Tokin’ Tunes


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Two that don't come up much in discussions of 'greatness', but two of the best live performances I never expected to like that much. I saw Tom on the Damn the Torpedo's tour and then every one afterwards I could get to.

Saw George in the mid 80's with "John Butcher Axis" opening. They got bood off stage in the middle of their first song. It was sad. They weren't that good, and their equipment was miked all fucked up. George came out and played for 3 hours. I never knew before then that he was the guitarist - thought he was just the front man LOL (probably MTVs fault)



Super Active Member
The first 2 1/2 Petty albums were on a 90 minute cassette in the car during the 80's and was one of my go to tapes.



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