The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The Deep Chunk are all done. 60-80 watts, 6 weeks veg, 8 weeks flower and a full moon later. I have tip burn! Tell me they ain't getting nutes LOL
I did NOTHING extra to these. RO water for 18 hrs then moist soil. I wonder if the fungal part of the root-wise had anything to do with the previous seeds turning to mush on the inside. So we're back to basics. After 4 weeks then I'll see what's up and what gets vegged longer or flipped to get it sexed. With this assortment, them being spread out in growth characteristics will be a bonus.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
So the 4 Deep Chunk weighed in between 50g and 60g per plant wet. I'll get a half ounce-ish off each. But two ounces out of 4 3g pots ain't bad considering the strain and grow type. Definitely a headstash plant, but you could grow one girl in a dishwasher with a light.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
This is the result of my version of starter cups. I have 1tbsp of tiny pumice in the bottom. The roots can only come from the opposing sides of the cup since there are only the two slits. With the rocks in the bottom they rarely get tangled together. A little jiggle and they separate.

The other thing this style does is that you can lay it in your palm and open one side of the inner cup to make sure no roots stick, then open the other side. I water it the day before I transplant and that helps the plug stick together. It also lets you transplant without sogging out the new pot.
Once the plug is loose I just roll it out into my hand then right into the pot that has a cup-sized hole already there. Even if the plug starts to fall apart it's easy to drop it all in the hole in good order. With the mini cups and this clamshell thing I think I get most things into the new home without much "shock" I was able to do the runty one just fine even though there weren't many roots yet.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Buying beans came up in the contest thread. I'm pretty much done buying new stuff. I have about 150 strains to try. That's after boxing up a lot to donate to a good cause. I know some stuff will lose germ rate by the time I get to it. But that's one reason I have a seed-specific fridge.

That said, the main reason I am trying a bunch of little samples of everything is to find out if it's something I need to grab more of while it's still available. If it is stuff from a breeder that keeps the same stuff in stock from long-held moms then it's about how old his packs are and if (or how often) he's making new ones.

I already snagged a second pack of that T-star from Top Dawg. I'm running that because the jar's empty, and I have a second pack... But the others are all to see if I need to get another pack or if I'm good with what I have. Regs moreso than fems since all you need is germination, not sex.

As far as cloning, I am now to the point I may keep a mom. I have the tent space and a system that works for me. But right now I can only think of two I'd clone. The Chem91, if CSI ever gave an indication that he was done with it - Or the next CLHP that pops if I have another pack with germination issues. I think the rootwise stuff was just overpowering the seedlings when I sprinkled it on the hole. I never had issues just putting a tiny bit in water, then a bit of that in the seed-soak water .


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The Macchiato x Jaro testers are pretty uniform. In my mind I see the Macchiato as being a new bilng strain, and his Jaro dominating it and that's what I have in all 4. Or not 🤪
Growing tops... Each one has 5-6 sets of nugs and the top may or may not be separated from the next lower set. But the plumpness top to bottom is uniform.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
For those keeping score, I forgot to mention those ugly spots on the pots, When I harvested the Deep Chunk they were in the plastic pots with saucers, and I just let the dirt stay in the tray that came out of the holes in the pot. Under each pot was about a dozen worms having orgies and castings everywhere. 4 Deep Chunk trays, 4 Macchiato plants. I scratched it in a bit then watered, so it's just gonna be ugly unless the cover crops do better.

I need to step up my cover crop game. I did well using lettuce and stopped for some damn reason. The bok choi did well and I still have some pots with just the cover crop growing me a salad since I don't need the soil yet.

I have seeds I saved from the garden from herbs and some random oriental greens, and the buckwheat and vetch filled the pot even with just a few getting started. So I will be going OCD and filling up some packets with a homemade cover crop blend. But instead of dumping them all together parceling them out so a little packet has a mix of everything and is enough for one pot.

