Ok Hotwired, your stuff is awesome too, you too Greenthumbskunk. Greenthumbskunk, you have any outdoor favs? Please tell me you’re growing Heisen gear outside in those pics. Don’t think High Kev would admit to having pitiful skillls.WJS
No not in those. Those were sativas, I'm in a very humid environment well can be and I can't plant super dense bud like Heisenbeans gear.
Those were gorilla grows from like 10 yrs or more back in the pick. I started in the 90s with bag seed and ended up ordering seed from Shantibaba and he uses a lot of sativa crosses. I did grow some of his skunk varieties and it was hit or miss every year in getting rot in the bud.
Sometimes it will just start raining and have nothing but clouds and rain days. Thats a disaster for thick big buds as they never dry out. I have a greenhouse that is around 12 ft tall and I used to grow big plants in their but same issue when you have many days of wet weather.
In a dry year or if you are in a drier environment you would have no problems growing Heisens stuff outside. We also have a lot of moths in September and October who lay hundreds of eggs and they turn into worms that love munching on bud.
They can destroy your crop in just a night or 2. You need to go outside at night with a light so you can see them better and pick them off. With those big sativas its impossible to get past halfway up the plant.
I've had good years where it was dry with a breeze at night where humidity gets high and few moths. And get 5-8 lbs off 1 plant.
I've had years where I would have so much weed I didn't know what to do and was overwhelmed trimming. Would take me several months and using a trimming machine. I'd hang em up in a shop and let them hang their until I got to em.
Id always harvest my tall plants first because I just had 9 ft from rafter to floor and I'd hang the plant as far as I could up in the rafters but the big plants were just too big. So I took those down first and hung the small plants up for later. Some varieties wouldn't be ready till early December. Of course I lost some due to freeze but some plants made it some didnt. It got down to 17 one night and I had this bag seed survive . Fried off all the fan leaves but no bud damage and she continued on for another month until I took her down.
I found an older pic so u can see how I did this. Id start in the back and hang em up on the rafters going back to front and right to left in that order so I know which ones I put in first.
This shop is 50'x 30'
Here is some seeds.