Greenpoint Seeds


Trying to finish plants outside is a real struggle here in the PNW.
I grew for a few years in various hoop houses and finally a conditioned hard frame GH.
The GH was a game changer, but come Oct. Nov. the dehuey was working overtime.
Almost every plant I grew outdoor was chopped early because of botyritis or PM.
Here's a pic of a Green Crack cola in one of my hoop houses.
First sign of a problem were these small leaves turning yellow,
twist open the bud and the interior was covered.
View attachment 131031

Plant was over 10' tall and the main colas were all wrist to forearm size.
Lost a lb or so and still managed to sell a lb to my local dispo!
Ya that's a sure fire sign something going on, on the inside when the sugar leaf dies.
Do dispo buy colas or do you take them all apart?


If you failed the tests you just can't sell it to a dispensary.
When everything went legal Or. had one of the strictest testing parameters around.
There were so few testing facilities that the amount of weed waiting in line for months was in the tons.
Before it went rec legal us med growers could get between 2k=3k a lb.
When it went legal the market was so flooded the avg dropped to about $800.


Not sure what this cross is but can only be one a few like animal cookies (probe this) purple larry, old school glue or frozen custard. The placards disappeared on these fornsome reason. Prob buried in the coco.

One reason why I love growing outside. The yields are always amazing. This one plant looks to be 12-16oz. Was only planted around mid June so not a lot of time to veg.16970880608087171422433518525340.jpg16970880860998994435541415437163.jpg16970881146581006082116861814446.jpg16970881268419019396200477538123.jpg16970881825852644342267671621651.jpg16970882148914777946047340175825.jpg


Let's see.........we ran two Purple Crunches, one Ice Cream Punch and one Stardawg F2 outside this year.

The Stardawg F2 had some issues with going into flower and re-vegging. 7' plant but it's all larf so into the hash bag it goes :)

The Ice Cream Punch was beautiful. Big ass colas that are very sticky. Mold started nipping at her early and I might have lost half the plant before I had amber enough to take it. Still made 4-5 zips. I have one backed up and just flipped it, inside.

The Purple Crunches did great, not a speck of rot on either one. That's saying something with what happened here weather wise this past season. Looks similar to the PP S1 but buds are a little fatter. I'm fairly psyched to smoke some.........maybe later today.