Domestic Terrorism

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FYI - you know shit.
New Orleans is about 50/50 black/white in the 70's.
I grew up in a neighborhood that was the same population make-up. about 5% of those blacks were French-speaking/bilingual.

When you devolve any conversation into calling someone a racist - you have no argument. Ignored you ignorant fuck.
He is just a poor slob from Croatia............that's why he's miserable.


I remember during the 90's a big surge of croation laborers started showing up. They ran away from the Independence fight and hung in the US till it was over. Bunch of draft dodgers if you ask me. Certainly cowards to let others do their fighting while they hid.

Funny though, when you look at Croatia history the cowardice becomes more apparent.

Following the Axis invasion of Yugoslavia in April 1941, a German puppet state known as the Independent State of Croatia (NDH) was established, comprising most of modern-day Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as parts of modern-day Serbia and Slovenia, ruled by the Ustaše. The Ustaše's goal was to create an ethnically homogeneous Greater Croatia by eliminating all non-Croats, with the Serbs being the primary target but Jews, Roma and political dissidents were also targeted for elimination. Large scale massacres were committed and concentration camps were built, the largest one was the Jasenovac, which was notorious for its high mortality rate and the barbaric practices which occurred in it. Furthermore, the NDH was the only Axis puppet state to establish concentration camps specifically for children.

What kinda crap people make concentration camps for children?

What kind of crap people practice genocide?


All those Slavic people are crazy! Nothing new
Not new, but we have an asshole err member here who wants to go on and on about the US being fascist. Pretty funny now that you know where it's coming from............Land of the War Criminal.

Let's start with their first president

Andrija Artuković

served as the Minister of Internal Affairs and Minister of Justice in the government of the Independent State of Croatia (NDH) during World War II. He signed into law a number of racial laws against Serbs, Jews, and Romani people, and was responsible for a string of concentration camps in which tens of thousands of civilians were murdered and mistreated.

He was found guilty of

  • ordering the deaths of a lawyer and former member of the Yugoslav National Assembly, Dr. Ješa Vidić, in early 1941;
  • ordering the deaths by machine gun fire of 450 men, women and children in late 1941 because there was no room for them in a concentration camp;
  • ordering the killing of the entire population of the town of Vrginmost and its surrounding villages in 1942; and
  • ordering the execution of "several hundred" prisoners at Samobor Castle near Zagreb in 1943 by having them driven into an open field, where they were machine-gunned and then crushed by tanks
And Trump is a big problem, What say you Slobuttnik?
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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Right now we are getting towards the middle chapters of Atlas Shrugged.

Next, all the people that can actually make and invent things will start disappearing.
Then the government will decide which states it can still support, etc.
Only difference is that we are energy independent and gas isn't $40/gal.


FYI - you know shit.
New Orleans is about 50/50 black/white in the 70's.
I grew up in a neighborhood that was the same population make-up. about 5% of those blacks were French-speaking/bilingual.

When you devolve any conversation into calling someone a racist - you have no argument. Ignored you ignorant fuck.
wtf racial diversity in NO has to do that you are Racist ??! You have really f up logic..


Not new, but we have an asshole err member here who wants to go on and on about the US being fascist. Pretty funny now that you know where it's coming from............Land of the War Criminal.

Let's start with their first president

Andrija Artuković

served as the Minister of Internal Affairs and Minister of Justice in the government of the Independent State of Croatia (NDH) during World War II. He signed into law a number of racial laws against Serbs, Jews, and Romani people, and was responsible for a string of concentration camps in which tens of thousands of civilians were murdered and mistreated.

He was found guilty of

  • ordering the deaths of a lawyer and former member of the Yugoslav National Assembly, Dr. Ješa Vidić, in early 1941;
  • ordering the deaths by machine gun fire of 450 men, women and children in late 1941 because there was no room for them in a concentration camp;
  • ordering the killing of the entire population of the town of Vrginmost and its surrounding villages in 1942; and
  • ordering the execution of "several hundred" prisoners at Samobor Castle near Zagreb in 1943 by having them driven into an open field, where they were machine-gunned and then crushed by tanks
And Trump is a big problem, What say you Slobuttnik?

LoL what pittyfull comfort and support group you made here..

I havent laught soo much long time ago..
thank you..


Here's yet another piece of shat from Croatia

Miroslav Filipović

This guy was a Croatian priest for crying out loud

"The priestly face of Fra Majstorovic, all made-up and powdered, dressed in an elegant suit and green hunter's hat, watched with delight the victims. He approached the children, even stroked their heads. The company was joined Ljubo Milos and Ivica Matkovic. Fra Majstorovic told the mothers there will now be a baptism for their children. They took the children from the mothers, the child whom Father Majstorovic was carrying, in his child's innocence caressed the painted face of his killer. The mothers, distraught, perceived the situation. They offered their lives for mercy for the children. Two children were placed on the ground, while the third was thrown like a ball into the air, and Fr Majstorovic , holding a dagger upwards, missed three times, while the fourth time with a joke and a laugh, a child was impaled on the dagger. Mothers began throwing themselves on the ground, pulling their hair, and began to shout terribly. Ustasha guards of the 14th Osijek Company took them away and killed them. When all three children were so brutally killed, these three two-legged beasts exchanged money, because they seem to have a bet on who would the first to stick a dagger in a child."[13]



Just some asshole
Cool thread. Do cops not carry nightsticks anymore? They must not, suspect that got taken away at some point. So they took away their non lethal tools.... Its been my experience that a sharp muzzle strike to the face will stop all resisting and make just about anyone comply.. Sure you will definitely be bleeding, and might have a headache, but you will be alive..
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