I need more plants to keep me busy.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The lime stuff from Freeborn gave me three winners. The two Lime1 x Jaro had a bland one and one that smells like cilantro and tastes like Mexican food. The high is good. I have a whole pack left since I just planted the extras.

The Lime1 x 1st Crown had one with a different structure from the other three. It has a non-descript taste but an exceptional high. One of the other three was way better than the other two and is straight lime peel and has a good buzz. These were testers so I dn't have more.

The Pink Champagne x G33/Cherry Limeade is not in the lime category and the jury is still out until it cures. Smells on the swwet side and both seem like good smoke.

All in all, finding what would have been "keepers" out of 5 beans with 4 girls, or our of the first one or two flowered out from a pack just tells me that my chemistry agree with the breeders selections. That's a win to me.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
My veg tent under the veg light - all is back to normal except the empty tents. The contest plants get pics in the other thread. Today everything got a blue corn sprouted seed tea. I added LAB to it and even if they only needed a sip they all got some.
I kept adjusting vents and cracking the lid, and the Raspberry Boogie just seem to enjoy the low humidity (about 50% in general). I was not intending to run a torture test at that size or anything but they are happy as fuck.
Out of two trays I got a dozen that jumped up, a few had issues like helmets and such,
But this time I excavated instead of just waiting. I found 4 that had a little ball of root and a helmet growing just under the surface, but going nowhere because of the helmet. I may salvage a few. I went in after looking at the pic and covered those exposed roots a little better.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The Chemdog had a real curly root-ball that didn't want to stretch out and grow south. But one of the Z-sour is a success! I think the other two are vertical because they are in moist soil, but I don't think they are growing. But they are vertical so they stay.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The Nodsodog Headband (a.k.a. LA Pure Kush) x ChemD by CSI. She's fluffy, she's chemmy, she's got a great leaf to calyx ratio even though she has that stacked calyx, foxtail-y look. There is some density there, and I had to bust open a few of those calyxes that were too dry and broke off to see if there was a seed. None, but it felt like there was. So each little piece is solid.
The pile upper right is the stuff on the outside edges that werre a little too dry and crumbled off as I was getting leaves out. The rest is perfect. I have to check the Deep Chunk's next.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Those crumbles are what I ground up for a pre-cure test run.

I think this is gonna be some timewreck weed. I just kicked around on amazon checking on a delivery and :unsure: I don't think I bought anything. 🤷‍♂️

I packed half of that in a pipe - smoked it - packed the second half in the pipe - then walked around and did some stuff. I still have a full pipe of weed sitting around somewhere so there's an adventure! :LOL:


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Something else I have noticed about the "science of getting high" is that the lighter matters too.

If you put a bic lighter to a bowl, you get a different hit from toughing it with a hotter single-flame mini torch. Also with the larger 3-flame or more little torch lighters.

I think it's back to that titration thing. With a steady flame from a regular lighter you are pulling in part of the heat. With a torch lighter even if you just hit the edge the heat's penetrating down into the bowl. If you bump it to the 3-flame you can turn a bowl packed for a sesh into a onehitter. With the understandably coughable results - but that high is way different from sipping" on the bowl with the bic.


Something else I have noticed about the "science of getting high" is that the lighter matters too.

If you put a bic lighter to a bowl, you get a different hit from toughing it with a hotter single-flame mini torch. Also with the larger 3-flame or more little torch lighters.

I think it's back to that titration thing. With a steady flame from a regular lighter you are pulling in part of the heat. With a torch lighter even if you just hit the edge the heat's penetrating down into the bowl. If you bump it to the 3-flame you can turn a bowl packed for a sesh into a onehitter. With the understandably coughable results - but that high is way different from sipping" on the bowl with the bic.
This is actually why some stoners use hemp wick to light their bowls. I always thought they did it because it was hemp, and they are stoners, but it's because it's a lower temp flame than a lighter flame and it doesn't add the butane taste.