The James Gang


Dirt Track Maniac 🏆 🏁
Lots of thought. The RIR may have some lime in there but I don't have a lot of other sweetness or citrus. So we are adding a Banana Hash Plant, the Sangria Cookies and a Lemon Tree. Decent variety. And since I'm likely only doing this once I'm adding the CBD Sage. The 50/50 THC/CBD should get more punch, but I like that.
I am starting to like high CBD strains myself. Completely different buzz in my opinion. I just had some Pop-Tarts gifted to me. It is supposed to be 3:1. It was pretty sedative and I can honestly say if I smoked too much I couldn’t shake the haziness. Even after a nap 😝 I felt hazy. But one things for sure I didn’t feel much pain. Only thing I can compare the high to was like over doing it a little bit on opiate pain pills. Oh and fuck pills by the way. Lol


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I am starting to like high CBD strains myself. Completely different buzz in my opinion. I just had some Pop-Tarts gifted to me. It is supposed to be 3:1. It was pretty sedative and I can honestly say if I smoked too much I couldn’t shake the haziness. Even after a nap 😝 I felt hazy. But one things for sure I didn’t feel much pain. Only thing I can compare the high to was like over doing it a little bit on opiate pain pills. Oh and fuck pills by the way. Lol
I haven't honestly noticed much difference smoking it, just a lighter buzz. But decarbed and in edibles it has a definite analgesic effect, some sleepy-time meds as well.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Day two of testing. The dark purple/magenta CLDxCLD yesterday was tasty smoke, blueberries and cardboard with a hint of something else I'll sort out eventually. Did the wake-n-bake thing and the buzz just was not there. It was mild but noticeable, but there was no build with more smoke. Tried bowls and J's and it's like smoking swishers. It was a little leafy, but in trimming it was hard to tell the leaf from bud after a while so it could probably be tightened up some to get a more-bud grind. By noon I was hitting the CLHP to take the edge off. But if I hash this one it will be a one plant run instead of going through with the masses. Beautiful purple kief that retains the berry smell. If it is better in concentrate form the color makes it a keeper.

The Lavender one is day two and I'll be smoking this all day! Real nice feel-good high. About 50/50 body/head, it's not harsh. more berries and funk than berries and cardboard. Slight minty exhale. This would be keeper 1 of the 8 for flowers to smoke though I did not keep any clones.

I think that the pack should read "harvest at 8 weeks". The late nanners I had on about half the plants has had no bearing on the smoke or the appearance. Literally like a turkey-button. Mine kept putting out new growth though so it could have been my soil or lighting. I think the done-ness on the inside made up for the clear new stuff mostly visible on the outside. There were ambers on every hunt but it was a hunt. The milky was prevalent though.

I think the reason I have some tenure as a tester for the same dude is that I'm honest. No fluff because he gave me beans - but his stuff is good enough that the gems are almost always in there - and the stuff he's had for a while seems to have multiple keepers per pack. Keep in mind my tolerance is pretty high. :cool:


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Day 3 is the first green pheno of the CLD. Great high. Harsh as fuck - in a bowl. Good smoke in a joint - weird.

Started off with a clean bong-rip to get the flavor and effect - and it was a cough-to-get-off moment with a buzz at the end. The exhale - other than that ashtray taste you get coughing up a lung - had a definite petrol note. I'm guessing that's the diesel. :ROFLMAO:

I don't give up easy though. I tried another one-hitter later and it was still a lung-knocker. I said fuck it and packed a cone anyway and it was great - no cough. Still sharp in the exhale but not acrid. When you cough from the joint it's because you have had enough. enjoy the buzz :)


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I think that's a first for me, having good weed that is not good in a bowl.

