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Tegrity Greenthumb
Joking aside - how would you go about that? You realize 'people' you'd like to reach have no interest in your 'teachings', right?
Start with the education system and build a platform for the youth that can become better than us while the people that are in critical positions/remodilimg society help support them. Most jobs even basic doctors can be automated and completely automated in the near future with the right aim. This will free up time for everyone while also allowing people to progress. Not having humans do basic mindless task will allow our species to evolve and not dumb down and become drones. The breeding curve will shift from fat men with fat wallets to people who cherish health and knowledge. By localizing agriciculture and resource management shipping can be cut down substantially worldwide. Pollution can be reduced to hardly a trace. I bet there are many minds capable of brilliance wasted in the ghettos etc, slums, warzones across the world. Its easy to judge a man but if you lived his exact life through his shoes it's hard to say who you would be.


Hobby Farmer
Start with the education system and build a platform for the youth that can become better than us while the people that are in critical positions/remodilimg society help support them. Most jobs even basic doctors can be automated and completely automated in the near future with the right aim. This will free up time for everyone while also allowing people to progress. Not having humans do basic mindless task will allow our species to evolve and not dumb down and become drones. The breeding curve will shift from fat men with fat wallets to people who cherish health and knowledge. By localizing agriciculture and resource management shipping can be cut down substantially worldwide. Pollution can be reduced to hardly a trace. I bet there are many minds capable of brilliance wasted in the ghettos etc, slums, warzones across the world. Its easy to judge a man but if you lived his exact life through his shoes it's hard to say who you would be.
sounds like a eutopia.
The problem is the people are the masses and they are dumb as good luck with that.

But you are right about one have to teach the young to effect change...the rest of us are drawing lines in the sand...dont tread on me...from my cold dead hands.

The bible belt...fuck the poor since jesus christ days...yall know they deserve it...good luck with that shit


Tegrity Greenthumb
sounds like a eutopia.
The problem is the people are the masses and they are dumb as good luck with that.

But you are right about one have to teach the young to effect change...the rest of us are drawing lines in the sand...dont tread on me...from my cold dead hands.

The bible belt...fuck the poor since jesus christ days...yall know they deserve it...good luck with that shit
Yea people are dumb and shitty. This I am very aware of. Alot of this is by design and alot of it is from environmental factors of their development. I think a a good but slim and changeable/manageable portion derives from primitive nature and even less from "evil" or whatever you may call it. Honestly I'm considered a socialist by modern standards. War is the last thing I would want. However it seems inevitable. Either class warfare, or a world war for resources seems to be the 2 options present. Or we could just pull together and work for the better but that would involve way more decency than is allowed. As long as the greedy and business oriented are allowed to prosper the world will continue to get worse. I dont think a total security state and full domestication of humans is far off from the future menu.


Tegrity Greenthumb
Also alot of work that needs to be done is basic labor. We have plenty of engineers and scientist to coordinate the building of self sustainable futures. To be guaranteed a home, food, and community I would gladly trade my labor as long as it was going towards the collective and not towards someone's multi billion dollar bank account. The millions of lives spent doing countless hours of labor for what? Pieces of paper with some dickheads face on it? Really makes me sick. Especially since I'm one of those lives. I dont believe in handouts btw. I dont think there would be many open hands though if people could feel and see the change.


Tegrity Greenthumb
The crimes committed by the church, the banks, and the ones who do their bidding are undeniable and unforgivable. Centuries of progress have been suppressed and billions of souls tortured for the sake of greed and power over eachother. If we want to live in such a society then let it be the wild west. That I could live and die with. Fighting and dying like a animal. Not being stuck in this cage of lies, and get bullshit through a tube. The whole I go to church but suck my boyfriend off before mentality has to go. Two faced is the way we live and the snakes thrive in such tall grasses of misinformation and hate for eachother.


Tegrity Greenthumb
but i liked when my girlfriend sucked me off before church....i found i felt more in one with not thinking about a raging hardon...why did they come when we had to sing rise up rise up for jesus.

