Here's my set-up.
Granny's wardrobe I got cheap at a yard sale. AC Infinity plate fan for exhaust that's 3 speed, but only 20-40-60cfm.
AC Infinitiy Muffin fan that has a rheostat and blows up to 120cfm at full speed but can dial back to a gentle breeze.
I keep the fan on the floor when I use it, first day of hanging I'll have that moving air around and the exhaust on full. After that everything goes off and I monitor the environment. I'll have the fan or the exhaust on for a bit then turn them back off. Usually just check twice a day.
The only intake is an extra hole I drilled for cords come through and the fact that the doors are not hermetically sealed. and I have a dust-filter jammed in that hole.
And the exhaust has a sheet metal box outside and a 4" outlet. If the room starts to smell I put the exhaust on