The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
More thinking out loud - I was pretty stoked to see a dozen fat healthy looking beans come out of that NL. That's plenty for one drop and maybe find a keeper mom. And the bagseeds are all fems but might be herm prone.

That same scenario getting a pack or three of beans from each female that was intentionally hit with a male would be stellar.

So the bagseeds are 50/50 herm mom and good mom, The regs are 50/50 male female. And both have a chance of nanners LOL
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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
If in fact this pollen thing ain't that much of a pain in the ass doing this mini-chuck then it might be cool for some older packs I have instead of just a mom hunt. Chuck it first then hunt that next generation. Lots to think about as your top-shelf is getting restocked ;)


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The early on both Polecats is that they are the same, and they are good smoke, but they are a mellower skunk buzz. Both have an acrid scent that is not quite skunk. Like a plant-y skunk. Skunk cabbage, something like that. But there's a meaty undertone to it that is extremely nice. It just don't bring the punch on the early check.

Fiddler's Green

Just a regular vato
.... this mini-chuck then it might be cool for some older packs I have instead of just a mom hunt. Chuck it first then hunt that next generation. Lots to think about as your top-shelf is getting restocked ;)
That's what I'm thinking with all my older unknown/unverified beans that I bought from The Single Seed Centre a few years ago. Pop them first and see if they are worth running again while popping a couple of the reliable breeder seeds to give me something to measure them against. I just wish I had the ability to do indoor to continuously work with the plants.


Insanely Active Member
That's what I'm thinking with all my older unknown/unverified beans that I bought from The Single Seed Centre a few years ago. Pop them first and see if they are worth running again while popping a couple of the reliable breeder seeds to give me something to measure them against. I just wish I had the ability to do indoor to continuously work with the plants.
I wish single seed center was still around. They were my favorite seed bank.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I need to go play in the dirt, but the karma bug has bitten. The Dogma in the tent is a girl so game on. But since I think I am doing this regardless instead of waiting three months to get it dried and cured I need to work out timing.

Instead of messing with the male for clones I may just chop him back as needed He can be the tall boy in the middle with the others stragegically placed. I think if I take a few from the girl now I can time dropping beans on it getting rooted. It may not re-veg, but if it does all I need is pistils not pretty flowers. And the flower clones have pistils everywhere regardles of veg or flower.

If I take clones today they should be rooted by the end of the month. Dropping the rest of the pack and anything else I want to hit can be on the first and everything goes to 12/12. I still think I need to separate the males as they identify and indroduce the girls all at once.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The 16th is 10 weeks on the Savage Headbands They are getting there.
Got the GP up-potted and the tents are set until I chop the SH. Then I'll split 'em 5 & 5 - counting the tiny-ass auto taking a space :ROFLMAO:
Snagged two lower clones off the Dogma and that's likely it. I'm not going apeshit with this. If they don't take I get one less female full of beans.


Insanely Active Member
The 16th is 10 weeks on the Savage Headbands They are getting there.
View attachment 120992
Got the GP up-potted and the tents are set until I chop the SH. Then I'll split 'em 5 & 5 - counting the tiny-ass auto taking a space :ROFLMAO:
Snagged two lower clones off the Dogma and that's likely it. I'm not going apeshit with this. If they don't take I get one less female full of beans.
View attachment 120991
Looks like you are winning the solo cup challenge. Nice cup @H.A.F.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I went ahead and moved the three John Lemon in to flip. 2 days shy of 4 weeks but they look stellar. The Purple Heart is a fem, so I need to up-pot it before I flip and it ain't ready. Lanky without much secondary growth. That said - it is one of 18 and a freebie fem. Not losing sleep over that one.

