#Heisenbeans Genetics


Insanely Active Member
Someone help Me with this? I never see red hairs till around week 5-1/2. The sundae driver is a lot faster so that one don’t bother me..

well I have a purple punch #2 s1 that is week 4 and throwing lots of red hairs!

The plants super close to it are all white hairs at week 3-4 so I don’t think it’s a herm?

Could It be another fast finisher? Or should I pull her out and check fo4 balls?

Tent is packed and like I said all others are not Doing it normally when I had a hermie it would affect them all. Here is a pic.?? View attachment 56948
In my experience and environment the purple punch he uses is legit finished at 8 weeks. Looks done at 7 even. One of the fastest finishing strains i can remember seeing myself. Red hairs start way early for me as well.


Always rockin’ at half mast
In my experience and environment the purple punch he uses is legit finished at 8 weeks. Looks done at 7 even. One of the fastest finishing strains i can remember seeing myself. Red hairs start way early for me as well.
Lots of times cuts like this still are better if you let them go 9. Kens cut(which is I’m assuming where the trait comes from in punch) looks done week 7-8, but turns all purple and get way heavier if you chop it week 10. My cc cut and thin mint are also cuts that have about a 2-3 week period they’re legit ready, but the more patient you are, generally, the better the bud is.


Always rockin’ at half mast
It's coco I read don't let it dry out?
You can let coco dry out. It’s nice if you don’t have to. But if you want to treat is like hand watered soil, you can. If I get bats, I let my plants dry out more than usual for about a week(so maybe 3-4 waterings skipped) and the mats disappear. Coco does dry out faster than water though.

The only media that really bad to let dry out is organic living soil ime, because the soil actually dies and your plants lose the soil structure/bennies


Insanely Active Member
Lots of times cuts like this still are better if you let them go 9. Kens cut(which is I’m assuming where the trait comes from in punch) looks done week 7-8, but turns all purple and get way heavier if you chop it week 10. My cc cut and thin mint are also cuts that have about a 2-3 week period they’re legit ready, but the more patient you are, generally, the better the bud is.
With this cut I ran it a full 9 and the oils kinda dried up and or evaporated. Right now sticky as fuck gonna give it another week. Still dialing her second run so far.


Just a layer of some used fish tank gravel. Nat barrier. Doesn't work they are persistent fucks.
Tell you something bugs don't like, is old, brown "pine needles". You walk out and look under the pines and see how many insects are in it. Might not be a persons #1 choose, but it will help. I prefer finding things around the farm for free and save my $$$ for them "magic beans". lol I find my electronic led needs from parts from cars, computers, to aluminum beer bottle heat sinks. Haha!
Ordered me a 44.00 Arbor press to finish out my DIY "rosin press". Will be up and producing by next week. Finishing up my fresh frozen "HeisenBean Bubble Hash" today.


Always rockin’ at half mast
With this cut I ran it a full 9 and the oils kinda dried up and or evaporated. Right now sticky as fuck gonna give it another week. Still dialing her second run so far.
I’ve never had a plant with resins that “dry out/evaporate” afaik and I let some plants go maybe 2 weeks longer than when they’re finished. It’s very rare to do any issue up to at least that point ime. And at that point usually what happens is the plant will throw a couple bananas or stress leaves. I live in la by the beach so my humidity is always over 60, which is the only thing I could think that may have that effect. Or your buds are starting to cure on the live plant, which would be interesting. Haha.

thinking about it though, most Plants feel less sticky to me when they’re finished than weel 5-6 when the plant is in its heaviest production and all the pistils are new.


I’ve never had a plant with resins that “dry out/evaporate” afaik and I let some plants go maybe 2 weeks longer than when they’re finished. It’s very rare to do any issue up to at least that point ime. And at that point usually what happens is the plant will throw a couple bananas or stress leaves. I live in la by the beach so my humidity is always over 60, which is the only thing I could think that may have that effect. Or your buds are starting to cure on the live plant, which would be interesting. Haha.

thinking about it though, most Plants feel less sticky to me when they’re finished than weel 5-6 when the plant is in its heaviest production and all the pistils are new.
When a plant is in that "ripening" window. Meaning the "stalk" of the resin head is beginning to dry out and get brittle, thus snapping the resin head off and falls onto the nearest plant material. You judge when your flower is ready by how many heads fall off on a surface after a limited amount of "shake or vibration".
Maybe what is drying out is this during the "ripening" window?
Something for you younger growers to research.


Always rockin’ at half mast
When a plant is in that "ripening" window. Meaning the "stalk" of the resin head is beginning to dry out and get brittle, thus snapping the resin head off and falls onto the nearest plant material. You judge when your flower is ready by how many heads fall off on a surface after a limited amount of "shake or vibration".
Maybe what is drying out is this during the "ripening" window?
Something for you younger growers to research.
Yeah, I understand the concept and I think that plants tend to “feel more dry” when they’re done than sticky. When it’s just grease ime you’re not ripe.


Yeah, I understand the concept and I few like plants tend to few more “dry” when they’re done than sticky. When it’s just grease ime you’re not ripe.
Here is where it gets tricky, Some plants produce more "oily' terps and less solids. There are mono terps and cesna(?) terps. also. Monos tend to burn off very quickly and cesna hang around a lot longer. When you run bubble hash, you can smell the terps combusting and are lost. If you smell it, you are losing it.
Then you have the sandy, gritty type heads. These are the "hash maker" strains. Whole other ball game.


Always rockin’ at half mast
Here is where it gets tricky, Some plants produce more "oily' terps and less solids. There are mono terps and cesna(?) terps. also. Monos tend to burn off very quickly and cesna hang around a lot longer. When you run bubble hash, you can smell the terps combusting and are lost. If you smell it, you are losing it.
Then you have the sandy, gritty type heads. These are the "hash maker" strains. Whole other ball game.
We’re on a tangent now, lol. Ime the best hashmaking strains tend to be sort of hard to smoke the flowers of. Good Himalayan hashplants for charras are crazy earthy terpz, taste like dirt and pepper to me when smoking the buds(some afghanis are lime this too), but when made into hash flavor sweetens up and gets sort of chocolatey. These plants tend to stay sticky all the way through but if you grab a cola and then rub your fingers together you do get clumps of sort of dirty(sandy) feeling finger hash. Dunno if this is what you’re talking about or not.


Tegrity Greenthumb
Ya I've been using dunks, BT, and sticky traps. I found a bag of used coco near my room that was infested. Reinfecting my grow. They took a trip outside, they don't like winter LOL. Just have the odd one now. Worm bins are going out for the summer and going to cut back on plants for the summer indoor and see if I can get rid of them beeotches.
Sierra natural science has sample kits for like 7 bucks. May help you combat the problem!


Insanely Active Member
Lots of times cuts like this still are better if you let them go 9. Kens cut(which is I’m assuming where the trait comes from in punch) looks done week 7-8, but turns all purple and get way heavier if you chop it week 10. My cc cut and thin mint are also cuts that have about a 2-3 week period they’re legit ready, but the more patient you are, generally, the better the bud is.
Purple like this?