The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
So here's that light. I think it must have some good spectrums or something. No blue though.
Not only is it at 60%, it is really high. Last nights stoner idea seemed legit still so I tossed the Piff in here. Less light but today they'll get extra to ease into it. Instead of lights out at noon they get an extra 12 hours. I may bump it up to 80% while they are in there. I'll see how they do for a day or so on the regular schedule. This clone thing is a great morning coffee activity to make you feel productive...
I up-potted the skunks and took the MAC cross clones. This is my easy-cloning method. still don't know if it works. I am going to let them sit in the aloe chunks for a few hours, and there's water in there too. All I did was scrape the stem around the node then cut the 45 degree, then into the aloe. Now I'm going back in to shove them in those cups.
I have some fine-sifted pumice in the bottom then some worm castings about halfway since it's clones and not seedlings they need food sooner. I split the clear cup up the sides for drainage instead of poking holes for the roots to get tangled in. It opens like a clamshell for transplant. Worked like a champ for the auto I wanted to get potted before the roots got big. I think that pumice keep the roots busy so they aren't running out of the cup as much, but there is some in the bottom of the cup as well for drainage. so far it's been easy to untangle any roots that escaped and ease them out of the cup without damage. I fill the top with really fie seed starter soil that packs well wen wet and retains moisture, and I get it pretty damp. Just jam the already sharpened clone in.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Thanks man
Spent the evening with the ladies ;) cropping some pics and figured I'd address this first. Keep in mind that I got it specifically for a clone tent. Low light, low exhaust and minimal ventilation since I want it humid, etc. Putting the seedlings in there to slow them down is a good example of the tent's purpose.

Based on this light and tent I would recommend one of their set-up's if you are shopping. I think the price point is decent and the quality is good.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Only thing of note is that one of the SkunkXXX from the Adam Dunn show company is at 5 weeks and three days since flip and already has an all over tan starting - maybe 30% brown pistils. The Other SkunkXXX and the Bluperskunk from the punk rock dude are looking like 10-weekers. The quick one has a more fruity smell, but sour leaning. The longer one has some dankness to it. It's a 3-way cross between Skunk#1 x Shiva Skunk x 82 Kentucky Skunk. I know the Skunk #1 wasn't skunky. No clue about the other two but we'll see since I have two different pheno's, clones, and 3 more beans to pop. They are the far ones. I really don't care about finding the skunk smell so much as that buzz, and the other thing I remember about that skunky stuff back in the 80's was there was also a lot of pine. I'm thinking the chem-stink with pinene cured right will get you close, whatever strains have that.
The Momma Moonshine got a major defoliation. One of the droopers has the fermented berry smell I remember. The perkier one on the left is the one I snagged a short clone from. It's getting chunky faster, but doesn't have that stench yet. Doing the defoliation I was tempted to remove some lower limbs just for ventilation so I might as well get in there and take more flower clones. The other two are stretching more so I should be able to get 2-4 from each. Something will root. And looking at it from a purely preservation standpoint I'd rather have more chances of a survivor than a few more limbs of larf. The 2 DeChempose look and smell like twins so I have no reason to clone them. More beans...
I raped and pillaged a bonnie-plants cupholder for the plant I'm just sexing ;)
These CLHP look much better than either the mom or the first clone. Those two seemed to have paper-thin leaves that got wilty-looking even though they aren't. Like they are/were very sensitive to my low humidity. The Grandpa's stash got topped right before flip to limit the mass even the canopy and it looks fine with it.
My three fems I started with the Piffs for no good reason other than it was 4/20 are going as planned since the main goal is to get a clone to hang on to for the Chemdog, and the others as well since I haven't grown anything from Fletcher before (Archives Crazy Hazy) and because the CCC from ethos is one of three freebies and I killed the first. But mainly just to try the smoke - which I have more of than room at this point. So thinking about that logically these should go into the clone tent to chill as well. It looks like the Piff are dealing with it OK, but they went from happy to droopy in a few hours so I bumped it up to 80w. They look better now so I might be able to keep it there and not get the clones all excited.
The two auto seedlings have way different seed-leaves, so it is possible I have one from each pack. Might be two pheno's of the Mind Crawler as well. The Cheesecake Smoothie is gonna be about a slice instead of the whole pie


