The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Chem mixed with just about anything sounds good.
Exactly! And to be able to hunt a few thousand seeds for a unicorn, or to share with people then that's cool. I could see having a keeper mom that just keeps getting upgraded as I find a better one, and being able to drop a few of my beans each drop along with everything else.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
But I have no interest in "creating". Leave that to the breeders that know shit. I think it would be awesome to have a fat mess of beans I made, but having it be something unique I made is a long term project for someone that likes that kind of stuff. If I had a Chem91 pack of regs there would be no contest ;)


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I just sorted it out. My personality is more satisfied with finally being able to grow consistently and see what each plant has. I don't really want to see "me" in any of the plants other than them staying healthy. I don't want to see Dynagrow in them, or GenHydro, or FoxFarms or anything else either.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The other side of that is that I'll probably do it one time - ever. If I try to do anything selective or any crosses there's a chance they might suck or be a hermfest. That ain't want I want for my only chuck. I think I can bring out the different expressions in the plant now that I couldn't a few years ago, so growing the same thing over and over from seed is fine with me as long as most of them will be great smoke.

That's why I bought 5 packs of the CLHP fems. I love it and I'll pop them. An not having to worry about cloning is a joy. But also why I'll be cloning my last chem S1's.


Just some dude
I just sorted it out. My personality is more satisfied with finally being able to grow consistently and see what each plant has. I don't really want to see "me" in any of the plants other than them staying healthy. I don't want to see Dynagrow in them, or GenHydro, or FoxFarms or anything else either.
You have some fantastic looking plants. I enjoy the cleanliness and effort you put in your garden. Thanks for the entertainment!


Violence. Speed. Momentum.
Stoner notes.
Everything I have chopped recently surpasses expectations with the high. The new stuff at 14 days is all fire, the stuff I have hanging is of the same varieties. I am gonna be set for ass-kicking weed for a minute or two.

If the Dogma that is almost two weeks is a girl that puts it roughly 3 months before I can taste it. I have until after it shows plus a week to take the flower clones optimally. I want to see the start of puff-balls on tops.

That's at least until January to keep a male and a flower clone around before I can even decide. Call it mid-feb.

If it rocks it should be beans wet and a one month veg (mid-march) then flip them all another month (mid-April) to get them sexed and separate them for a bit for the girls to make some flowers before getting hit too bad. Roughly a May 1 orgy.

That means mid-May to ditch the males and start the clean-up and get back to normal.

All I would need special is an open tent for the males to hang out for a few weeks while the girls mature. With each space in that bedroom being vented separate it could all be in there. It would just take a little care on my part if I need to open the male tent during those two-ish weeks as they are building flowers.


It gives me a winter project to keep me from starting my tomatoes too early so there's that...

So I think it's probably a go - pending the second one being a chick. I could take a clone now and probably not have to worry about re-veg, but that bitch would be huge or cloned three times before I would need to mess with a clone taken in a few weeks.
Damn dude hell yeah you gotta a plan Id say! Idk why but I've always been an in the moment type of guy. I just pop shit and then figure out what to do with it., I still pop way more shit than I can fit in my tents. I have a bunch of tents but I don't wanna start putting them in other parts of the house aka the fucking living room. If I lived alone then it would be on all day. Hell, Id turn both bedrooms into tent rooms if that were the case and sleep on the couch :ROFLMAO:

I agree having a big ole bag O beans would be awesome. Especially if they are stable fire. You got a nicely laid out plan tho dude. I like the switcharoo when you find a sexier lady idea. I think if they are similar enuf the it just comes down to the high. If its all just for you the Id assume its a limited umber of cuts to keep. Idk Id say like 5 or so? Then each new seed is a challenger to the throne. I'm usually pretty hard on judging weed. Id also have to run that sucker a few times indoor and out before I settled on a new lady and chucked the old one. Orrrrr give that cute to a growmie to hold if they like it ad just maybe you ca revisit it later. Less likely lol.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Then each new seed is a challenger to the throne. I'm usually pretty hard on judging weed. Id also have to run that sucker a few times indoor and out before I settled on a new lady and chucked the old one.
That's the general idea. Just one gladiator mom. I think after growing a handfullof the beans what's popping will stop being a mystery after a bit- and when it is you'll know it. Good unicorn or bad unicorn, I think it'll be obvious. Probably depends on how many dominant phenos pop as well, might keep one of each.

But not necessarily because one is better - one is younger and healthier. I could see having a mom of each pheno I liked, or if there was a boof pheno being able to recognize it early and at least not worry about cloning it.

