school. It drives me nuts when I see him use it. :ROFLMAO: @superdave.Kc will know who I'm talking about.

I actually found it's this piece of shit except the nickle plating on his is completely warn off so it it looks like pot metal with 30+ years of patina
View attachment 137824
Oh Dude I know exactly.. 😆 I dig it man. Very cool


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
After smoking on the last harvest I didn't do bad at all. The Trinity x OG, Muttzarella, One of the Headline and one of the CLHP x CSR are really potent smoke in different ways. The other CLHP cross and the astringent Headline are destined for some kick-ass edibles. I also gave up on the two Catpiss Kush from the Previous grow. Both were almost there but not quite.

The good news is that my keeper cut of Chemdog has that high that works. No matter what else you were smoking it cuts in for the next dance and you feel good. It has more of a peanut butter smell than chem though. The clones should sort that out and let me know what I have.


Flower update. Here's what the remaining tops on the Chemdog mostly look like. It's perfectly done (milky) but with very few amber, then the last gasp pistils are starting, and a few of those are including the means to self pollinate. I snipped a limb but I think I'm done with that. If I see a nanner it's a turkey-button. I want them to go as long as possible, but... "56-day Dog"?
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So the closet is the same and both of these are loving it. Frosty MacFish on the left is browning a bit.
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I moved the T-star to level things out so this is the Taxi tent. I have a clone from number 2 going, but I want to put all three that are the same size in 5g pots this morning and flip three at once to see how they grow. If I am going to decide on a keeper I need to be sure.
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The remaining Dogs, recent flips and the T-star mini-beast. I took flower clones off the Hollyweed cross last night.
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I picture this as the top on a huge outdoor plant.
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The Trinity crosses I have grown all exibit this same wild variety of resin gland head-size and shape.
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Some with no stalks at all, some with tree stalks. And they are milking up as the pistils brown. When she looks done from a distance she's done.
View attachment 137807
Absolutely lovely!


I did more rearranging and the non-weed stuff is in the 3x3 veg tent that I wasn't using.
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I left the marigold in here but that's it LOL
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I added the Dirty Taxi clone to the proper tent
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And with the closet now empty I'm going to flip 4 of these extras in 5g and let em ride. There's 3 taxi's and a Chemdog that can flip.
The seedlings in the 4 cups are the 3 Corey's Crush and the OK Coma. the ChemD Koffee ones are the 5 in the dome tray.
The BNP and the two ounty Line strugglers are wel rooted. I listed the little cel with each to see if it just needed to go. They may still do something.
View attachment 137685
For keeping moms this may be the ticket. One good clone with 8 sites leaves 4 to clone and 4 to flip.
View attachment 137686
I grow a lot of other stuff too.its tough sometimes deciding who goes where! I recently bought a bunch of really cool flower seeds like Primrose and Scabiosa pretty cool stuff but I'm having trouble because I'm gonna have to make room! Lol


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I grow a lot of other stuff too.its tough sometimes deciding who goes where! I recently bought a bunch of really cool flower seeds like Primrose and Scabiosa pretty cool stuff but I'm having trouble because I'm gonna have to make room! Lol
I have two light-racks in my living room for starting seeds. I put a curtain around them to keep it from being annoying but its always got something germinating or waiting to go outside. I have an assortment of marigolds going, and I started a some short-season determinate tomatoes to put in once they're big enough. I left spaces between my existing tomatoes and by the time these are ready for outside those will all be tall enough it won't shade them too much.

After 5-6 years of learning to grow and trying strains I am just now keeping cuts. I have been growing great smoke regularly, but all it took was a few runs of stuff that didn't do the trick to run out of the good stuff. No more LOL


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I got roots on one of the Flashback 68 clones and got her in a cup so that's set. I think once I see it going well I need to trash the others. Still waiting on the Headbanger but they are all still vertical and green.

The rundown as it stands is Chem91, 3 versions of Dirty Taxi that will be whittled down to one or two, and the Frosty MacFish reveg.
The FB68 has two versions and a third set that could be either of those two. I only need one but there may be enough difference to keep both.

I have a cheapo 40-cell dome/tray thing that has small compartments and I dropped the first 40 of the 1968 questionable seeds. Looking for a single viable plant out of 750 beans LOL I'm just gonna keep cycling through those until they're gone.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Since I had one with roots showing thrrough the cube I took the chance that all were about ready. I peeled most or all of the cube foam away and all were swelling and had some nubbies. I mixed 50/50 castings and seedling soil so it was still real find than just put them in real loose soil, the wateres than in a bit with a spray bottle.

