The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Dang I am jealous I still have snow in the yard drove thru a snowstorm yesterday and your talking dandelions clover and lawnmower 😳 Sign me up!
I lost most of the tomatoes I had. Ran out of room and patience and wasn't up-potting them (they get dirt, not my soil LOL) and put them out beginning of March. 2 weeks later below 20 for one night. I covered everything and it made no difference. I had a few that were extras that I was able to bring inside so I have a good selection out there but not the jungle I wanted.

I need to look back through here and see when I dropped those and wait a month next year. Pretty sure I dropped it all on New Years. I can still pick up a few starters from the hardware store if I need to.

But the period of time around that "hard freeze" was about 8 hours. I planted the replacements two days later after I was sure nothing was going to survive. Definitely bearable.


I lost most of the tomatoes I had. Ran out of room and patience and wasn't up-potting them (they get dirt, not my soil LOL) and put them out beginning of March. 2 weeks later below 20 for one night. I covered everything and it made no difference. I had a few that were extras that I was able to bring inside so I have a good selection out there but not the jungle I wanted.

I need to look back through here and see when I dropped those and wait a month next year. Pretty sure I dropped it all on New Years. I can still pick up a few starters from the hardware store if I need to.

But the period of time around that "hard freeze" was about 8 hours. I planted the replacements two days later after I was sure nothing was going to survive. Definitely bearable.
Seems the ground isn't as warm as it is when those fall frosts start in I used to use wall of waters in early spring but 20 for that long would be tough alrighty I got hit with 3 weeks of well below temps last spring had my back not been giving me fits I was going to put them all out in the garden the previous weekend saved them from freezing but many become root bound or got very tall and didn't transplant well


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Seems the ground isn't as warm as it is when those fall frosts start in I used to use wall of waters in early spring but 20 for that long would be tough alrighty I got hit with 3 weeks of well below temps last spring had my back not been giving me fits I was going to put them all out in the garden the previous weekend saved them from freezing but many become root bound or got very tall and didn't transplant well
There was a good two weeks and everything was well rooted and taking off. I put a 5g pot over them first thinking the holes would let any humidity out. Then covered with sheets and a tarp. As soon as it was warm the next day I pulled it all and everything looked wet. Cellular-level freezing and the sturdy stems were all left standing.

All because I got bored after new years and planted tomatoes... :rolleyes:


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The MAC1 x Orgi from @J.James got over the hump, but all three Freakshow ended up duds or dead. The last one never opened the coty's and when I gave it a little tug it came out with the seed husk still on the taproot and it curled up in there. The Momma's are 100% which was the only real goal of this drop.
The Freakshow Bagseed have a few more days before I see if I keep them. If they have no weird leaves they go. Might give them until the 5-blades pop but that's it.
These could be the same pack. 4 different crosses from three breeders.IMG_9571.JPG
Pistils popping on the last drop. The Thunderhole is kind of interesting. Makes me think Christmas.
And the taller ones.
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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Smoking on the Homecoming Queen (left) and her little sister the Spyrock Hashplant x Baguettes. The two are interchangeable in everything but color, Same with the Croquembouche. I am guessing the Baguettes wore the pants in all the relationships ;) They look rock hard, and sound it if you drop one on a hard surface, but they feel like velvet breaking them apart and the kief dumps.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Ain't this a motherfucker? Two droopy-ass plants that were on deaths door and I said 'fuck it' and stuck them by the window. Seeing the Thunderhole girl turn around I am keeping this as a male option. The Sky Struggler still has a little eagle talon but not near as much as yesterday. Even if it goes a little weird from the random light cycle the genetics are there to clone from. It may be a male too so if it get's healthy and shows I get what I wanted.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The clone stock is growing. The Cream is re-vegging, the RIR is a damn shrub. I took all the fans off the Grandpa's Stash to get the limbs growing. I may top it and clone the top for now. All the tiny ones are flower clones that have rooted. I had a few fail to get to that point and a few of these might not actually sprout new limbs. Really wanted the Road Dog to catch pollen so I'm keeping them all until I need to make choices.
The RIR is a hot mess in the middle but healthy as fuck. But there's no way I could have flipped it without a lot of vegging. I took a half dozen nice tall clones before I stuck it in the tent, which should be a lot easier to deal with than this one. This will be a pollen catcher for sure, the others are in case the smoke is another top-shelf.
The mom was a better option to get smoke.
But the best news is that the CLHP regular clones are taking. The top to the right still isn't showing anything but the two lower limbs are gold. The second mother may be in these three. I like to get really high and gently pluck away most of the foam from around the roots before sticking it in the cup.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Stoner notes.
When the Momma Moonshine are at 4 weeks everything flips. April 11th-ish
I want to smoke the skunks, and the Momma Moonshine and the rest, that are in veg, but I have more beans of everything but the MM.
I'm making MM beans so they will definitely get dropped soon after being dried and cured. Fuck clones.
The skunky's are two weeks ahead and if they get a little rootbound it won't be bad. I should be able to snag some veg clones from them no problem.

I'm not trying to create "roadkill" or anything - that might be what the dudes that made those beans were shooting for. I have more of those beans to drop, clone, etc. So having the Momma Moonshine be the pollen donor for everything seems a lot more likely.

