I will eventually have a test spot in the rotation to run a bagseed. This had about 2 weeks of hanging, no jar til today, I rolled it across a 1/2" grid and ground up everything that fell through, about a third of it. I also dry-sifted that trim and tossed the first run kief in with the ground up stuff.
Hot diggity damn! Beautiful wake-up buzz but not racy. The lemon smell is nowhere in the taste but the icing flavor is. Low-intensity sweet but if you pay attention it's there. It also has an actual flower taste, maybe like a hibiscus smells.
Not even 5 weeks, not cured, not bad.
Basic theory for now is that if I have a bagseed spot it will either:
toss lower-balls early
spit nanners mid flower (which I now know may be smokable and enjoyable), or
flower out. (nothing to show me they aren't all fems yet)
Since I play with the plants daily and noticing issues isn't really that hard, the only downside I see is real estate.