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Just some asshole
He's lost more $$$ than all of us on this site will ever see. Smart?
Smart or savvy, not sure which word id use.

And that right there is what makes him even more impressive. As far as a businessman goes would you rather have the perfect guy who never faltered or the guy who had some adversity and hardship along the way, and still came out on top? Love him hate him I don't give a shit, some businessman just beat out every politician and won the presidency almost 4 years ago. Goes to show how much the American people feel about bought politicians...

If anyone thinks some 40 year bought politician knows what's best for our country you need to get your head checked. Guy spent 40 years filling his pockets and doing everything in his power to live on easy street. That doesn't qualify them to run a country. That just means they spent 70% of their working lives trying to raise money to get re elected.

Anyone who is a businessman is going to take advantage of any tax breaks or loopholes they can. Look at fuckin Jeff Bezos.

AOC is a great example, just cause she went to BU doesn't make her and economist, or even remotely intelligent.

Deleted member 60

Ever been to the White site and read Don's take on Don? It's a bend-over-and-suck- you- own- cock foray into narcissism like you've never seen before. The first lie he tells of many is that he's a successful businessman. then he says he 'never ran for ANY political office before...but ran for President and won, "remarkably" ON HIS FIRST TRY. (Ok..sorta)

Funny...he must have "forgot" he ran in 2000...under the REFORM ticket and his platform was UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE. Yup...Socialism. You guys remember talking about that and Sanders, right? I guess this was when Don was still talking about how he could dupe the R's (by becoming one one) by playing off their stupidity...LOL.....and that he has done. Well.

Sorry Mr. Informed Trumper....THE #1 state in corona virus acceleration right now is IOWA. The rest of the Midwest is coming online soon...and it will be furious.'s just in the population centers, Chucky. Sure thing. none of them hard working Trump folks in the Midwest will ever get it. It's all a hoax anyway. We're going to ZERO under the watch of the ZERO...remember. LOFL. "Here I come to save the day"


Yeah's tough out there....slinging those pounds. A guy can make 6 figures doin it annually..and pay NO taxes....but damn them other folks who are takin..takin big....from the Government! You them illeguls who don;t pay no taxes and want all sorts of free stuff....yup. Of course, I know everyone her pays taxes on their drug's only the illeguls who skate by...making big $$$ and skirting the responsibilities everyone else must face..... uhhhhummm..... 'MERICA! LOOK OVER THERE

Do as I say...not as I do. It's Bill, Hill. Barack and them illegals who are the problem..... Don is just there cus he cares so much for America! You can see it with every LIE he tells. And everyone here pays their way and never fails to meet their tax responsibility....just like Don. (cue National Anthem/ raise flag for salute) Repeat "IT's THE ILLEGALS WHO ARE THE PROBLEM".

Yeah...them ILLEGUL fuckers are just DYING to come to Don's america NOW. Have you looked at the border crossing numbers? haven't. you just >know< they are always coming in droves for your much-sought-after job at the Kum and Go....

We'll see by Christmas how you are thinking about this virus..IF you are still here. If not, we will remember you as Don instructed.

High kev

Yankee seeds
glad trump got the message out that they just can’t walk right in and be accepted to stop them from even attempting. Was that all it took? we all break the law but being a life long politician breaking and making laws to benefit their own pockets every American democrat and republican should be mad at them. They should be making it easier or changing laws for everyone so they don’t have to break the law.


Hobby Farmer
This morning after smoking some fine herb...i relaized i dont care anymore. :D

Because its razor wire and sunshine around here...a garden...a pool and a food garden. I am socially distancing everyone but the grandkids until 2025 when it will finally be over.

So have at it... I am going back to happier stuff.

As long as the border is shut it wont effect us much. If it upticks like a MOFO even don has to see it...

I have faith like that...its almost biblical...common sense at some point MUST PREVAIL....

but hey...just when you thought you have seen everything...At least i dont have to see greta..


Hobby Farmer

This was made by impartial is not partisan so get your head our your ass and watch it....if you have netflix.

Very interesting...bats carry 1000s of viruses. H1N1 (another killer) was caused when a virus that works on bats and not people met a pig with a virus that effects humans and not bats and morphed into H1N1.

It is not related to a nation. (china didnt DO IT exactly except that they eat bats and shit).

very interesting.


