The Upward Spyral


Time to crank it up a bit. Made the Wings CMH true bare bulb because the wings were getting in the way. Brought in the other CMH since the RDWC tent is down. Fired up another 600w HPS. Almost time to harvest some totes and rotate more in.


Killing it @spyralout ! Iโ€™m excited to flip mine and see what I get. Looks frost and the descriptions of the smells sound amazing. Iโ€™m on the first tester batch so Iโ€™m sure thereโ€™s gonna be different smells and such but still stoked. Good job man๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐ŸปโœŒ๐Ÿป Oh, then thereโ€™s my favorite partโœ‚โœ‚โœ‚โœ‚๐Ÿคฃ
Thanks Tex! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ I'm lagging a bit on the next tote and rdwc seed popping. I need to do some repairs/small upgrades to the rdwc and tent setup. I should pop seeds in the 2 rdwc veg totes so it'll put a time clock and force me to finish up to prep for the next round ๐Ÿ˜„ just barely starting to get my mojo back and get into a bit of a groove. The 9 Pound Hammer crosses all have a similar medicinal quality to them, some more than others. My GF really likes 9 Pound Hammer by itself, there is a noticeable pain relief aspect to it. It carried through into all of the crosses in varying degrees. You will like them.


Mediocre grower
9 Pound Blueberry #3 (GK Genetics - @Phylex) - Day 60

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Blueberry Lemonade "energy drink" with rubbed pink eraser (those parallelogram shaped ones)

X-Files #3 (GK Genetics - @Phylex) - Day 60
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One side was exposed to direct bare bulb CMH vs the other side had about 25% CMH and 75% HPS. Guess which side ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Tangy Grape Laffy Taffy - surprised me! ๐Ÿคค๐Ÿคค
Damn those all sound delicious! ๐Ÿคค looking good homie


Damn those all sound delicious! ๐Ÿคค looking good homie
Thanks man! Phylex stuff coming in hot! Couple Eso plants looking good and smelling crazy berry! Macsnax and a very cookie smelling pheno almost done! Red, Schwaggy, Easty in stretch! Can't wait to see the newest Phylex strains in flower. If the current strains are any indicator they're gonna bring some serious โ™จ
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Mediocre grower
X-Files (GK Genetics - @Phylex) - Day 65
Pulled from tent, chop tomorrow

View attachment 36890
Nice! That's a fatty bro, good job! Makes me realize I haven't had a real big fat bud like that in a while... hmmm...๐Ÿค” I have been tinkering with my ratios, and when I add my bloom booster. It makes a huge difference. The environment is a little different tho than it was in the summer so I'm not sure if that had an effect too. I really need to do a side- by-side comparison because my wedding cake I just finished looked nothing like it did the last time I grew it...


Nice! That's a fatty bro, good job! Makes me realize I haven't had a real big fat bud like that in a while... hmmm...๐Ÿค” I have been tinkering with my ratios, and when I add my bloom booster. It makes a huge difference. The environment is a little different tho than it was in the summer so I'm not sure if that had an effect too. I really need to do a side- by-side comparison because my wedding cake I just finished looked nothing like it did the last time I grew it...
Thanks man! I didn't use bloom booster on totes 1-4, just MC and cal mag then RO flush. I wasn't keeping up on ph/ppm as vigilantly as I should have either. Upcoming totes should be different. I am seeing the effects of cold weather on these plants. It dropped in temp sharply these past couple of weeks and the veg plants under T5 are not growing as fast. As for flower, ever since I fired up another CMH and HPS the next totes have exploded. I need a new set of temp/humidity gauges.


Hey, what do I know, I'm just looking at a picture... only u can make that call, but definitely don't risk bud rot... better to pull it early for sure
You know A LOT cuz of your experiences and attention to nuances. You are very observant and have a similar mindset with me on a LOTTA things. So I trust your insight. Maybe let'er bathe in this CMH bath with HPS essence for a bit until this weekend. Kinda grim, but it's her last meal on the Green Mile. Her roommates though, I think they're ready. My GF with her keen (and beautiful) green eyes straight called out the others on being done. "Those look like they're starting to die" - I concur. I tell ya man she has this sense with plants that my GO GO GO ass can miss sometimes when I'm tending to everything else.