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Hobby Farmer
We have a bunch of fucktards up here marching about not having the right to...whatever.

Maybe its because i live in a house. I dont get why you have to be so fucking stupid.

But this is still have the right to be so stupid but you get a ticket if there are 5 or more.

And it sucks balls. My uncle lost his son and a total of 5 are allowed at the funeral...wake 1 person at a time...BUT i am happy that in Ontario they give a shit about the elderly, the immune comprimised. The people that are FUCKED if they get it. And it SUCKS if someone dies..has a kid..has a wedding planned...gets cancer. But this is some strange shit that came out of nowhere.

I never saw shit like this before so I am no saint from a mountain or some shit...i am just saying i would rather suffer a while than effect tragedy.

I think its super Canadian eh...

And for all of the it again...1/6th of the population vastly exceeds 1 billion...when we have pestilience that eradicates 1 billion people i will pick that book up again...but it is off exponetnially.

So much so the people who pound that ideal look moroinic and callous.

But damnit we should go to the wont change. go see it later.

Its like the days of our lives but dumber.
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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Here's something to consider.

We have had a flu vaccine for over 40 years - and we still have 70k deaths per year on average in the US.

They need to rename this the "Common Core" virus because the more we learn, the more shit just don't add up.

You people that wanna stay quarantined, how is it that it is OK for the 'essential' workers to be out there on the job?

All those highly-trained essential professionals like doctors, nurses, virologists,

amazon delivery people,
fry cooks,
Walmart checkers
pizza delivery guys...


Hobby Farmer
my wife is an essential staying home it is in effect the herd ideal.

I think it is why i am so worked up about it in general. I have to be stupid safe. I wear a mask and gloves and feel like an ultramaroon but i do it for the people she cares for...for her too.

My perspective is different.

Who is getting food delivered..holy shit its a restaurant up in here.

I was binging sopranos again so i made meatballs with tomato gravy and pasta and a mixed berry toss cake. CoronaPorkingUp. CPU

Ralf was a douche but he as right...add a bit of butter and mix it with the tomato gravy and then add the meatballs and sauce..


my wife and boy think food has never been better. I think they are right...but i have to get that bread down. I have to develop some skillz there.

And i like avoiding people.

I meant to eat only 2 grams of stardawg buds..but i grabbed a handful. I am pretty sure it was at least 4 grams...800 to 1000mg of decarrbed and available THC...

The bass just dropped. :D I love edibles.

20200502_161004 - Copy.jpg


Tegrity Greenthumb
If your confused about anything or want to know what to expect. Study the spanish flu. Crazy how much we didnt learn. People with immune problems etc who are in "essential" positions truly have it the worst. These people dont have a choice. Its work and possibly die or starve. Either way you cant have good options in a bad system for anyone. It's all fucked.


Tegrity Greenthumb
my wife is an essential staying home it is in effect the herd ideal.

I think it is why i am so worked up about it in general. I have to be stupid safe. I wear a mask and gloves and feel like an ultramaroon but i do it for the people she cares for...for her too.

My perspective is different.

Who is getting food delivered..holy shit its a restaurant up in here.

I was binging sopranos again so i made meatballs with tomato gravy and pasta and a mixed berry toss cake. CoronaPorkingUp. CPU

Ralf was a douche but he as right...add a bit of butter and mix it with the tomato gravy and then add the meatballs and sauce..


my wife and boy think food has never been better. I think they are right...but i have to get that bread down. I have to develop some skillz there.

And i like avoiding people.

I meant to eat only 2 grams of stardawg buds..but i grabbed a handful. I am pretty sure it was at least 4 grams...800 to 1000mg of decarrbed and available THC...

The bass just dropped. :D I love edibles.

View attachment 57754
Very intrigued as what tomato gravy is. Gonna have to look that up.


Just some asshole
Everyone paid me May rents right on time here.
My biggest bitch about the social distancing thing is people wearing a mask, standing behind their plexiglass spit screen then they mumble. Mother fucker speak up, I’m hard of hearing as it is and now you’re mumbling.

Stores are open, home improvement stores look like they’re looted they’ve had so much business.

Put in a offer on another investment house Friday.

The world keeps turning here, some people got sick, some people died. Media blew this way out of proportion. Rest assured the Islamic extremists were taking notes through this...