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I have another one going in mid-flower, and the sea of green and mini-pot clone just flipped so I am going to have to stop harping on the CLHP at some point or this is gonna get boring as fuck. The fact that I plucked the crows-feet from anything with density should say something. Partly because I want to smoke it all, partially because the more sugar leaves I pluck the more dry sift I get :cool:
IMG_0479 (2).JPG
That's 7g of larf on the right that I get to play with between now and cured. I left the tops together for now, and everything on the left is marbles of dense, smelly goodness. This one has more of an orange/citrus smell than the first one but everything else smells spot-on like the first. Like there's an added something special. The smells while cleaning it were a buzz in and of itself. Chemical orange chicken. A big fat bowl hit was not harsh, and the exhale tastes like one of those chicken bouillon cubes smells. And now I'm really high. I'm gonna keep hitting bowls and see where it takes me 😁

Try it. When he sends out the next batch of testers he's selling me some more. The fact that the second run wasn't a disappointment making me cry over the lost unicorn makes me very happy. Now I want to run all the beans. Next time I get low on smoke I can pheno hunt for bulk instead of cloning. I timed this one well and still have two fat nugs of the original left to compare the two side by side after it's cured.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
It finally hit me that I have been growing my vegetable garden with seeds from shitty breeders. I'm talking the Burpee, Bonnie plants etc. Just because they have a beefsteak doesn't mean it's a quality version of the tomato. We harp on budweiser weed - generic dispo shit that meets the testing requirements but has no fire. I dropped $250 on a pack of Aficionado seeds because it was "a deal" and I wanted to see what the hype from this seed company was. Then I go to walmart and get starter plants or packs of seeds to grow my food...

I just dropped $50 on a selection of heirloom seeds from a family farm seed company. No tomatoes since it's a little late to start those, but that's where I'm shopping for next years tomatoes. I am also gonna be saving seeds from everything. So much easier than with weed. A few like tomatoes and cukes are a little more involved than just letting it dry out, but you only need a few seeds to pop for the next years harvest. And just growing for me my garden looks like my tents. it's gonna be a variety jungle. Since I got that little tiller I have been changing bare spots into food production.

This area was written off because of the monolith, and the hardwood stump by the mustard at the bottom left. It's all tilled to about 3" and I'll just keep building the soil from there instead of worrying about how deep I dig. This fall when the fence comes up I'll re-work it all into a larger fenced in garden, with a rock and a stump. I planed a few row crops on each side of the boulder, some bush beans above the log/terrace, french breakfast radishes, watermelon radishes, and I planted the corn for a three-sisters hill (pole beans and squash go in after the corn is up) there at the top with the rice hulls on top. That was a part of compost pile shifted to the left with worms and all, then dirt sifted onto the top to give it more substance.
I still have the large bare areas for something. I just spread some clover there for now to beep other weeds from starting. IMG_0482.JPG


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Been busy. I got another tier done and I harvested some yard clover with the mower to use for mulch. Once it dries a bit I'm tilling that in and adding compost. About the only thing it's too late to start on is peppers and tomatoes. I have a wide variety of carrots and some other stuff in the mail so I am waiting until I see what's what before I commit. That little stump has a root that runs right down the edge of that new tier so that was the stopping point.
That's also about as far as I can go without getting too much shade so I have a finite space to plant all the stuff I want to grow and most of which I don't have room for. Like my tents, I'll just grow a variety and see what I like then grow bulk next year. This area is a more gentle slope than the land to the left. Ancient trees kept the same ground from eroding for a long time, but right at the edge there's a good 4-6' cliff. Also of note, any cardboard that isn't shiny or waxy is mulch and so far it works good just to keep from tracking in mud. The stuff was getting burned in that eye-sore cinderblock stack but I'm getting tired of looking at that. All those rocks piled up against that fence are the stuff I am excavating. Now there's no need for that part of the fence and it could all be the same garden. Next year is gonna rock.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
On the inside, I got the latest plants topped and have nowhere to put them so I may move the three fems in here to the clone tent to slow down. I got clones from these three,
but not from the Piff. They stretched nice in the low light but I'm scared to let them veg too long. 14 week strain is likely to go crazy after flip.
I also topped the Sangria Cookies, Lemon Tree and Banana Hashplant that are just preservation stuff for future clones - or not. I took flower clones from two of the Momma Moonshine, one has that funk I was hunting so I snagged 4 from her. The Skunks are getting big so they got one gallons.
The Skunk XXX moms are definitely easy to tell apart. They are entering week 7 since flip.
Please don't judge. All of these were supposed to be 1' tall clones getting pollenated right about now. It's gonna be a logjam for a bit.
The Mommas just droop. they are healthy as all getout but their structure will not allow those top leaves to pray. The DeChempose left and right up front are just beautiful. One is a mutant with triploid and 4-ploid nodes on two of the four limbs so I left all their fan leaves on where I pruned limbs - and they are still healthy and crisp at the very bottom.
The Sky Struggler was a girl so I stuck her in a 2g as well. The CLHP seems to love it. These are where the Piffs and fems should be vegging, and maybe thinking about flipping right about now... The CLHP SOG has two that are being runty so I stuck it in the middle to get the best light. I think it's just gonna have to sit in the corner


