Platinum Lemon Cherry Gelato Contest Shit Talk & Banter


Fuckin' hippies
Dude seems to have an issue with new growers and long time “hippie” growers. Seems more to me that he just has a hard time getting along with anyone who isn’t in his Goldilocks zone of experience. I have no shame in admitting I’ve only been growing weed for 7 years, but I’ve been gardening for over 25, and managing more than one species of plant is what makes people actually learn. My flowers look just as good, if not better, than his so I’ll let others come to their own conclusions about how he’s progressed as a grower over those 20 years he has under his belt.

Deleted member 60

Coaxing those seeds right on @Frankie Eyelashes? Heehee.

Most of my indoor/hydro experience was years ago. My "Old school" thread details some of it...what I can remember anyway...LOL.

Shit changes. It's nuts. Many of the popular products of that era are gone. I sold untold cases of certain ferts...and now I can't even find a picture of the bottle they came in. Only shit like GH 3-part and some of the bigger names still remain. Ditto on some of the hydro systems of the day that were all the rage. The point is...most of what I learned then isn't all that relevant now. Take HPS/MH vs. LED. Yup...changes. What was once the standard now just isn't. is even badmouthed now by some as inferior...LOL. Like hippies. If you weren't can't know. STFU. It was a fun, interesting time. Far more than today.

The shit I know nobody wants to hear about and the shit I don't know is what everyone goes on about...LOL. Whatever. Just a different day and age...and payback. 20 years is a bit of grow time. No shame there. But the 15 before that was where it was WORK. No sharing easy seed clones sold in the open on Strainly/other outlets. Fuck...MOST folks were afraid to even set foot on the Net then. That's why "Overgrow" was so special. It was the kids with the balls...all in one spot. Everyone in the same illegal boat. The networking was huge and intense if you could tap into it.
Haha I don't split hairs I am an asshole when poked. There enough entitled know it alls in the world. I like to think I'm the equalizing force against that. Gotta go get that paper now. Have a nice day treefarmercharlie
Also I was just gonna give you a hug for all that awesome advice you gave me. For real like you had input "I soak bean" cool good for you puddin

Frankie Eyelashes

Active Member
Coaxing those seeds right on @Frankie Eyelashes? Heehee.

Most of my indoor/hydro experience was years ago. My "Old school" thread details some of it...what I can remember anyway...LOL.

Shit changes. It's nuts. Many of the popular products of that era are gone. I sold untold cases of certain ferts...and now I can't even find a picture of the bottle they came in. Only shit like GH 3-part and some of the bigger names still remain. Ditto on some of the hydro systems of the day that were all the rage. The point is...most of what I learned then isn't all that relevant now. Take HPS/MH vs. LED. Yup...changes. What was once the standard now just isn't. is even badmouthed now by some as inferior...LOL. Like hippies. If you weren't can't know. STFU. It was a fun, interesting time. Far more than today.

The shit I know nobody wants to hear about and the shit I don't know is what everyone goes on about...LOL. Whatever. Just a different day and age...and payback. 20 years is a bit of grow time. No shame there. But the 15 before that was where it was WORK. No sharing easy seed clones sold in the open on Strainly/other outlets. Fuck...MOST folks were afraid to even set foot on the Net then. That's why "Overgrow" was so special. It was the kids with the balls...all in one spot. Everyone in the same illegal boat. The networking was huge and intense if you could tap into it.


Also I was just gonna give you a hug for all that awesome advice you gave me. For real like you had input "I soak bean" cool good for you puddin
It's called "having a conversation". When people talk about how they do things they aren't trying to teach you to do things differently. If you can't carry on a conversation without getting your ego hurt then maybe forums aren't for you and you just need to stay in your protective little bubble.
You didn't tell how you do things.. You said that the h2o2 isn't going to do anything , you also stated that I shouldn't use rapid rooters.again who the fuck asked you? What fucking world are you living in. Where that tough guy go look at you getting all PC. I don't have bubbles my guy but I gladly pop yours. Bc this is these forums are the bubble dumb fuck look around someone pushes back on a comment and you went full fragile after I clowned your miracle grow. your the only ego that got hurt and it was right there. Well buddy I'm sorry by all means use your miracle grow all you want. You know we probably be good friends if you weren't a dick. See what we have in common neither of us wants to give up the last word.


You didn't tell how you do things.. You said that the h2o2 isn't going to do anything , you also stated that I shouldn't use rapid rooters.again who the fuck asked you? What fucking world are you living in. Where that tough guy go look at you getting all PC. I don't have bubbles my guy but I gladly pop yours. Bc this is these forums are the bubble dumb fuck look around someone pushes back on a comment and you went full fragile after I clowned your miracle grow. your the only ego that got hurt and it was right there. Well buddy I'm sorry by all means use your miracle grow all you want. You know we probably be good friends if you weren't a dick. See what we have in common neither of us wants to give up the last word.
Learn to read. First of all, I never told you not to use H2O2. Second of all, I also didn't tell you not to use rapid rooters. I said you should be careful with them because sometimes the seeds can't turn around and push out of the holes because they can be too narrow. The difference between you and me is that I learn from others when you feel like you know everything and have nothing to learn. You grow a weed, dude, get over yourself.

Frankie Eyelashes

Active Member
You didn't tell how you do things.. You said that the h2o2 isn't going to do anything , you also stated that I shouldn't use rapid rooters.again who the fuck asked you? What fucking world are you living in. Where that tough guy go look at you getting all PC. I don't have bubbles my guy but I gladly pop yours. Bc this is these forums are the bubble dumb fuck look around someone pushes back on a comment and you went full fragile after I clowned your miracle grow. your the only ego that got hurt and it was right there. Well buddy I'm sorry by all means use your miracle grow all you want. You know we probably be good friends if you weren't a dick. See what we have in common neither of us wants to give up the last word.


Dazed and confused
Well this conversation about popping seeds is great for me. Its probably the most stressful time for me. I can't afford failures im on a tight budget and seeds are expensive, at least to me. I just don't have all that equipment to control temperatures and stuff, I'm still using the old paper towel method lol... I'm afraid they'd get too cold now it's fall. My dad told me once it's what you learn after you know it all that counts lol