I made my own by running 3/4 line that T's off into 1/2 line. I then use a hole punch and put in a barbed fitting in the tube. A 1/4 line runs from it and a 2 GPh dripper. In my one gal pots I use 1 dripper. 3 gal and up 2 or more depending on gal size.
You can also buy a manifold like this
Amazon.com : Rain Bird XBD-80 Xeri 8-Outlet 1/4-Inch Drip Manifold : Automatic Lawn Drip Irrigation Kits : Garden & Outdoor
And plumb in the rest if you wanted a shut off valve.
Their are kits as well.
I bought a lotnof my stuff from the drip depot. Think that's the name. I also use several of these pumps. Not only for the drip irrigation but also hand watering. Pretty powerful pump.
Thank you for the info, I looked up drip depot, I just need to sit down and draw up what I need and get it done, I am a diy kind of person due to being broke my whole life lol..... Used to have a DIY gravity system during the gorilla days worked great