The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The Thunderhole is gonna actually have a yield. She's plump, stinky, and about the same size as one of those ceramic Christmas Trees your grandma had - with the little plastic "lights" that poked into it. I think it'll pull the same weight I have been getting from everything else, in the 1.5-2oz range after drying, or for my purposes about an ounce of primo and enough lower stuff to play with early and not feel guilty. Lot's of milk but very little amber so far. Her and the Loud Lemon Sorbet will be 10 weeks into flower on the 10th.
The Loud Lemon doesn't look as done as I think it is. The second round of pistils was thin, bit evenly sprinkled everywhere. The leaves are showing some senescence and the bud-leaf trichs are all showing that creeping-purple up the stalks everywhere the leaf is turning.
This is the only veg area right now other than the clone tent. To keep everything a little smaller and give me more headspace at the same time I went to the 6" nursery pots instead of 1g.
This is the clone tent. 80w of what appears to be the right spectrum is killing it in a 3x3. Since the usual seed tent was full I stuck the freak and the auto's in here with the clones. I am almost ready to do my SOG with the County Line Hashplant. I have two tops that are further along than the side-branch clones, with eleven total. The plan was to keep one top as a mom, but I'll never grow the rest of the beans I have if I keep this up. I need to figure out pot-size and get that set up beginning of next week.

This will thin out immensely as I smoke the other stuff and cull. Many are just hanging around until I see if they bring the same fire the previous bean did. If not I'll find another. The Cream is the tall one in the center just getting real leaves after re-veg and I am getting a few clones today. I love the smoke so far, and it has a lot of good qualities early - and it was a lucky first female out of a 5-pack of regs. Same with the two SkunkXXX, but the Bluperskunk, Williams Wonder, and Grandpa's Stash will not be cloned further. I have plenty of those beans to pop so now it's a question of whether to flower these out or compost them. As long as they stay happy in the tiny pots they can stay. The Sky Struggler finally has clones that look sturdy. Popped the bean in January... I have one in the closet to sex and the other just in case I want to keep it.
So I think preservation of stuff I can't pop another bean for is the primary goal. Secondary will be if I want to do a bulk run with the saved clone or not. For example, I am not cloning the Albany Piff - I know where I can buy more if I like them. But I have seven more Cuban Black Haze crosses from @High kev to run through, and one set of 5 is going to take 12-14 weeks minimum in flower. Now that I can keep plants healthy for that long the only issue is if they stretch like mad. This run gets the 4-week veg like everything else, but I have heard that flipping them when they are this size is another option since they will still wait to flower until they are mature enough but will obviously flower at the first opportunity without me holding them back.

Did I mention I was pretty high today?


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
You get a lot done high!!! Nice work H.A.F.
Thanks dude - springtime is my jam. I just have to remember not to fuck with the indoor stuff immediately after doing the outdoor stuff.

I get fat and lazy during the winter. If I had the clone stuff going (daytime activity) it would help, but I'm just not motivated by indoor shit. The gardening is bringing the outdoors indoors so that's probably why I am really digging it. As soon as stuff starts budding in the spring I go into siesta mode. I'll be busy outside in the woods or gardening or yard stuff until I need to eat. Then it's food and a siesta. And my garden stuff indoors is off during the day to keep the heat down during this season. They click on at 7pm local which gives me a prime-time activity as well as a little time in the morning to do some pre-lights-out stuff. I'm already back down to my fighting weight and it just gets shifted during the summer. And it'll shift back during the winter because i don't give a FUCK!!! :ROFLMAO:


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I feel that!
I started busting out the sprout trays for the garden and the boss reigned me in "whoah Kemosabe, we didn't start until June last year"
I dropped seeds in January, planted some stuff in March. Hard frost in early April. I replanted the stuff I saved but most is re-vegging and looking like normal tomatoes and peppers now. :rolleyes:

That was part of the wintertime boredom thing. Next year everything centers around 4/20. Plant stuff so it is Burpee-hardware-store-plant size and ready for the ground 4/20.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I forgot to mention that the Loud Lemon Sorbet is very aptly named. I did a good rub on it and at first there's a sharp/smoky thing going on, but it mellows to a lemon smell, and I'll be damned if it doesn't smell just like lemon sherbet. If it didn't have that name I would have kicked it around until I came up with exactly what is advertised


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
My humidity hovers in the low 60's when it's not winter. The AC keeps the temp 72F so in a dark closet with a fan you end up with about 66F and rH at about 60%.