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Beautiful work vato! Have you considered a trellis for the Piff to help tame and train that growth?

Those tomatoes are big, mine haven't even broken ground yet.
I had my first ripe cherry tomato yesterday and it was divine! Probably a few weeks before anything makes it out of the garden. I put stuff out in March and lost most of it. The huge cherry tomatoes are the ones that re-vegged.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I should mention that the reason I didn't clone the Albany Piff is that I can buy more from @High kev if I need more. Same for anything from @J.James or @Heisenbeans unless I want bulk of something that is pheno-specific like the H's Lemon Tree. I have a few more beans left, but I was 1 for 2 on getting the lemon so it's cloned until I see if this is the one. Make a good stash with the clone or it's babies if it is then move on. The cloning thing has it's uses for me, but I don't see hanging on to much of anything long term unless it's the last few beans and I can't get more. The Chemdog and ChemD are two possible exceptions, but they're fems so I don't need to decide yet.

The one-pot SOG thing is looking like it has possibilities. I was scared about the clones vegging too long in the cups but I think more clones and waiting a bit longer after rooting to get the sizes sorted might be best. 4-5 in a 5g seems optimal.

Quick early report on the recent chops.

Loud Lemon Sorbet - Ganja Farmer - Had the lemon smell at week 9, harvested at week 10 and it had less. Smoking it this morning and the buzz is not worth the extra week. Pull it at 9 next time and see if the terps make the difference. It's a decent high that creeps up a bit but I have plenty of those. Had to round it off with a bowl of the

Thunderhole - Dominion - dank OG-ness, tastes like pine needles and brings the face punch.

Williams Wonder - AK Bean Brains - tropical fruit dryer sheets. get stuff done high, nannered before it was done and the buzz matches that.

Mountaintop Mint - Humbolt Seed Co - A little minty. Might cure into more, decent buzz but nothing mind blowing - probably a hunt for one like with the Lemon Tree. :unsure: I wonder if these were bred in the place in Spain that got raided... Not a part of Chad Pennington's expansion that I approve of. Got greedy and I bet the product suffers.

And the recently cured stuff.

Memberberry - Ethos - Nice but I bet there's a better one.
Grandpa's Stash - Ethos - I got plenty from the first plant - I am running the clone to get more. Top notch.
Velvet Heat - Exotic - Ok smoke, OK buzz. Still undecided.
Road Dog - Lucky Dog - Not quite the chem I was looking for but it's close, The rest of the pack might have one.
The Cream - Irie - Re-vegging but the clones from it are not taking well. I'm keeping the mom until I get one to take and eventually want to do a big run.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
On the County Line Hashplant - CLG - that I said I wouldn't harp on...

I am thinking that it is the exact same pheno as the first time, but I grew it better. That's the easiest explanation I can find for it having the same exact smell - plus. This smells up the room like nothing else I have grown when you open the jar. After the initial blast of mass-funk I can pick up orange and a hint of licorice/tarragon that were not there with the chicken smell the first time.