FWIW, after I test each one for up to a day (if it earns it) I'll stick it back for another month unless something makes the top-shelf rotation. Being a weed snob is fun ;) The purple one I'll probably make hash with and save a few of the tops because I think that's where the fire is hiding on that one.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Three babies getting new shoes today, all four fems popped up.
The Momma's should be settled in and start jumping soon.
The RIR back right I may have fucked up on, because it's doing a re-veg looking thing putting out pistils. I have the top clone that is definitely re-vegging, then a few taller clones from later that haven't rooted yet. If it get's too squirrely I'll pull it and run one of the clones later to see what the smoke is like.
The Grandpa's Stash front center is almost done. Putting some odd knobby foxtails out the tops but no overall new growth. I think kelp is being worked out of the soil and getting used up finally. I hope to see a lot of true finishers this time instead of the continual new growth.
Loud Lemon Sorbet front left has freaky leaves you can see from here. Extra center blade on several leaves.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Day 4, plant 4. (bottom row)
#4 from each cross was the runty one. This is green, mostly dense, solid 20% high. Not face punch but not too mild. No distinct smell other than weed, but it's good weed smell.

At the one month point the lavender and the runt are the two keepers - and by keepers I mean a plant someone would want to clone and smoke again. Not saying I found elite clone-only's or anything - but for some they might be. The lavender color was a first for me, and the deep royal magenta purple is possibly a one-off as well, I have had others with that color but most were cardboard. The anthocyanin that is associated with/causes the purple has that taste for me. I think that the berries killing it (mostly) in the purple one is cool. On the lavender one I think it's just the low level of it that ditches the cardboard smoke taste.

I think the purple one would bring top dollar just for the bag appeal. The hash might bring it to a keeper but the buzz from the flower wasn't there.

I don't need the harshness of yesterdays green one since I have the runt that isn't, and the buzz feels the same. It also had the most keeper-flower weight. We'll see as stuff ages if anything hits top shelf (for me) but for now it's stuff I'll roll a bunch of and enjoy smoking during the day. Not the "grand finale" chill-down in the evening. As the lavender one ages it might get there. The harsher one get's another week or so while I test the GSC crosses then I'll decide which ones go for hash. I have an almost full bag in the freezer that needs filled out.

@J.James I'll add notes if any pop up on the smoke as it ages, but that's the rundown on my 4.

County Line Diesel F4 x *County Line Diesel F3 (VSD)
6 beans
4 girls
2 with great smoke
1 possible hash/concentrate plant


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
My hobby keeps growing. I have the last piece on the way - more in a few days. I highly recommend setting a budget for anyone that has a tendency to go overboard with stuff. As my room got finished, and I quit buying nutes etc. I had spare budget money - lots of that is there if needed for fucking groceries now -

Anyway - I seem to have a growing GRAV collection... Their medium upright bubbler (the chamber is smaller than a red-bull can) is my go-to rig. It has the perfect volume that clearing it doesn't kill me. I had w weird break where the top that holds the bowl popped off. Pretty clean break in between the two important parts that did nothing to the chamber or the bowl-holder. Everything fit back together and put some J.B.Weld around the top on the outside. Still works like a charm but I get tired of looking at the epoxy. I have a second on the way and the busted one can stay in the garage or something.

I wish they would let me sponsor them and give me free shit - but they do have a points/rewards program and frequent sale-ad emails or coupon codes. They have so much of my money I got a "haven't heard from you in a while, here's 25% off" e-mail ;)


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The 3rd is seven weeks on the Grandpa's Stash. It is looking mighty close and that seems a legit estimate.

Since I have a mom of it and I'll be smoking more I have a plan. It seems pretty sketchy to bank on a seven week plant. I also never run the second plant longer like I usually plan to.