Anyway, my long-term project would be playing with the results of one chuck, rather than a bunch of breeding.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The fact that a boy plant got me thinking about it is prophetic though, I don't like fucking with karma.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
If the Dogma ain't it I may go for the Homecoming Queen from CLG. It was a bitch finding a girl but she was amazing, and I just smoked the last of the clone runs of it yesterday. Year and a half old and still fire. Ease of trimming, fire weed, and the little dense marble-nugs that never had an issue with rot or mold or anything.

I only have one pack of those and I don't think he's making more.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Looking through @J.James beans I have and there's a few packs of regs I might want to do an increase on. 4th Gear, Dank Sinatra, Croquembouche, or maybe one of the Hippie Crippler crosses. Then again, that's also years of fire I have to grow without making more beans so that's where the small mom harem comes in. I have too many open packs.

So if it ain't Dogma I may pick something else and proceed with the plan.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I bucked the NL from Hillbilly Bob and was not impressed. It didn't finish very nice, probably because it had an assortment of perfect coconuts hanging out top to bottom. So she gets decarbed, but I got a pack of beans out of it! I am hanging on to all these. The Bad Attitude plant that tossed is fucking fire!
Just the Dogma and the 1g GP up front waiting on sex still, but the GP looks a lot better without the palm fronds on it. Checked again before lights out and nothing. The Dogma has preflowers starting on one side of one node that could still be anything.
The two Amy Aces on the right are way different.I stuck with the plan and pulled all the lower mainstem fan leaves. Lots wereshading lower limbs I may keep. The front Amy has a zig-zag stem from node to node, and it started a triploid rotation instead of a paired node or just offset node thing that's almost paired. They are 120 degrees from each other instead of being 90/180. The result was that none of the fan leaves are right on top of anything. Pretty cool.
The Savage Headband is a nice plant. Both have solid nugs top to bottom and they are getting knobbu and gnarly as they plump. The regular one has is just a good plant all around
The mutant two-top has tops just smaller than baseballs. Plenty of smoke there, and I changed my mind about re-vegging it. Too much other shit on my plate if I do the chucking thing. I have 8 beans each of the SH, the Polecat and the DominionG. I need to try the DominionG but with the new dynamics each of those are prime candidates for a mom plant. So no more 2-bean-trials for them.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
If the Dogma that is almost two weeks is a girl that puts it roughly 3 months before I can taste it. I have until after it shows plus a week to take the flower clones optimally. I want to see the start of puff-balls on tops.

That's at least until January to keep a male and a flower clone around before I can even decide. Call it mid-feb.

If it rocks it should be beans wet and a one month veg (mid-march) then flip them all another month (mid-April) to get them sexed and separate them for a bit for the girls to make some flowers before getting hit too bad. Roughly a May 1 orgy.

That means mid-May to ditch the males and start the clean-up and get back to normal.
This is why I jot shit down on here. The part I didn't consider was that I don't need 100,000 seeds. No way I want to be vegging them for a month before flipping. I probably need to start them at 12/12, the males don't need to be big at all to pollenate one tent. This should happen in 1g pots max. Probably good to do several incremental re-pots to continually keep them a little more happy but never giving them room to take off.
Small solo-cup to the regular size, to the 1/2g then the 1g and each time I should get a week or two reprieve from them being rootbound.

Shouldn't take that long at all from dropping the beans.


Insanely Active Member
This is why I jot shit down on here. The part I didn't consider was that I don't need 100,000 seeds. No way I want to be vegging them for a month before flipping. I probably need to start them at 12/12, the males don't need to be big at all to pollenate one tent. This should happen in 1g pots max. Probably good to do several incremental re-pots to continually keep them a little more happy but never giving them room to take off.
Small solo-cup to the regular size, to the 1/2g then the 1g and each time I should get a week or two reprieve from them being rootbound.

Shouldn't take that long at all from dropping the beans.
No mercy


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I have the Dogma male and the possible female, and 14 more beans. If I have a tent half-full of 1g pots then I'll have room to sacrifice several fem beans for a quick 12/12 to catch pollen too. A plant the size of the auto I have going is all I need to get a hundred seeds per plant.

I think this is going to make it more fun to try instead of it being a long drawn out process.

Not even close to being decided on the Dogma. It might not be my thing. But with the shorter timeframe plan I'll probably start them or something around New Years.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
If the other Dogma is not a girl then I chuck both males and maybe do it sooner with something I already know I like.