Tegrity Greenthumb
All the initial testing that was done - was in hospitals, for people already sick. Then for 'at risk' workers. The 'numbers' were unsurprisingly "scary-bad".
As testing is more prevalent, the numbers of those 'infected' that never got sick, or felt bad for a few days then moved on is growing - making the initial numbers less scary.

Most of these people advocating that there needs to be a vaccine before we reopen the country didn't get the most recent flu-shot, and if there was a vaccine would opt not to get it.

When the people you are taking your advice from spent the last 4 years contradicting every word the President says - and are proven wrong at every turn - think they know what is best, piss off. They think he is making this shit up, and want to blame him. PERIOD. He is being advised by people that are smart in each pertinent field.

I agree that some 'experts' were not the best pick and have been sold out for years to become regarded as 'experts". For example when you start off saying "masks don't work unless you are sick" - then out the other side of their face you are crying about a lack of masks for your healthcare workers who are not sick, I don't trust ANYTHING you say afterwards.

Toss in the fact that states get more money for people that die of the Wuhan. Stage 4 cancer with a week to live but you catch the China flu? You just made some $$ for your state by "dying while infected"! Good job! Think that won't pump up those numbers? It's been fact-checked by lefties and it's true.

And in some states you are probably still voting democrat as well.

FREEDOM means that we are informed, and make adult decisions. Also, Darwin has a job to do too.
So just to put it lightly as a person in that category you speak of (and theres alot more than you realize) businesses owners and inbred cave miners from Ohio are the only people pushing to open. Your "freedoms" end when they begin harming other people. Out of all the shit people could have been fighting they step out of the house in numbers to argue this( during a pandemic mind you)...We don't know the long lasting results of the virus , organ damage etc has been caused by this virus to everyone not just the sick or old. so sure let's infect everyone.... HAF let's be honest. Why do you want to open so bad ? Lost revenue? Is your money worth other peoples lives ? Is your money worth my life? You realize how many able bodied people also have diseases. How will these people be integrated back to work? Or do they just lose their jobs or life permanently for the benefit of the economy ( which only has a purpose of creating debt to begin with) . Should we start aborting babies with mental disabilities etc in the ideals of darwinism ? For me darwinism is the fucktards going to church or meeting in groups of 100s to protest their restriction of freedom during a outbreak! May they all but their children who don't know better turn blue with empathy.


Tegrity Greenthumb
Oh and the base population and its "leaders" are too fucking stupid to contain this virus. Have you been out? People holding their hand over their mouth to do something idk. All it's doing is putting germs on their mucus membranes and then heavily covering their hands their touching shit with. Social distancing...hasn't happened anywhere I've seen. Walmart employees pull their masks down with dirty hands to talk to eachother and customers nonstop Infecting their hands and masks???? Some seem like they do it just to breath. If you csnt breathe through a mask have fun when you have sars. They have stand here markers and I have to tell people yo back the fuck up why are you breathing on my neck in line. Carryout has been open everywhere the whole time because a person prepping your food and breathing all over that shit wont infect someone ? Anyway that said everyone be safe. Hope no one loses anyone close.


Tegrity Greenthumb
That's a dangerous game to play. At least your man enough to admit it that's better than most. That you would sacrifice lives of people you believe "below" or worth less than you to keep your profits in check. Now put that into a big scale and remember you are very much a small fish in this pond. What's your life worth to the man above you? What's your resources worth compared to a man's life who has nothing ? I dont wish I'll fortune on anyone but I hope one day something makes you wake up with a different perspective on society and how people should be treated.

Big Perm

That's a dangerous game to play. At least your man enough to admit it that's better than most. That you would sacrifice lives of people you believe "below" or worth less than you to keep your profits in check. Now put that into a big scale and remember you are very much a small fish in this pond. What's your life worth to the man above you? What's your resources worth compared to a man's life who has nothing ? I dont wish I'll fortune on anyone but I hope one day something makes you wake up with a different perspective on society and how people should be treated.
I can't believe I'm jumping in this shitbowl.
It's nothing to say how people should be treated. I don't think people should be treated that way, but what can I do about it? Jump on the forums and spend hundreds of man hours (person hours) trying to make someone in a debate say, "you're right."?
Blow up what you just said, and replace the word profit with the words 'self interest'. Then spread that over a few continents. Rewind it back however far you want, or fast forward however far you want. That's just the way it is. You can piss in the wind all day, it changes my life none, js.
Side question:
Did they make Whale Wars remove the name of the ship, the Steve Erwin? If so, why?
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