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Hobby Farmer
So the masks dont save you from much...what they do do is prevent your spit and shit from flying out of your mouth onto someone else with your covid complacence.

That is pretty much what they do...bunch of moist talkers out there.

If people are convinced they do nothing send us a truck load or two would ya...

Deleted member 60

Had to go snag a mouse for the snake. He has to eat too. To do so requires a 45 min drive to a neighboring town. A Red town.

Saw a FEW folks in masks....but you could tell most of 'em weren't "being fooled" by the scamdemic and weren't social distancing/etc. We were pleased. We grabbed the mouse and gave the Pet store gal a $ change needed...and headed back to isolation ASAP. Such a huge difference from the more liberal/artsy town we grocery shop/visit regularly where 80% or more had masks on.

Colorado will supposedly start to slowly reopen April 27. Nobody I know has any plans to go out/return to "normal" (not gonna happen) anytime soon. No restaurants/bars concerts/gatherings....but smaller businesses that practice social distancing will be allowed to reopen. (meaning you carry a baseball bat and anyone who gets close enough to get hit...gets hit)

We're gonna give it 3 weeks after things open up to see if this spikes again and a buncha folks get to play "virus"....but it is unlikely we will return to going into town as frequently as we did in the past (every 4-5 days). More like once a month.

be safe out there. Stupid abounds.


Had to go snag a mouse for the snake. He has to eat too. To do so requires a 45 min drive to a neighboring town. A Red town.

Saw a FEW folks in masks....but you could tell most of 'em weren't "being fooled" by the scamdemic and weren't social distancing/etc. We were pleased. We grabbed the mouse and gave the Pet store gal a $ change needed...and headed back to isolation ASAP. Such a huge difference from the more liberal/artsy town we grocery shop/visit regularly where 80% or more had masks on.

Colorado will supposedly start to slowly reopen April 27. Nobody I know has any plans to go out/return to "normal" (not gonna happen) anytime soon. No restaurants/bars concerts/gatherings....but smaller businesses that practice social distancing will be allowed to reopen. (meaning you carry a baseball bat and anyone who gets close enough to get hit...gets hit)

We're gonna give it 3 weeks after things open up to see if this spikes again and a buncha folks get to play "virus"....but it is unlikely we will return to going into town as frequently as we did in the past (every 4-5 days). More like once a month.

be safe out there. Stupid abounds.
You should mail order up some live mouse traps and save yourself some aggravation, lol. Gotta be mice in Colorado.

Mask city here but the "old normal" of getting up early and getting your ass to the store before the crowds...STILL WORKS! Granted I'm suited up and armed with my own bottle of alky spray. As I left, the line was out the door and down the walk. the walk is marked into sections 6' apart. No paper products which I don't need anyway, no flour, but I got 80 lbs delivered this week. Don't need dry grocery, got many meals in stock.They had eggs and meat which is what I was after and I hit that hard as I could. There are no "deals".
That's looking like the new as much online as possible, go out for fresh as required.

Restaurants???????don't think I'm going anytime soon. I could see being in the middle of a nice meal and some fuckers starts coughing...........yes that'll be enjoyable. hurry up kids woof that food down and lets get out of here before someone sneezes..


Just some asshole
Well I got 22 weeks left of income, so we'll see
It is good to save. Not hard to do either.

Things around here are fairly normal. My address is in a more liberal town, my work is in a hillbilly town. I don't notice much difference. Guy that runs a snow cone truck rents space off me been working his ass off every day.

I only have 3 residential rentals, and 4 commercial rentals (little strip mall). Everyone paid April and claims they will be fine to pay may and June. The 4 commercial units are all still doing business so they're no worry to me. Guy who manages the rentals has 150ish residential rentals, think he had 2 people not pay April, which is normal without the virus. Main retail place I see not doing any business is Starbucks, which I hope they go out of business so who cares. Restaurants are all doing carryout or delivery. Construction is going on, things around here are pretty normal. Still only one death in the county I live in, 4 surrounding counties have 3 deaths.

