Mr.white vs budders….grow off!!!


Bro I never start anything……I just retaliate……. I never pop off unless I feel a type of way…… when I say I did something and people tell me I’m Lying…..I’m not talking that shit on the chin…… which is why I called out and challenged every na sayer….. to date…… only 2 people had the BALLS and gave time out of their day to do a thing
People not wanting to challenge you has nothing to do with having balls. In case you've missed it, over 40 of us are currently active in a growing competition that is going until April, and we don't have a huge grow room like H has. Some of us were also active in another competition that went from April through July, too, so we haven't had time to run our own seeds or clones.


Ok so as per usual you are displaying perception issues…… ok ……… if u go back and look at what I said…….. stay with me hear buddy I know it’s tuff for you…………..” they don’t make tents out of side 5x5 dimentions yet”…….let it sink in…………you got it?………ok good job buddy………..I’m proud of you………………….that means they don’t make tents out side of 5x5 Dimentions however they do make tents inside of 5 x 5 dimensions….. 2x2-2x4-4x4….4x8….8x8……. You see a number in units of 5 in their?…………….great job buddy your right……………….that was. Tuff one huh?………….. you know what a 10x5and 5x5 and 10X10 have in common?……………… their all 5x5 dimensions………YOU FUCKING SIMPLETON!!!!!!!!!! GET FUCKED!!!!!!!!! Dry!!!!!!!!!!!!!BACK OF YOUR THEETH!!!!!!!!!!!BY A CLYDESDALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU FUCKING HALF BAKED MEATBALL FUCKING GOOMBAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!


Full send….always
People not wanting to challenge you has nothing to do with having balls. In case you've missed it, over 40 of us are currently active in a growing competition that is going until April, and we don't have a huge grow room like H has. Some of us were also active in another competition that went from April through July, too, so we haven't had time to run our own seeds or clones.
Me personally…..and this is just one assholes out look……if some one agrees to go up agent you, be it in a gun fight,knife fight,fist fight, drag race, boxing, grow offs……they all have one thing in common…………individuals who try and prove them selfs onto others, had the balls to step up and put the time in…….


Dont Need One
125-155ppm Depending on tiMe of year tap water….. 2-7ml per gal 29-34% h2o2….4ml per gal drop clean… this stage I’m useing 2.5ml per gal armor si……..55% phosphoric acid ph down…… and flora nova grow to get my Ppms up to 1150 ppm on .5 spectrum….. oh and now I’m adding 3ml per gal 2-0-0 cal mag with added iron……that’s it
Fucks sakes. Armor si :D


Me personally…..and this is just one assholes out look……if some one agrees to go up agent you, be it in a gun fight,knife fight,fist fight, drag race, boxing, grow offs……they all have one thing in common…………individuals who try and prove them selfs onto others, had the balls to step up and put the time in…….
Too me they just seem insecure.


Full send….always
Unless u pull at least 60 grams per foot….. your Guna loose man….. 9 out of ten seeds it popped grew like sativas but had indica density……and brother….this giro I got in my 5x5……….shhhhhhiiiiiiiiddddddddd


Dont Need One
Floranova pretty magic stuff. Not sure you need drip clean or h202 for 1 plant but I'm taking notes. Good luck in the comp...
Flora nova is ok but dynagro knocks it's dick off. No need for calmag. If I use nova I get rust spots in 3 days especially under LED. Nova is like root root in a bottle for any type of hydro setup . Do yourself a big ass favor, get a 1 gallon jug of foliage pro and a tds meter. When your next plants come in start em off at 0.2 EC around 3-400 ppm and work your way up to around 800 ppm per feed. You'll never use nothing else.


Dont Need One
Unless u pull at least 60 grams per foot….. your Guna loose man….. 9 out of ten seeds it popped grew like sativas but had indica density……and brother….this giro I got in my 5x5……….shhhhhhiiiiiiiiddddddddd
Your at about 35 cause anyone with half a brain can see your fudging the trim job to add the branches as weight. No one who knows anything would buy that shit like that. They would tell you to fuck off. Break the nugs off the branches and do it right asshole.