The Mountaintop Mint is the lanky one that can hang out of the way as other plants are hung. I am going to leave it in there and see what happens. It's at day 8 from harvest and settled out at 25% of the original weight. I am gonna leave it in there for a month and see what happens. Today I snipped off a few lower limbs that were basically 2 nugs and a top. Not even an eight between the two. The smell is pretty much OG. It does have a minty bit on the exhale but nothing that would have made me think "wow! that's minty!" unless the name was already in my head. Looking for it youn can find it.
The shorty is the Williams Wonder and I could not hang it whole. Every limb was touching every other limb and it was a mold factory waiting to happen. I just started at the bottom and snipped spreads of 4 limbs so they don't touch. Chunky, sticky, and slow drying. Tropical fruit smells.

If the project turns out alright I may put in some racks or several levels of hanging poles and just wait to jar stuff until it's cured.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
@Heisenbeans here's my garden. roughly 15 x 20 but I'm expanding it by levelling/terracing and de-bouldering the soil. There's a 7-8' diameter oak stump buried in that lower right corner where the retaining cloth is. I brought in deadwood from around the property for the bottom (hügelkultur) so I didn't have to bring in as much soil. There's a mini-terrace where those logs are in front of the T-post. Behind the garden is a peach tree I [planted that looks like it might finally make fruit this year, and a mulberry tree that I got gallons from last year. That boulder on the left was what I levelled today and I just threw down clover seed for now. The rabbit fence worked last year, and I left that shaded part under the mulberry outside the fence to go to seed and keep any woodchucks, rabbits and such occupied. Eventually this will just be my salsa garden with tomatoes and peppers, but there is a little of everything. Some corn for seed, sunflowers, herbs, and each section of the fence will have cucumber, peas or zucchini.
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The problem is that I only get about 6 hours of good sun a day. This is looking up from the garden. The tree stump my garden is over is what kept this area open I have another few oaks that are older than the United States. and the area they cover stays tree-free for the most part.
So this area was a slope where another oak was. I paid a dude to push it level and re-distribute the dirt (good old-growth stuff) but it was super packed by the equipment. I spread clover and covered everything with leaves, but some spots were too packed. The clover on the bank was planted at the same time as the flat part. I am thinking about having a load of soil brought in but you never know what you'll get. For now it'll keep getting lawn clippings, wood-chipper limbs, amazon boxes shredded, and more seeds with some root veggies once there's a little soil loose. The plant roots do wonders and I ain't in a hurry. This will eventually be for row-veggies like corn and beans and such.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Spread dandelion seeds on the area to bust up the hard pack. I did that to an bare hard area behind my shop and it helped. A big load of wood chips would soften the ground after a couple years too.
I have some various wildflowers going to seed as we speak. And I've been mowing them up and dumping that there as well. I was thinking root veggies like radishes, turnips and such for the same reason. That taproot ;)

I also have a little tiller so I may tackle it in small bites as I want to plant something.

Fiddler's Green

Just a regular vato
I was going with free and abundant lol.