Other males get the axe. That's decided now unless I get all girls from the MM.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails

The pots have been sitting since harvest, and the smoke is almost cured - so 4 weeks. I cut the taproot out immediately, put about 1/8c of bokashi in the hole, then covered it with a small plant saucer. I have been keeping them moist, adding about a pint of water a week just to account for evaporation.

I held them sideways over a tub and knocked all the loose mulch and a shitload of worms off the top of each pot. I sifted that through a 1/8" grid to separate most of the soil from the rice hulls and rocks. The black tub is a temporary worm bin until I mix up the pots. The sifted "soil" is like the finest worm castings. They feel silky, and if you squeeze a handful it crumbles right back apart like kinetic sand.

I'll add the castings back in with the dumped pots, some of the mulch will be mixed in if needed for consistency - then it'll all be dumped back on top for storage after everything's mixed. I'm adding 1/4c/pot of Craft Blend as the re-amendment. I'll add some insect frass too, and water it in with some "Big6 micronutrients" and some Beauveria Besiana as pre-plant IPM tactic.

I only need enough for 10-12 1g pots for now, but I'll need a lot all at once after they're sexed. I'll bump the keepers up to 2g or 3g pots for the chuck. I'll probably get the Momma's right into a big pot since they're the focus and I am keeping them all regardless. everything else is sex dependent. The MAC1 x Orgi was a mistake. I'll not have time to flower it out before the chuck, and it wasn't intended to catch pollen. I'll probably keep it back in veg. If it shows pre-flowers in veg I might get a handfull of beans later and it might not effect the overall plant once I flip it.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
For the 8 skunks I mixed up a gallon of RO with some fermented weed plant (Truffles by Aficionado culled male :ROFLMAO:) and a 1/4 tsp of micronized sulfur. It didn't mix well at first so I added a bump of that Quillaja extract powder as a surfactant. I let it 'soak' for the afternoon and there was just a hint of rotten egg, but I had to hunt for it. Read that it is one of the possible terroir ingredients in the traditional skunks from the middle Appalachians. And since I'm doing the living soil if the plant doesn't want it, it won't use it.
I didn't use the whole gallon so I further thinned it out so there was enough for everything else. It had it's own 4ml/gl dose of the fermented weed before adding the sulfur water. I rearranged and put a few plants on high chairs because they were too short for the short tent, and not likely to stretch.
I gave the recent flip it's 3-week-ish haircut.
The Freakshow bagseeds aren't freaky - they're in the 'whatever' tent until I need room. might go by the window. All bio-mass is worm food ;) and I know they'll be girls. The Freakshow is tasty but it's a daily driver, smoke it before you go to work to take the edge off, but that's about it. It's not bad, just not exceptional in any terp category. I now have a side project for the next time I get bored.
I have a dozen or so to drop but the Headbanger Zee that hermed and I loved the sour taste of also hit a few others that I'd rather hunt through for a keeper. The only Freakshow keeper would be on that retained the funky leaves. Then it would also have to gain some terps or potency from the cross to stay in the kennel. Up-potting the Momma's tomorrow or the next day, all have great roots.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
My thinking on hitting the sulfur while they were in the 1g is that only 1/3-1/5 of the soil got the 'inoculation' as if I had waited. It will follow them through the up-pot, be available to the plants I want it to be available to, but eventually be thinned out in a ton of soil.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The side project was just seeing if any of the bagseeds took on the fern-leaf trait. I can do that while the seed thing is happening, or whenever, since the only criteria is that it be weird. That shows on the first true leaf - or not. If I find one I could keep it in veg.

Lots going on now but I have my emergency "don't be bored and fuck something up" project ;)


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I've been sorting through the seedbank looking for any females that would cross well with the Momma Moonshine. It's a cross done by mysturis420 with DJ Short's Old Time Moonshine and a Raspberry Thai that was then crossed with a different landrace Thai. It has a sour/berry/body odor funk.

I was thinking about ChemD, Chemdog etc. but I have some chemmy stuff to catch pollen (Road Dog).
I have the CLHP clones going so that's a no-brainer.
I have the random clones I haven't even smoked yet (The Cream, RIR, Grandpa's Stash, Williams Wonder, etc.) that are gonna be there just because.

Pretty good assortment, but I am thinking the Sangria Cookies needs to be in the mix. Way different lineage (GSC Forum Cut x Purple Punch), but very similar smells - without the BO.

The big decision is that if am going to drop one bean just to catch pollen, I might as well drop a few if there's something that looks like a good mix. It also has to be fems that aren't my last bean since it'll be flipped no later than 4 weeks so no clones. But doing this and running them 4 weeks will give everything else a little more maturity before the orgy.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Lots of thought. The RIR may have some lime in there but I don't have a lot of other sweetness or citrus. So we are adding a Banana Hash Plant, the Sangria Cookies and a Lemon Tree. Decent variety. And since I'm likely only doing this once I'm adding the CBD Sage. The 50/50 THC/CBD should get more punch, but I like that.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The hazards of living soil indoors... Back to the tent!
Got the Momma's and the MAC1 x Orgi into new pots. Since the 4 fems will be hitting cups today for their 4-week trip before flip, the Mommas will have a full 4 weeks in the one gallons. There will definitely be veg clones to be had before flipping, except maybe the MAC cross which appears to be leaning slow and MAC-y. The roots were right there with the Mommas, just slow up top.