The James Gang


Insanely Active Member
Honestly the thing that has helped me the most is just to find weed that makes me want to do stuff - that really stoney stuff that makes you enjoy stuff and usually think "damn I'm high" a few times while doing the stuff. The tendency to put stuff off because of an ache or pain helps no one. And after getting into a project/job/whatever you usually forget about the nagging stuff.

The only thing CBD has done is make me sleep if I am aching after the thing. Mine is in a 1:1 ratio (20% total, so still 10% THC) and decarbed it'll help knock me out. If I had something continuous and constant I would look at micro-dosing with canna caps or something,
Are the canna caps from cold creek extracts?


Honestly the thing that has helped me the most is just to find weed that makes me want to do stuff - that really stoney stuff that makes you enjoy stuff and usually think "damn I'm high" a few times while doing the stuff. The tendency to put stuff off because of an ache or pain helps no one. And after getting into a project/job/whatever you usually forget about the nagging stuff.

The only thing CBD has done is make me sleep if I am aching after the thing. Mine is in a 1:1 ratio (20% total, so still 10% THC) and decarbed it'll help knock me out. If I had something continuous and constant I would look at micro-dosing with canna caps or something,
Exactly what I have been trying is micro dosing the last few weeks put the sativa tinctures in a small pocket size spray bottle two sprays with my morning coffee I typically fill up my vaporizer turned up to only mid 300s to get me some distraction until the tinctures kicks in key for me is to find consistantsey with tinctures it's been a lot of trial and error but it's been helping more than I ever thought possible


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Are the canna caps from cold creek extracts?
I mention it so everyone gets the concept but I just eat decarbed nug like popcorn ;) buying then taking the time to stuff little capsules is something I might do for someone else - but I don't need that crap.

If weed is 20% THC, that means one gram of perfectly decarbed flower should contain 200mg of activated THC. a half a gram of nug could easily be a 100g dose. Party time or nap time, but full speed in whatever direction you're going 🥴

I actually tried putting it in the little medicine reminder things and set a timer so I would take it like a scrip. The first thing was to find the dose size. A 1g nug was 4 doses for me. - check.

Next was figuring out how long it lasted - with that strain - so you could take another dose and have it kicking in as or just before the previous one is wearing off.

It's about as scientific as you can get with home-brew, but with the Nova I know the decarb is spot on.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Exactly what I have been trying is micro dosing the last few weeks put the sativa tinctures in a small pocket size spray bottle two sprays with my morning coffee I typically fill up my vaporizer turned up to only mid 300s to get me some distraction until the tinctures kicks in key for me is to find consistantsey with tinctures it's been a lot of trial and error but it's been helping more than I ever thought possible
I just did a shot so bear with me.

I have a 1.5l handle of everclear that I did the math as close as possible so it's 100mg/tsp that is set aside for actual medicine if I feel the need to set up doses. 100mg/tsp = 100mg/5ml which means reducing it is a snap. 1ml=20mg. Granted it all started from a guestimate. I consider weed that gives me a good noticeable buzz 20% THC. Face punch is 25%. Kief or hash is anywhere from 40% to 75% depending on the weed, but I always count it as 50% just for the math.

I also have a quart that is just labeled "strong" that has been used to wash at least two jar's of weed, some decarbed kief and some decarbed hash. I did that instead of letting it evaporate because everclear is pretty expensive. Also because everclear tastes pretty bad. I wanted to see if there was a saturation point where it wouldn't hold any more THC. I have it dialed in so one mini-dropper full is a "I'm high" dose. I know that after tonight :cool: .

Decarbed hash and weed melted in everclear tastes pretty harsh. reducing the volume needed was the first thing, finding a good mixer is also important unless you want to just suffer through it. Grapefruit juice cuts it nice. The ruby red is sweeter but regular is fine. That bitterness works. Adding some sugar might be good too.

As for consistency you're gonna have to check each batch because they'll all be different. So label everything right when you make it and mark it up as you test it. Sharpies on jar lids rocks. Find the best dose for that batch. Which leads to the mostly obvious part - do big batches. No matter if it's tinctures or whatever. That batch should be consistent within itself as long as you don't let alcohol evaporate. Or let the bud sit out in the sun or something.

Fuck I'm high LOL


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
So far anytime I break out the Vivosux tent it means I'm buying another one. It is a terrible size at 18" x 36" by 72" just because the 18" width won't hold a damn 1020 tray. Sideways you can still only fit one with a lot of room around it. Anyway - if you buy an 18" width tent beware.
Got me a 3' x 3' from AC Infinity, and because it's for clones/moms I went for under-sized on the light. They advertise their 100w as lighting for a 2x2. I have it set at 60% and it's fine for this.