This year in the veggie garden I will be bagging the clippings inside the garden and dumping them as a thick mulch around the sunflower patch, flowers and corn to experiment. I set aside a bunch of the gnarly knotty bucked logs (not worth the energy even with an 8lb maul) and semi rotted split pieces for future beds.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
2 days ago I had the power trip off for a few hours at a bad time. I don't think anything is gonna re-veg but I saw what might be a nanner starting on the CLHP. She's right at 8 weeks and milky all over so I am just going to pull it. I have her clone in the other tent about 4 weeks into flower, and a SOG getting ready to take her place in another 7g - or in this one :unsure: . Setting that up today now that all the cupped clones are showing good roots. Lights went off a few hours ago so I can snag her out of the tent any time now.
The fat milky resin glands look like they're floating. She has real thin stalks compared to the heads. The nanner pics didn't turn out which is why I am not sure, but the trich pics look good top to bottom. This one has more of a orange/citrus smell than the first bean, but still real strong on the chicken smell. Might be looking at a "Duck A L'orange" pheno ;)


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I got busy outside and didn't do anything yet. I am just waiting until lights on and get in there with a scope and find out for sure. Since doing the whole-plant hang might not be necessary I might just snip the offending limb(s) and stretch the rest out. It'll be good to see if I have a legit eight-week pheno (last one was only 9wk) so unless it was the tip of a new pistil popping I'll have an 8wk limb to test before the next one gets close.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I haven't shown it in a while but I am pretty happy with this vivo-sux mini tent. The AC Infinity in-line vent fan is perfect for an exhaust. I have one on my 3x3 clone tent as well since it only has 100w of light. The muffin fans I have for moving air are a little weak but I just haven't gotten around to changing them. Cheap-ass fans from AC Infinity considering their reliability. But they have some plug-in models with more velocity and that are a little wider than the USB models. But even the half-dollar size one hanging there has a 3-speed controller. Very low CFM but it works great in a sealed dome to get air moving. The auto's are gonna hang out in here unless they get too tall. Two little HLG-65w lights that I can't dim but I can run one or both.
The Mountaintop Mint is going to be above the hanging rack in granny's wardrobe for the full cure. I already smoked a bit but that's 2 ounces there stems and all. The stuff is fluffy and would likely wash well. Smells more OG than anything, and tastes like OG with a hint-o-mint. The mint is definitely there 10 minutes later though - crazy. Like if you chewed mint gum, but it got flat and you spit it out - but still had that mint aftertaste. I am acquiring a list of fems that I can run one bean and know what I'll get - I don't think this is one. There's probably a variety in there to hunt through.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
⚠ stoner ramblings ahead. Grow notes for me and such. I'll read it tomorrow and see if anything is fucked before I get to work on the transplants ;)

I snipped the one limb on the CLHP because it had one nanner on top. I snipped the stem-leaves off and gave it another look and there was a second on the nug just below it. None of the other tops had any but there was one on another lower nug so she's down. Completely brown pistils top to bottom, lots of milk and she smells done, and looks sone with the naked eye. It has the powdered sugar look just not much amber. We'll see if it was a one-off or if that bean has issues. The first clone has another month to get there, and I have these ready to do a SOG.
The ten in the middle are all the CLHP. Two tops and 4 side branches from two plants. This is a day-time gig though so I'm not rushing through it before lights out. With the CLHP gone I know there's room for another 7g pot in there now ;) Not keeping a mom though. I have more beans to drop and I never will if I keep this up. And I would rather buy more beans and just drop them all the time if they most likely contain the fire.

The twelve left and right are temp-moms until I see if the smoke is fire and if I need to keep a mom. The Williams Wonder and The Cream are the top two on the right that look beat up. Those clones are in the dome.

WW was just getting too big so I took clones but have no clue how the smoke is. I am probably not running them at all, but they are my last experiment on easy-cloning. I used a razor blade to scrape around a node and snip off the leaves/shoots and cut the 45. I jammed that in a chunk of aloe for the afternoon, then stuck them in seed-starter soil that packs pretty well. They live or die - that's it.

The Cream from Irie is gold. It is done re-vegging so I snagged a set of clones but left some growth on the plant until I am sure. I want to run more and get a stash, but I also have 4 reg beans left in a 5-pack. At some point I'll drop those and see if I need to keep what I have - or I may change my mind on it as it cures. The Cream and one of the two Skunk XXX are the only ones I am keeping because they are from small packs of regs. They are what is changing my dropping style. If I only have half a dozen or so reg-beans left they all get dropped. No sense hanging on to fewer than that because the one you were really counting on is gonna have two duds and three males... or some girls - so get it wet.