I think the incremental harvest thing is called for. Unless the plant is obviously done I'm only gonna take one limb of the four at exactly 49 days. The rest I'll let go another week. If it turns out 7 weeks is good, that's good to know for the clones.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Random pics. The Grandpa's Stash has both light beer and pink lemonade trich's
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Loud Lemon Sorbet with the freaky leaves
Thunderhole is like a bonsai that should be in the middle of the dinner table. It's on a stand. That's the entire plant.
What surprised me was the Memberberry getting close. It's getting that powdered sugar look so I snagged some close-ups
From underneath
And the milk abounds
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More opaque than clear now with some purple creeping up the stalks.
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And the Rock Island Rocket is officially compost. Window plants obviously need to re-veg first. I have the top that is re-vegging like a mad woman, and some clones from just before I flipped rooting so no big loss. I was worried about a rootbound pot anyway. Nothing hermy or male about it, just weird re-veg stuff. I swear they all had regular leaves when I flipped. You can see where the leaf stem meets the blades it definitely has that weird growth pattern.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
No little fingers pressed the timer pins again?
Nah, I thought this was a male and I was just letting it grow for the hell of it by the window. I already had the top clone that I knew was a flower clone, but had no clue what sitting by the window would do. It showed female preflowers so I took a few more clones and flipped it. I was going to cull it anyway but thought I had a chance of getting some smoke out of it.


I am starting to like high CBD strains myself. Completely different buzz in my opinion. I just had some Pop-Tarts gifted to me. It is supposed to be 3:1. It was pretty sedative and I can honestly say if I smoked too much I couldn’t shake the haziness. Even after a nap 😝 I felt hazy. But one things for sure I didn’t feel much pain. Only thing I can compare the high to was like over doing it a little bit on opiate pain pills. Oh and fuck pills by the way. Lol
I have been trying to find the magic combo of cbd/Thc that helps with my pain and I can still function and work. like you to much cbd and I feel rummy all day beginning to try other herbs added to the mix using green tea and cbg at the moment I need something for wake & bake it takes me around 2 hrs to become human if I don't have my pain in control by then it's not happening


Dirt Track Maniac 🏆 🏁
I have been trying to find the magic combo of cbd/Thc that helps with my pain and I can still function and work. like you to much cbd and I feel rummy all day beginning to try other herbs added to the mix using green tea and cbg at the moment I need something for wake & bake it takes me around 2 hrs to become human if I don't have my pain in control by then it's not happening
I’ve tried a few different ratios so far. I need a more sativa high to go with the cbd for sure. Don’t get me wrong I enjoy a good couch lock do nothing high, but in reality it kinda defeats the cause. Sure I like the pain free but like you I’d much rather be able to be pain free and function with a good motivational buzz.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I have been trying to find the magic combo of cbd/Thc that helps with my pain and I can still function and work. like you to much cbd and I feel rummy all day beginning to try other herbs added to the mix using green tea and cbg at the moment I need something for wake & bake it takes me around 2 hrs to become human if I don't have my pain in control by then it's not happening
Honestly the thing that has helped me the most is just to find weed that makes me want to do stuff - that really stoney stuff that makes you enjoy stuff and usually think "damn I'm high" a few times while doing the stuff. The tendency to put stuff off because of an ache or pain helps no one. And after getting into a project/job/whatever you usually forget about the nagging stuff.

The only thing CBD has done is make me sleep if I am aching after the thing. Mine is in a 1:1 ratio (20% total, so still 10% THC) and decarbed it'll help knock me out. If I had something continuous and constant I would look at micro-dosing with canna caps or something,


Dirt Track Maniac 🏆 🏁
Honestly the thing that has helped me the most is just to find weed that makes me want to do stuff - that really stoney stuff that makes you enjoy stuff and usually think "damn I'm high" a few times while doing the stuff. The tendency to put stuff off because of an ache or pain helps no one. And after getting into a project/job/whatever you usually forget about the nagging stuff.

The only thing CBD has done is make me sleep if I am aching after the thing. Mine is in a 1:1 ratio (20% total, so still 10% THC) and decarbed it'll help knock me out. If I had something continuous and constant I would look at micro-dosing with canna caps or something,
Never thought of micro dosing, good call