I don't remember exactly how I was growing the first plant but there were no worms involved. More anecdotal evidence on organic growing.
So what I'm saying is it seems to be a pretty stable line. @Zaphod420 got chicken smells as well growing hydro so I think if you want to try that KFC Hashplant there's no doubt you'll see it throughout the pack.
I was on the porch over at a buddies house and broke out a nice nugget of CLG KFC HP(Run DMC) and like 10 seconds after I got done grinding it up to roll a joint a couple of people came out of his house and said, "what and the hell is that?" :ROFLMAO:
That weed smells AMAZING! It truly is like a spice cabinet set on BLAST.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
This is now just auto's and a freak. I don't care about weight, but going by nug production this baby-flower isn't much smaller than the Thunderhole I just chopped. I'll definitely get enough for a good taste of it. Interested to see if the other two hit about the same general size before stopping in this size pot.
I sexed that Sky Cuddler and found it was a girl, then I up-potted it out of habit. I dumped that shit back out and composted the plant. The other clone I have is starting to look a little better but still not great. At least I'm not long-vegging a male. Everything got at least a little water tonight 4 gallons wet the whole herd. Next watering I am doing drastic lower-limb pruning on the SOG to keep the top-count for each plant down to a minimum.
The MAC1 x Orgi is fucking weird! I think it has those trichomes without stalks, it has little purple spike-leaf-things
And it has stem-hair-trichomes on the buds. Looks like an Italian woman that doesn't wax her sideburns and mustache 🤷‍♂️
IMG_0544 (2).JPG
The Mommas and the DeChempose are all putting on weight. This CLHP is the worst looking of the bunch this round. It never looked awesome in veg either but it'll be awesome smoke. Just compared to the SOG and the little 2g, this one has papery thin leaves with some wierd crinkle to them.
The Sangria Cookies needs to stop now... Since the other tent has independently adjustable lights the stretchers end up in the tent with the single bar light :rolleyes:


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Now there's no need for that part of the fence and it could all be the same garden. Next year is gonna rock.
Unless you're OCD and have all the materials on hand to make it happen then next week's gonna rock. This all started because I didn't want to drag the garden hose across anything important. So I was going to put up a fence post or two just as a guide/protector for the hose. Then I saw the roll of fence...

Got some tilling to do now and more room to grow suff. If you have hard or rocky soil I highly recommend a broadfork. I got a mini pitchfork model but the real ones are about 18" wide with 2 handles. It has a step so you can drive it into the ground then wiggle it to loosen the soil. Before tilling or to remove a rock the tiller finds it's perfect. That silly notch is just there because I had the fence there, with a gate, and I already had peas planted along that fence so it had to stay.


Insanely Active Member
This is now just auto's and a freak. I don't care about weight, but going by nug production this baby-flower isn't much smaller than the Thunderhole I just chopped. I'll definitely get enough for a good taste of it. Interested to see if the other two hit about the same general size before stopping in this size pot.
View attachment 115036
I sexed that Sky Cuddler and found it was a girl, then I up-potted it out of habit. I dumped that shit back out and composted the plant. The other clone I have is starting to look a little better but still not great. At least I'm not long-vegging a male. Everything got at least a little water tonight 4 gallons wet the whole herd. Next watering I am doing drastic lower-limb pruning on the SOG to keep the top-count for each plant down to a minimum.
View attachment 115037
The MAC1 x Orgi is fucking weird! I think it has those trichomes without stalks, it has little purple spike-leaf-things
View attachment 115040
And it has stem-hair-trichomes on the buds. Looks like an Italian woman that doesn't wax her sideburns and mustache 🤷‍♂️
View attachment 115039
The Mommas and the DeChempose are all putting on weight. This CLHP is the worst looking of the bunch this round. It never looked awesome in veg either but it'll be awesome smoke. Just compared to the SOG and the little 2g, this one has papery thin leaves with some wierd crinkle to them.
View attachment 115035
The Sangria Cookies needs to stop now... Since the other tent has independently adjustable lights the stretchers end up in the tent with the single bar light :rolleyes:
View attachment 115038
Does the Mac1 x Orgi smell like a tomato plant? The fuzz looks like the fuzz on a tomato plant. Beautiful!