#Heisenbeans Genetics


Dont Need One
anyone else wanna make a formal announcement they are leaving we can make that happen. All these butt hurt individuals that have absolutely no dog in the fight whatsoever and dont know the full circumstances of what happened. I dont need these cats creating a shit storm in the shadows and talking about how terrible it is here. I sure am gonna miss all the ad revenue all these vendors created. I learned my lesson the first time with whytewidow and green256 creating industrial sabotage after they was banned for stealing.
We will pick up the pieces and move on after everyone decides who they are keeping it real for and the smoke clears.
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Sorry if I'm stating something you already knew, but I don't think Big Terps meant he was leaving here, I think he was trying to have his RIU account deleted, but couldn't.
That's how I took it also. People are trying to delete their RIU accounts and can't.

I have an alias there but I wont talk shit. I stay on the down low. I want to keep my account so I can see what's up and who's talking shit there.


Dont Need One
Sorry if I'm stating something you already knew, but I don't think Big Terps meant he was leaving here, I think he was trying to have his RIU account deleted, but couldn't.
Sorry man. I'm on vacation out of town and trying to enjoy myself because I worked 365 days straight last year and busted ass not only in the garden but also putting together all the shit that used in the process. It's been a crazy past couple days and I'm just trying to clean up all the fuckery. I certainly dont want anyone to stay here that dont wanna be here.
Me and Terps had our differences and I worked them out with him. I apologize if that was the case.

Big Terps

Growing on a dime
Done, anyone else wanna make a formal announcement they are leaving we can make that happen. All these butt hurt individuals that have absolutely no dog in the fight whatsoever and dont know the full circumstances of what happened. I dont need these cats creating a shit storm in the shadows and talking about how terrible it is here. I sure am gonna miss all the ad revenue all these vendors created. I learned my lesson the first time with whytewidow and green256 creating industrial sabotage after they was banned for stealing.
We will pick up the pieces and move on after everyone decides who they are keeping it real for and the smoke clears.
Hey dude chill out bro! I have tried 2-3 times to get rid of my trollitup account and havnt had no luck is wtf i was saying dude! U might be under alot of stress from them idiots but i have no fuckn clue what anyone has done to u or ur buisness. I was talkn shit on them not u.. I want no part of narkville over there. I droppd every forum i had except yours man! Go back and check potm contest where i thankd your ass numerous times for letting me be here along with others..
U could of asked me wtf was going or just read my words ive posted. I was wondering why the 15 mins everytime i tried logging on here it kept saying i was fuckn banned?? If i had any beef with u id say so.. U didnt see anything bad coming from my mouth bout u..

Look dude i appreciate everything uve done for me and all us here. I wanna be here but im not kissing ur ass or playing high school games..I didnt do shit towards u or be disrespectful to anyone else!
Frankly i can give 2 fucks bout that drama. Im here for the brotherhood of growers and the friends ive made here. Im not here to bust ur balls over sum drama i no nothing bout. If they are narks i dont want anything to do with em.. Not sure how my words got twisted into what u are saying? With all that weed u produce do u have time to smoke any of it? I think u need to burn one dude wasnt shit talkn u.. Hell gweedo and mtraindog was able to read my words correctly?


Heathen Basterd
This place is home to many of us and it's appreciated. When You start taking casualties in Your unit it is at that point You find out who Your fighters are as well as the cowards. If a person will turn and out of spite divulge information to hurt the other person then I say that same person if pinched would roll to save thier own ass , Amos showed the world He has no ethics , is vindictive , and like cowards will roll if pinched. No time for someone like that.


Transcendental Humanist, AnCap & Weed Enthusiast
Banana Orange Daiquiri is starting to show some frost (Flower Day 25)

Dope man, I need to put up some pics of my BODs hitting flower soon. All six seedlings sprouted and have been rushing to maturity since. Great structure on all of them, nice pungent stem rub, strong floral and fruit with two or three expressing a green, earthy fruit smell reminiscent of an immature banana.