The hangers rock. Sturdy with good attachment points. And it has a 6-position dial with "Off, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, & 100%" No guesswork or extra components. Has a USB outlet and cable so it's ready for any of the contraptions you might want to hook it up to. Came with the ratchets. No complaints.
I have some re-veggers all over the place with a few regular clones. Timing-wise I think getting good new growth out of the re-veg plants and the 4/20 flip might work. Since I don't care about flowers I guess any pistils will do so for the ones that catch pollen I won't be taking clones from the re-veg plants. Flip whatever's there and let it make beans. The Sky Struggler has a top clone going that will need to re-veg, and the 5-gallon that will get clones taken from then ditched. If the top roots before the 5g gets good clones it goes. IMG_9659.JPG
After the chuck this will be for keeping lots of clones going until I sex plants, then girl clones going until I smoke the mom. And culling to one clone each. I want a mini jungle.


I just did a shot so bear with me.

As for consistency you're gonna have to check each batch because they'll all be different. So label everything right when you make it and mark it up as you test it. Sharpies on jar lids rocks. Find the best dose for that batch. Which leads to the mostly obvious part - do big batches. No matter if it's tinctures or whatever. That batch should be consistent within itself as long as you don't let alcohol evaporate. Or let the bud sit out in the sun or something.

Fuck I'm high LOL
i have used everclear tinctures but damn they are tough on the mouth alright I have been using coconut oil tinctures as of late MCT oil I am heading towards a nova swear something always distracts me when using an oven I see it would help with constantancy last batch was hold onto your hat strong to further complicate it I been adding CBD but have decided I will keep them separate... Thanks for your incite HAF


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
i have used everclear tinctures but damn they are tough on the mouth alright I have been using coconut oil tinctures as of late MCT oil I am heading towards a nova swear something always distracts me when using an oven I see it would help with constantancy last batch was hold onto your hat strong to further complicate it I been adding CBD but have decided I will keep them separate... Thanks for your incite HAF
Get on the NOVA now - they just announced retirement of the low-end model on 4/20. I love it, but fuck them. I have two of the small ones so I have a spare if one breaks, but I looked and there are several knockoff brands now that just do decarb.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The skunks are starting to fill the pots. Watered night before last so it's drying in 2 days. Gonna clone the tops tonight, and since I am not worried about flower I'll keep the 3-toed-node and the first true leaf set of limbs so I have more to clone from the shorties.

They might need new pots before the flip but topping will buy me a few days. If I take out most of the fans I might be able to keep them in one gallons. If I do 8 manifolds leaving two good limbs I might buy time to get me to the 4/20 flip :unsure:


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
They looked better right after lights on. I used the garden sprayer before lights out and just soaked the foliage with RO.
The plan went off without a hitch. I have eight top clones and eight 4-tops - for now. I gave the 4-tops some coconut water and leftover aloe.
I had other stuff to do so I left them there for now. The lower limbs on most of them had a finding nemo limb on one side so the manifold is just waiting for me to get around to it. Might even leave them as two tops with all their lower limbs instead of pruning up for flowers. In 10 days we'll be halfway to flip so that'll be a decision point.

The "leftover aloe" was all the goo that leaked out into the water when I got the clones doctored up. All are 45'd just below a node then jammed in the aloe chunk to rest for a few hours. Lots of aloe and water everywhere but at the end there's no water needed. All the exudates from the aloe went into the bucket with the RO for the flowers. If this works consistently I have one or two products removed from my supply chain needs. Score! They went into horticubes after a few hours.
The Grandpa's stash is gonna need a little more than the 49 days. I'll give it a close look on the 3rd but I think closer to 8 weeks. Chunky tops and thick pinecone buds. The Velvet Heat behind it is a RedPop male cross from Exotic. It was a freebie, and I think I am glad that I didn't buy any of that line. It is beautiful and has a light purple to yellow on the underside of the leaves. It has a smell that is exactly like that cheap-ass "red pop" - which I bet means the male is dominant and no matter what I bought it would probably smell like this :ROFLMAO:
But the Member Berry might be a 7-week-er.
Nice fade started a few days ago, and it's like sugar crystals on the tops
No new pistils!!! YAY!!! 😁
And this is the lowest larfiest nug - showing exceptional gland plumpness and apparent greasiness :)
A zoom at how oily the trichs look. Cloudy too. No Nutes baby, worms and microbes did that shit.
IMG_9686 (2).JPG


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Just doing the math with the 4/20 flip and my CLHP might not be done as the pollen flies. Everything else should be done, but the CLHP is a 9wk plant. That puts the harvest date at ~5/16. Three weeks from the 4/20 flip (tentative pollen dump) is 5/11. Close enough I don't think it will affect the smoke, but I'll have to rig a different tent on 12/12 and get it out of the way.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Member Berry is definitely on the home stretch. Best ripening I have seen in a bit. Very few new pistils, all turning milky about the same time top to bottom.
My camera is not great. It's 20mp and frequently has a gummed up lens. But if you take a lot of pics you can sift through and find the clear ones where the hand wasn't shaking, the fan wasn't hitting the plant, the auto-focus worked on the right part of the plant, etc. What I found is that there is a focal plane of depth on the pic that is in sharp focus. The rest of the pic depends on where that ended up. (think focusing on the bud-leaf tip and the bud is blurry)

Finding that spot that's in focus is all you need for checking trichs if it's the right spot. Other times it's some random shit off to the side like all three types of trichs on one leaf. Bulbous with no stalk, with a stalk, and the pointy follicle ones.
IMG_9700 (2).JPG