Under Construction: Proceed With Caution! Buckets That Bubble & More...

Looks good. Nice color. Have you tried setting your screen down on a paper towel before you scrape the hash off? I've found it helps to draw the moisture out pretty good.
Looks good. Nice color. Have you tried setting your screen down on a paper towel before you scrape the hash off? I've found it helps to draw the moisture out pretty good.
This was my 3rd time ever doing it so it's getting a little easier each time and finding routine. When I collect, I put it on a glass plate and tilt it slightly so gravity pulls the water down the plate. I then form it after a good hour or so and then use a butterknife to push any excess water out as I am forming it on the plate. I actually tap it with papertowel slightly to get even more to get any remaining water. Really easy honestly. You then can freeze the plate for a little and scrap off any leftover from forming them. Here's maybe an hour and half since I made it and not too much longer I can burn it.
Looks good. Nice color. Have you tried setting your screen down on a paper towel before you scrape the hash off? I've found it helps to draw the moisture out pretty good.
What do you do with the leftovers when done? Just toss it? I was thinking about letting it dry and trying to make butter from the rest. I would think there would still be more then enough thc left in the material.


What do you do with the leftovers when done? Just toss it? I was thinking about letting it dry and trying to make butter from the rest. I would think there would still be more then enough thc left in the material.
I run my material twice after that I throw out away. I figure I'm waisting enough time running the stuff a second time. Can definitely see a decrease in yields.

Maybe take the leftovers and put them in a crock pot with butter. See how potent the butter is, then you'll be able to tell if it's worth the effort.

I'd be curious to know for sure. I'm my head its a waist of time. Maybe I'm wrong though.
I run my material twice after that I throw out away. I figure I'm waisting enough time running the stuff a second time. Can definitely see a decrease in yields.

Maybe take the leftovers and put them in a crock pot with butter. See how potent the butter is, then you'll be able to tell if it's worth the effort.

I'd be curious to know for sure. I'm my head its a waist of time. Maybe I'm wrong though.
I have done runs 3 and 4 times before and pulled on each run so there def is some left....only problem like you said, is it worth it? Prob not.
View attachment 71473
Wedding cake (SadMad cut)
She got big dreams lol
She actually looks awesome!!! I am sure those spots came from rooting her and now good to go. I am running mom in DWC right now but I am gonna be running a cut in soil next....and since she's a clone, she will grow calyx and pop hairs all the way through veg til you flip. Just remember to take a cut before you do flip....just in case you wanna keep her around. Thanks for posting!