2 traffic fatalities here yesterday, they should quarantine everyones cars.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
It is good to save. Not hard to do either.

Things around here are fairly normal. My address is in a more liberal town, my work is in a hillbilly town. I don't notice much difference. Guy that runs a snow cone truck rents space off me been working his ass off every day.

I only have 3 residential rentals, and 4 commercial rentals (little strip mall). Everyone paid April and claims they will be fine to pay may and June. The 4 commercial units are all still doing business so they're no worry to me. Guy who manages the rentals has 150ish residential rentals, think he had 2 people not pay April, which is normal without the virus. Main retail place I see not doing any business is Starbucks, which I hope they go out of business so who cares. Restaurants are all doing carryout or delivery. Construction is going on, things around here are pretty normal. Still only one death in the county I live in, 4 surrounding counties have 3 deaths.

2 traffic fatalities here yesterday, they should quarantine everyones cars.
Bingo. All the scary numbers and the hate-Trump media blew this out of proportion, and it snowballed. When they first started testing, they were testing sick and/or high-risk people. For some reason the numbers of infected people - who were sick already and at the hospital - was disproportionately high. hashtag DUH.

What they are realizing is that all the people that got exposed and didn't get sick, and others that got sick and never went to the hospital because it was like the flu were NEVER tested and included in the numbers.

The whole damn shut-down thingy was bullshit, and as always should be handled at the LOCAL level if needed. You don't shut down a whole damn country unless you are a small country with lots of people jammed in it.

Then there's also the part about freedom (Canucks might not get it but they try). They are quarantining HEALTHY PEOPLE!!! Who does that???

I went shopping today. I pretty much self quarantine because people in general suck. Nothing to do with the virus. Only thing lacking was TP, which I didn't need because I am an adult and realize that you buy big packs of things like that.

Mr Blamo

Old Timer
Seems to be slowing down but they say a second wave is coming..
Have to go see the doctor in the morning....time to redue my mj papers for another year of being legal med user. Only reason I have to go there.
Sure wish health Canada would change...instead of every year it should be 5 years.
Bit of a pain in the rear end...but on the other hand I get to grow way more plants than rec users lol.


Hobby Farmer
Seems to be slowing down but they say a second wave is coming..
Have to go see the doctor in the morning....time to redue my mj papers for another year of being legal med user. Only reason I have to go there.
Sure wish health Canada would change...instead of every year it should be 5 years.
Bit of a pain in the rear end...but on the other hand I get to grow way more plants than rec users lol.
It is pretty stupid...It should be at least every a drivers license...

Then there's also the part about freedom (Canucks might not get it but they try)
Oh we dont get you....There is no question about it. The gun thing...:D lol we just dont get it.
A second basic difference between Canadian Constitution and the American is we are a constitutional monarchy and the USA is a republic. I would say the country is generally behind the idea of planking the curve etc..because we think its the Canadian thing to do.

The BIGGEST difference is free health care. We have to keep the pace SLOW so it does not burden the system. Because anyone can go there. A very good friends dad had to have a quad bypass. They each had to mortgage their house...That really showed me how good we have it. People bitch but they dont know shit.

How would you know if people died of covid in the ghetto? You dont they just die and get buried. The numbers are probably worse than indicated.

It is just differenent...I do find it very interesting. And one time we were in a bar and they asked me what i thought the biggest difference was and I said I think we are more free....and they really didnt agree

But we still found a way to bend elbows and have a great night...we can agree to disagree. I have no isses with freedom of thought..unless you are stupid.

I have issues with stupid....can we make a basic IQ minimum a requirement of voting?

shit that everyone gets a vote thing...all people are equal...even if stupid should be 2 to 1.

Coronovirus is going to EXPLODE...because everyone will let their guard down. 100% chance. I am on lockdown all year but its because i am tanning in the bloom room and want to be a farmer.

And my wife works with the most vulnerable and I will do my best to ensure they remain covid free. It is really bad in the seniors homes.

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