Domestic Terrorism

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Who's got time for 2 180 minute videos? Maybe you could summarize?
Touche. I play them while im in the garden.
And I'm still laid off so yeah all i have is time.
Id recommend watching/listening to the first video. At least the first 20 minutes.
Also research evergreen college may 2017.
The 2nd video addresses police reform and puts light on how poorly officers are trained. Rather a good listen as well. Also sheds light on the true fact that who is going to want to he a cop in younger generations. They talk about it in the first video.


Seed Aficionado
Touche. I play them while im in the garden.
And I'm still laid off so yeah all i have is time.
Id recommend watching/listening to the first video. At least the first 20 minutes.
Also research evergreen college may 2017.
The 2nd video addresses police reform and puts light on how poorly officers are trained. Rather a good listen as well. Also sheds light on the true fact that who is going to want to he a cop in younger generations. They talk about it in the first video.
Joe Rogan is great to listen to

Whip Eurass

Super Active Member
Get your reefers rolled, your beers chilled, and the popcorn ready. Looks like must see TV Saturday night. 100,000 Trump supporters and only 19,000 will get inside, leaving about 81,000 to greet the rioters peaceful protesters.



Really Active Member
Always liked Brett Weinstein. i remember being in awe when that evergreen shit was going on. Crazy shit. I'm starting this podcast now. Glenn Beck had a very interesting podcast yesterday showing the parallels between a cult and the current woke leftist movement going on now. Creepy shit...
Just watched this last night. Mr Weinstein always has a very thoughtful and sloooow process aka patience. Its pretty f'in admirable. Especially to sit back and watch things unfold like he said they would, months ago....

Get your reefers rolled, your beers chilled, and the popcorn ready. Looks like must see TV Saturday night. 100,000 Trump supporters and only 19,000 will get inside, leaving about 81,000 to greet the rioters peaceful protesters.

Tulsa is an interesting city. The race riots have happened a few times and its complex. One reason, it is the only major metropolitan area founded by an indigenous person, the Creek tribe and is located in the Creek Nation technically. I have a ton of maternal family in eastern Ok, sw missouri and nw arkansas, I am part Creek. This is "Indian" country and has been since the Trail of Tears. But is also poor as hell, I mean this is the Ozarks and beautiful as fuck. Most of the poor white stereotypes adopted in Appalachia, apply to all races in these area because of poverty, white, black, Native American.
Then you have an extreme outlier of rich from Walmart east of Tulsa in Rogers, Ark.
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Heathen Basterd
I knew it...
Real Southern pure blooded Racist!!
Who is this Disco Inferno semen spewing cunt anyway. Hey fuckwad I'll see You and Your kind real soon , with My 18 inch Confederate D Guard Bowie on My Hip while I piss on Your Antifa and BLM signs and screw Your ugly 1/2 Sister. Fuck You Buddy . Everyone is a racist and you are all victims , Ok I am real damn good at creating victims , tremendous at it even. Call Me whatever pathetic overused slogans You want , See no way can I be a racist , I hate most everybody and the few People I really like are of every color under the Sun. Kiss My Rebel Dick Disco and the rest of You cancel culture race baiting Communist pussies . Now one of You fucks make Me a god damn sandwich . Fuck Off.


Just some asshole
What’s going on in America right now isn’t about racism. It’s about crybaby pieces of shit. I’m not racist. I just don’t like pieces of shit, I don’t care what color you are, white black brown yellow red blue they’re all the same, just don’t be a piece of shit. It’s really that simple, follow a couple rules and don’t be a piece of shit.

Ive been hearing this word oppression a lot. Huh? If you live in the USA you’re not oppressed. Oppression ended here in 1863. If you live in the states and think you’re oppressed you’re a piece of shit. Go talk to someone who lived under Saddam‘s regime, those people were oppressed.

Eventually the people who are hard working folks that are proud of the country they live in are going to have to squelch this crybaby piece of shit movement. I know how I’d fix things like this and it ain’t good. I’m glad there are smarter people than me around.

Tore down a statue of George Washington? I guess because he owned slaves? What’s next, go back to Africa and kill the family that sold your ancestors to the Americans? Removing the gal from the bottle of syrup? Huh? She was born a slave and died a millionaire, they’re going to take away the recognition of her accomplishments. Guess it will make some crybaby happy.

Fucking Christ I need to not look at any media. It just pisses me off. Which is exactly what they want...


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Removing the gal from the bottle of syrup? Huh? She was born a slave and died a millionaire, they’re going to take away the recognition of her accomplishments.
Nancy Green was like a Paul Harvey show.
Aunt Jemima.jpg
Now you know the rest of the story

But the next generation will not.

Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.
Those who intentionally erase history INTEND to repeat it.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Riddle me this - why would the left show up at a Trump rally other than to incite violence? Also - who is paying for them to be there? I know they aren't all from Tulsa.

Whip Eurass

Super Active Member
Riddle me this - why would the left show up at a Trump rally other than to incite violence? Also - who is paying for them to be there? I know they aren't all from Tulsa.
Certainly a rhetorical question.....

@Whip Eurass - politico? really? LOL Notice how their headline doesn't even match the first line of their story?
Exactly. It's propaganda. Do you not think fake news drives the 'revolution' ?


Just some asshole
Nancy Green was like a Paul Harvey show.
View attachment 62206
Now you know the rest of the story

But the next generation will not.

Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.
Those who intentionally erase history INTEND to repeat it.
Jesus Christ that woman worked till she was 89. I feel like a fucking turd. I have a feeling these crybabies have never worked.

So she was born a slave. Guess she probably started working at the age of 8. I was not around back then but I did listen in history class. So she worked for 80 years. Bet you didn’t hear her crying about being oppressed........


Active Member
Who is this Disco Inferno semen spewing cunt anyway. Hey fuckwad I'll see You and Your kind real soon , with My 18 inch Confederate D Guard Bowie on My Hip while I piss on Your Antifa and BLM signs and screw Your ugly 1/2 Sister. Fuck You Buddy . Everyone is a racist and you are all victims , Ok I am real damn good at creating victims , tremendous at it even. Call Me whatever pathetic overused slogans You want , See no way can I be a racist , I hate most everybody and the few People I really like are of every color under the Sun. Kiss My Rebel Dick Disco and the rest of You cancel culture race baiting Communist pussies . Now one of You fucks make Me a god damn sandwich . Fuck Off.
You would be leaving in the US, you would be my hero!
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