I was pretty sure i was going to hell every just made it worse. :D

Misty water colored memories.
Lol believe me I did too. Catholic blowjobs at that and from a pretty woman not a little boy! I dont think the blowjob is the issue in the equation. More the guilt and shame mixed with the need/act of breaking morals can create psychological issues and a loose butthole of a human being.


Lol believe me I did too. Catholic blowjobs at that and from a pretty woman not a little boy! I dont think the blowjob is the issue in the equation. More the guilt and shame mixed with the need/act of breaking morals can create psychological issues and a loose butthole of a human being.
You can't say loose butthole when speaking about the catholic church. operation run by homos that prey upon the weak.

I know all the songs, ate plenty of wafers, went to confession, went to church every sunday, choir,.....the whole 9 yards.

Then it became public that priests were diddling young boys in Mass. That was bad enough..........but the higher ups decided to move the perverted California. That was the decision and all this was only made public,(was on 60 minutes), AFTER the scumbag did the same thing to the completely unsuspecting parish he moved in to. Further they still dragged their heels protecting this POS. Protecting him, denying, like it was a surprise,........and many like him, as well as their selves.

Fuck that shit, I was done with the catholic church as soon as that came out, I was 21. Bunch of creepo fucks full of pomp and circumstance.
Is Jesus about all that fluffery and costuming? Is Jesus an excuse to fuck little boys in the ass? There has been many, many, incidents of homosexual child abuse throughout the years.
Yeah........pass the plate........I'll contribute to this hell.


Tegrity Greenthumb
You can't say loose butthole when speaking about the catholic church. operation run by homos that prey upon the weak.

I know all the songs, ate plenty of wafers, went to confession, went to church every sunday, choir,.....the whole 9 yards.

Then it became public that priests were diddling young boys in Mass. That was bad enough..........but the higher ups decided to move the perverted California. That was the decision and all this was only made public,(was on 60 minutes), AFTER the scumbag did the same thing to the completely unsuspecting parish he moved in to. Further they still dragged their heels protecting this POS. Protecting him, denying, like it was a surprise,........and many like him, as well as their selves.

Fuck that shit, I was done with the catholic church as soon as that came out, I was 21. Bunch of creepo fucks full of pomp and circumstance.
Is Jesus about all that fluffery and costuming? Is Jesus an excuse to fuck little boys in the ass? There has been many, many, incidents of homosexual child abuse throughout the years.
Yeah........pass the plate........I'll contribute to this hell.
Glad you left house of the devil and stepped into the light. Sadly the catholic church is far from the only institution who covers up the ill doing of their groups, and colleagues. I have neighbors that are religous and super super super friendly and those people just seem like they are hiding something lol. Could be they are just genuinely nice and it's just not something you experience often. I remember reading up on criminals and their actions and the serial killer in your neighborhood is the one who brings you baked goods when you move in lmao.
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Tegrity Greenthumb
That 'society' thing is one.....but you're surely joking at this point.

View attachment 57158
What you think I'm imagining and what I'm thinking about are probably 2 different things. Perfection, 0 crime, everyone is smart and decent, every chick has d cups that stay up without a bra. No it's not gonna happen. But surely something better than this. And yes that was a slight overreach lol I admit that, however progress has to start somewhere and for a conscious creature it is usually with a idea. I am curious what the answer is for the why today is different. The whole youth is trash conversation?


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The gubmint in some states/cities is quarantining healthy people. That is not a quarantine - that is martial law. You know the risks. Don't wanna go out? Don't. More gubmint control is NEVER the answer.

Whip Eurass

Super Active Member
What you think I'm imagining and what I'm thinking about are probably 2 different things. Perfection, 0 crime, everyone is smart and decent, every chick has d cups that stay up without a bra. No it's not gonna happen. But surely something better than this. And yes that was a slight overreach lol I admit that, however progress has to start somewhere and for a conscious creature it is usually with a idea. I am curious what the answer is for the why today is different. The whole youth is trash conversation?
You can't force change on people who don't recognize the need to change. Ya dig? The youth in large part are a product of the education indoctrination foisted upon them by agenda driven radicals [then] that rule the system and protect themselves with a powerful union.

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