The Grandpa's Stash in there will probably get up-potted and flowered as is, soon. It makes tons of weed and I don't need to keep a mom yet. Ten fems will last a while. Most are in the same boat as the Grandpa's Stash. If I have a lot of beans left to run it's just whether I want more bulk than the 1-2zip taster I grew, not whether I am keeping the plant until I die.

The only reason the CLHP isn't a perpetual mom is because I know a dude... I like that I can keep clones but it does get to be a chore so it has to be worth the effort. As I dwindle on the remaining Chem91 and ChemD fems I'll be hanging on to them for longer - I don't know that dude. I can go down a rabbit hole really quick on the seedbank sites so I am staying away.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
IMG_0380.JPG IMG_0383.JPG
and after
My OCD wouldn't let me jam that 10th one in so I am doing a test run on what a little clone in a 2g living soil pot does tossed into flower. I have many more clones that this might apply to where it's just better than killing a healthy girl. I'm going to keep all of them pruned up to mainly tops

They're gonna have an extra long light period to get rooted because I am just switching them to flower tents as soon as the lights come on.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
And then I got smart and realized that right after transplant and in the process of flipping them is probably not when to stress them more with a 30hour day. They get dark at midnight and I'll shift them right as the flower tents go dark in the morning.


Dirt Track Maniac 🏆 🏁
Thanks dude - springtime is my jam. I just have to remember not to fuck with the indoor stuff immediately after doing the outdoor stuff.

I get fat and lazy during the winter. If I had the clone stuff going (daytime activity) it would help, but I'm just not motivated by indoor shit. The gardening is bringing the outdoors indoors so that's probably why I am really digging it. As soon as stuff starts budding in the spring I go into siesta mode. I'll be busy outside in the woods or gardening or yard stuff until I need to eat. Then it's food and a siesta. And my garden stuff indoors is off during the day to keep the heat down during this season. They click on at 7pm local which gives me a prime-time activity as well as a little time in the morning to do some pre-lights-out stuff. I'm already back down to my fighting weight and it just gets shifted during the summer. And it'll shift back during the winter because i don't give a FUCK!!! :ROFLMAO:
😂 thanks for reminding me I need to put in a little extra activity time this summer I keep gaining in the winter and not losing much in between. Starting to accumulate a little bit. 😝


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
😂 thanks for reminding me I need to put in a little extra activity time this summer I keep gaining in the winter and not losing much in between. Starting to accumulate a little bit. 😝
Whatcha gotta do is wake-n-bake with something that makes you want to do stuff stoned. Screw "energetic" weed. Something that makes you really stoned and creative. Then roll with it. I am now completely gas engine free for lawn tools. Almost zero maintenance, and I'll always have electricity. They used to suck but I got a rechargeable battery mower from lowes that was never used because the husband told the wife "get the fuck outa here with that!" but it was out of the box and put together so they had to sell it like a floor model.

It ain't about the environment as far as any kind of activism or even general give-a-shit. If I have to buy batteries mined by kids in Malaysia and built by children in China to make MY environment better then so be it. They're making the batteries anyway ;)
Anywho, think about the last time you plugged in a drill... They have the cordless shit figured out now. I have a chainsaw, hedge-clippers, a leaf blower and a mower that run off the same 60v batteries. I just got the mini tiller that has a smaller (40v) battery, but considering the work being done with it my back is good with that. I have hard clay and rocks mixed in with beautiful black hardwood forest loam. Today I worked that little bed from bare ground and grass and excavated a minimum of 6" down, then threw some compost and dry leaves on and worked the soil until it was siftable, then ran the whole mess through a 1/2" grid and put it back in the shallow-grave.

I went through my old veggie seeds and this got green onions, carrots, beets and lettuce, with a pack of cilantro/coriander scattered on the end. I put a row of broccoli and more beets in a different random area. I am going to plant food anywhere that gets sun. I don't even like beets, but the worms love them. Anything I don't eat will be next years soil so I am not saving many seeds. It's all about bio-mass.