#Heisenbeans Genetics


Back to the topic of defoliation real quick, just wanted to show you guys how they look atm after 7days in flower. I defoliated once a week for the last 2 weeks in veg and also on day 1 of flower. I stripped off 95% of the fans and they were completely naked so you could see every node and branch. They will get defoliated 1-2 more times by day 21 and again on day 42. As you can see no stress and very healthy and completely filled in and can’t see down the canopy. in 7 days they’ve stretched 6 inches past the 2nd layer of trellis so about 18-20 inches so far, so defoliation hasn’t effected It negatively in any way. Hope this helps some of you guys out and gives you a visual for it. Just remember plant health has to be on par or you may do More harm then good

Btw plants are sleeping so that’s why they’re drooping, they’re on full pray mode when they wake up.

In the pics up above i did the same. I took off the fans of those purple dreams last sunday and as you can see during stretch over the last few days they grew more. Ill take those off this weekend.


Really as big As you want, mine Usually end up around 6ft but I usually do 6 per light versus 4 in RDWC To really fill canopy. Only issue I had with the flora flex was not having a timer that could feed by the second, only had the basic minute timers and feeding a rockwool cube even with the lowest flow for a minute straight is way to much. I would Have preferred to feed for like 10 seconds multiple times a day but controllers are pricey so I’d take that in to consideration if going the flora flex route, maybe Heisen knows of a good option. I was also drain to waste but if you’re recirculating then that’s not as big of an issue. 6in is fine and you can stack if need be like Heisen said, but you really don’t need any bigger or smaller than 6in it you’re going to have it auto feeding, bigger blocks just give you a little more time in between dry down. I have 2 moms about 5ft tall In 6in rockwool and they require 3 watering of about 48oz per day or they dry out and droop, one missed feeding and they’re dead, that’s the only negative to rockwool is there is no forgiveness.
Cycle timer. Set on and off time. I ran mine off of the light timer. Off at night. Work real well. Even with cloner misters. 15sec on 20 min off
Edited by heisen
Deleted pic cause your name was in it.


I dont know who any of these dudes are my question would be why come here just to stir the pot. That's clearly the only intention. Has to be someplace where they call home and feel good. Why come here. How is this stupid shit fun for anybody. Seems like a big waste of energy that could go towards something more constructive. Just my 2 cents as an onlooker to all this stuff.


Dont Need One
I dont know who any of these dudes are my question would be why come here just to stir the pot. That's clearly the only intention. Has to be someplace where they call home and feel good. Why come here. How is this stupid shit fun for anybody. Seems like a big waste of energy that could go towards something more constructive. Just my 2 cents as an onlooker to all this stuff.
They hit my ig and youtube comment section like clockwork early in the mornings lol