"Mondo Bondage
I've been tied up so long
there's no escape...." Tubes
Heehee....it was a kinky party in the tent yesterday. Everybody (but the contest plants) got some serious wire/rubber band bondage action. So much for having any room in there...LOL.
Still trying to get the pH in check. The vinegar does work but it is short-lived. Since I know it will rise within 24 hours or so...I dropped it to 5 the last 2 waterings and things seemed to respond/green up a bit as they rode the wave back up. pH down is coming Tuesday so that should help a ton.
Veg tent is also coming along nicely w/ more stout liddle bitches. The Melonsicle and Pisthash are incredibly compact w/tightly spaced nodes.
With the overall limits of "tents" and "timing" in play...I'm thinking I might (yup...old habits
) take a bunch of clones and turn these 7 into a liddle SOG. (if the clone Gods smile on me). Do 1 gallon pots and do em pretty fast. That would slow things down a bit and work toward filling the space as well as offer a good stash of all of these selections. Then the tents would be clear/free to start focusing on "Summer" by sometime in April.