Whip Eurass

Super Active Member
Rest assured the Islamic extremists were taking notes through this...
We have seen the enemy, and they are us.



Just some asshole
We have seen the enemy, and they are us.

View attachment 57773
View attachment 57774
Once you see the Islamic extremism first hand you will think differently. Was certainly an eye opener for me. As if 9/11 wasn’t one, everyone forgot about that.
NY was crying about the number of people dying from coronavirus every hour. Killed almost 3000 of them in one morning 19 years ago...

Deleted member 60

"Everyone" didn't forget 9-11. "Someone" and the folks who elected him and worship him sure did though.

Here's Mr. Smiley "Making (his) America Great" (after rimming the Saudi Prince's ass with his tongue....) just last year.

Flag pin and all. Now that's a proud "spit, piss and shit on their grave" Trump moment if I ever saw one.


Then again....he WAS really torn up just after those 3000+ American citizens were slaughtered (by his new friends)

Just as concerned as he is now about all the folks who have died under his watch in the last 2 months.

Lady Zandra

We have a bunch of fucktards up here marching about not having the right to...whatever.

Maybe its because i live in a house. I dont get why you have to be so fucking stupid.

But this is still have the right to be so stupid but you get a ticket if there are 5 or more.

And it sucks balls. My uncle lost his son and a total of 5 are allowed at the funeral...wake 1 person at a time...BUT i am happy that in Ontario they give a shit about the elderly, the immune comprimised. The people that are FUCKED if they get it. And it SUCKS if someone dies..has a kid..has a wedding planned...gets cancer. But this is some strange shit that came out of nowhere.

I never saw shit like this before so I am no saint from a mountain or some shit...i am just saying i would rather suffer a while than effect tragedy.

I think its super Canadian eh...

And for all of the it again...1/6th of the population vastly exceeds 1 billion...when we have pestilience that eradicates 1 billion people i will pick that book up again...but it is off exponetnially.

So much so the people who pound that ideal look moroinic and callous.

But damnit we should go to the wont change. go see it later.

Its like the days of our lives but dumber.

I get ya! I live in Michigan, where ARMED asshats are storming the State Capital because they can't a proper haircut, or go bowling! ALL while the the number of cases AND deaths are RISING- and only 1% of the sick people have actually been tested-- so who KNOWS how high the numbers really are?

My Daughter has serious health issues, as does Draig--
Neither can afford to be exposed--
So when I HAVE to go to the store, I wear a mask, and take hand sanitizer with me....
and jerks are without masks and push right-up against me to go through the "social distancing' aisles--
So I get pissed!

I had a young guy behind me in line...
there are X's on the floor to stand on... but he ignored those.
Instead, He was right up my arse, no mask-- and COUGHED-- on purpose!
I turned around and he GRINNED at me!
I said "Excuse me, but you need to back up -please?
He took a step TOWARD me and coughed again!
I said "SON- either you back the fuck up or I'm gonna do it for you!"
At that point- the cashier said "Sir- you have to back up to the X please!
He didn't- until he looked around and EVERYONE ELSE was wearing masks- and giving him a death-stare!

I may not be a spring chicken, or in the best of shape--
But FU** with me or my family right now, and I WILL throat punch yer ass...
Then give you a swift one in the nards just for good measure!

Deleted member 60

Watch yer's them MIcheeeegan Malisshhha boys at it again! Don't look directly at em or one of em may wink at ya.


These terrorists possess exactly the same kinda (3) creaton mindset of the guys that killed the Security guard at the Dollar General...also in Michigan... for telling them to put on a face mask or leave the store.

The folks who own weapons for home protection (meaning.,....their guns stay at home...duh) and for hunting need to be up these boys ass bigger than that 2 headed dildo..cus ass hats like these and the clownboys at the DG are giving good folks a VERY bad name.

Those 3 at the Dollar General shoulda been taken out back and popped in the head on the spot...and the $$$$$ that were saved on the trails and housing these POS for life should be given to that man's 8 kids....

This nation needs to get control over (kill on sight) these kinda folks....cus the normal/good peeps out there aren't the enemy....and these guys are.

be safe out there. The Idiot Patrol is out in full force.
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