I also soaked 40 of those 1968 beans and got them in soil this morning. 6/29 will be two weeks if nothing popped then I drop another 40. only 2 didn't sink but he said he thinks they weren't dry enough when he put them up so who knows.

FWIW it was super easy. I poured loose starter soil over the tray then brushed off the excess. I tapped it on the table a few times to pack the soil a little. I put the soaked seed in the middle of each one sprinkled more soil on top and leveled it off. Hit that with a garden sprayer of RO and called it good.

Big Terps

Growing on a dime
Hey i didn't want to clog Fiddlers thread, and dont no how to quote your reply and bring it to another thread so il just reply back in your home....

But ya with how good of a setup uve got going, even if that dispo was next door, ud still never need to go in 1 imo..

And thats one thing im bad at is giving a highly detailed description on what each strain is like...
I appreciate all the reports u document.. hell the list of strains that uve grown in the time ive been here is impressive...
If u havnt found your bread n butter yet, i thought i was a picky fucker.. lol

Im not a fan of the sativa's.. not growing nor smoking..
The 2 strains il allways stay away from is Durbin Poison and Jack Herrer .. just me tho..
Never grew em but definitely have seen good versions threw the years..
Hated the taste and effects..

The blue jack city sounds nice.. blueberries n lemons..
I like the sour chems, the one ground zero was a sour skunky ranch that was tasty.
Also the berry / grape/ fruity / candy ..

As long as it was grown properly, and cured at least couple weeks, and a hybrid or indica leaning im game..
Im also gonna start sum of those Heisens i just got soon.
Once my flowering plants get to bout 5 weeks from chop il drop more so i can have replacements to put in for next round

Thx for the info and link il check them out .


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
If u havnt found your bread n butter yet, i thought i was a picky fucker.. lol

Im not a fan of the sativa's.. not growing nor smoking..
The 2 strains il allways stay away from is Durbin Poison and Jack Herrer .. just me tho..
I actually have my bread and butter in the Chemdog. I have thought that I really liked some strains until I had enough to get sick of them. The Chemdog really gets me high. Laid back and chillin if I want it, but i'll also go forageing in the woods, or playing in the garden. I zone in on stuff. There's never any extra projects started after the dog, and some are completed well. The DIrty Taxi is just like that but with an almost euphoric feeling after a one hitter. It mellows toa smooth long lasting high, but you don't smoke it without thinking "that was my head dude - i'm so wasted"

The other bread and butter is a type more than a strain. Food. Not candy or fruit. Meat and potatoes, garlic, onions, Chinese food, chicken dinner, whatever. There's actually a lot of those. The CLHP, all the Trinity crosses, the TX Shoreline leaning Headline from Skunktek, and the Flashback68 so far. I'm not even keeping a trinity cut because I have a ton of beans to drop If I have my few go-to strains, the rest can be fond memories. I will still be popping the 100 Trinity x 707 OG Kush, and the T-star for quite a while, and each plant produces enough smoke that I'd be recloning a few times before needing to flower out more. Seeds are easier.

I'll likely keep a clone of the CLHP if I ever get one anf the Flashback has that over the top enjoyment factor as well. Since I have clones going anyway taking more is nothing, so I'll take flower clones of reg girls that seem interesting, but right now I have a closet and two tents in flower and there's Dirty Taxi and Chemdog all over the place. Too many moms means composting plants or never having room to grow anything else. So I am being realistic. I like varity too much, and there are very few strains that work every time you smoke them.

I have an F4 or F5 selection of Durban Poison from a dude that gives them to Dagga to hand out. Really nice body-odor and flowers with a high that's well roundedd. Not sure what the "jack terps" I keep hearing about are, but the Jack Herrer/Lemon Skunk is one Greenway used in a lot of the crosses I am digging. Not pure Jack, and the one that he lost was a Jack Herrer/Lemon Skunk Mazar.

I have been impressed with the Greenway stuff, there's been lots of variety in the profiles of the ones that used same pollen donor.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Another way I'm looking at it is that if I have 'excess' Chemdog or Taxi or whatever my edibles game is going way up.

Edibles is what I use for pain management. Smoke is for smoke, and taking that edge off. The meatier strains do relax me enogh to have that pain relief effect too


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Veg is where I make plans for morning stuff since lights don't go out until noon. The moms love this light but I think are growing faster than in the big tent. That's 40 of those 1968 beans, mom of the FB68.
The MacFish is a little monster.
two headbanger and three FB68. The healthy one in the back corner already had decent roots. The rest are in sink or swim mode.
This is the flower clones I took, seeing if the mini ones will take.
This is the second version of the 68, topped with 8 good nodes to grow clones.
Some up-potting to do in here tomorrow, and 4 regs in back look flippable