I was getting frustrated trying to figure out when I could drop beans and do this - cloning stuff and slow vegging etc. Fuck that. I just need to clone the Dogma male and female and not drop stuff for a minute LOL.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I snipped the clones but I'm trying something new... I stuck them in an aloe chunk and then into the fridge overnight. Tomorrow I'll get a dome rigged and get them in something, but I am leaning towards cups of soil instead of cubes. The male is still in veg and the female is not a big concern. Tiny cups with moist potting soil should be fine. I'm tired of making stuff difficult, then putting it off because it's a pain in the ass.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
This is the wrench in the works of me dropping the Dogma beans soon. I have zero confidence in my ability to contain pollen in a specific tent. So I can have nothing in flower other than what I want to be seeded. Working through this step by step LOL.
The Irie beans (JTR, TM, TC) were pack extra's. (i.e. buy a 12-pack and there's 14) and are regs so I could slow veg and let any girls catch pollen.
-The Chem91 will stay in veg as a mom regardless, maybe get a clone to catch pollen.
-Step Child were freebies. Same logic as the Irie stuff - let a girl catch pollen, I have another freebie pack of 5.
-CLHP? Everything. I have several pack left and smoke in the jar. One can catch pollen and one can hang out in veg for a big hash run or something. Those were the old beans with poor storage at first and a low germ rate.
-The Stones is the fucker... Only had 6 beans, never smoked it but I want to. So it would hafe to have all 4 on the ChemD and Chem91 plan for long-term moms - at least until I get done slinging pollen.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
So what I need to figure out is about how long it will take for beans dropped in 12/12 to start tossing pollen. Anyone know?

The plants I just flipped will be the deciding factor. If they are 8 week strains and there's a month before I have to worry about pollen, then I have to slow-grow everything currently in veg for a month. If they catch any it wouldn't have time to make a bean, but if they are a few weeks from done it could fill them with those tiny white immature things and fuck up the smoke. A 10-11 week strain would be fucked.

However... :unsure: my 3x3 and mini tent are in one bedroom on the other end of the house from the flower tents. If I have stuff that is slow to finish I could isolate them in another room and keep any pollen they get to a minimum.

One month from today seems legit, 5 weeks seems better. November 23 is the new moon and just over 5 weeks - and bean dropping time. Should see pollen by new years.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Setting a tentative workable date kind of chills thing out. I was planning on up-potting the baby plants soon but I'll just get them under less light and let them get a little big for their britches. Doesn't really matter what their long term goal is, everything can slow down.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I got some of the medicinal stuff up-potted, and I dialed back the lights to 80w. The ChemD just got a 1g and looks stellar. The Purple Heart 1:1 is looking really hempy... As soon as it shows some king of secondary growth I'll top it. The Milk & Sugar? No clue what to do. It's happy and heathy but it's a cluttered mess of tiny growth. And I'm scared to get in there with snips. Hoping it'll eventually get big enough I can just take all the lower stuff off or top it or something and make some sense out of it.
Neat trick I just learned with those little cups where the soil compacted and the plants were low, but they weren't ready for a bigger pot. My clear insert-cups are cut in half instead of having drain holes, the bottom is intact so it opens like a clamshell. I opened both sides to make sure no roots were sticking, then I slid the whole plug up to the rin and added some loose potting soil to the bottom!


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Here's a product endorsement I never expected. I got a sample pack of Terp Wipes with some order and I love them. Never thought I would actually buy them though. But as handy as they were I figured I'd check out the regular iso prep pads.

The difference is that the Terp Wipes are Ethyl alcohol, not iso. I think they add some lemony terp to it, but it's food safe. Then I looked at the prices and the isopads were damn near the same! And if you go to their website they are cheaper than amazon. Not sure about shipping.

Here's something that I noticed recently that was never an issue before. I get resin on my mustache. I think it's from having a joint hanging out of my mouth while doing other stuff. I smoked cancer sticks for decades and habits are habits. Funny that cigarettes never resined up the stash...

It's either that or the fact that now my endocannabinoid system is so packed that I now have resin as an exudate... :unsure:


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Oooooohhhh, combined with the timeframe of me getting those rolling machines.

I rarely use a crutch so I'll smoke 'em until I feel the heat if it's good joint-weed - which is what I smoke in joints LOL

Fiddler's Green

Just a regular vato
So what I need to figure out is about how long it will take for beans dropped in 12/12 to start tossing pollen. Anyone know?
From my very little experience at around week three the males will be dusting the leaves below them in multiple places so you can take isolated samples. After that it'll dust up like Pig Pen all over the place.

That's all I got vato, maybe @Heisenbeans @J.James @DET—PDX @High kev could give you the real good good