#Heisenbeans Genetics


Blümen Meister
I mean, I still did...I just do the shotgun approach and get a variety ;) something is bound to be good eventually....

Once I wrap up this run if I can I'll grab some heisenbeans and give em a whirl.
All I'm saying is you have to take any plant picture with a grain of salt. You don't know if they selected that 1 out of 100's, or whatever. A picture doesn't replace doing a little research, and getting a gauge on other people's experiences with a strain or a breeder.


Super Active Member
All I'm saying is you have to take any plant picture with a grain of salt. You don't know if they selected that 1 out of 100's, or whatever. A picture doesn't replace doing a little research, and getting a gauge on other people's experiences with a strain or a breeder.
I can't believe people ever expected more? Of course they select the best 1 out of 100 for the photo.....that's how every ad is done ;). The stuff I knew has been mixed and crossed and grown out so far from my day that I just trust yall know some fire.

If I had the space I'd do some open pollination but I'm chasing stash supply.


Quick question.. long time t5 guy here, got a qb 240watt and put it in place of a t5 for now to test! My plants are always happy under the t5 but now I have like 4 seedlings to teens that are drooping like they are over/under watered! But they are not! Hadn’t been watered in a few days and don’t need it! But they look sad my only thought is the light too strong? Or close? I moved them lower to see if that helped but would like confirmation? Anyone?


Quick question.. long time t5 guy here, got a qb 240watt and put it in place of a t5 for now to test! My plants are always happy under the t5 but now I have like 4 seedlings to teens that are drooping like they are over/under watered! But they are not! Hadn’t been watered in a few days and don’t need it! But they look sad my only thought is the light too strong? Or close? I moved them lower to see if that helped but would like confirmation? Anyone?
might be light stressed. when starting I always turn my Quantum boards all the way down and turn them up gradually each day for a week. I run 2 QB 260 , each has two boards and each puts out 288 watts. so pull that light up and turn it down, you should be ok then.


Super Active Member
Quick question.. long time t5 guy here, got a qb 240watt and put it in place of a t5 for now to test! My plants are always happy under the t5 but now I have like 4 seedlings to teens that are drooping like they are over/under watered! But they are not! Hadn’t been watered in a few days and don’t need it! But they look sad my only thought is the light too strong? Or close? I moved them lower to see if that helped but would like confirmation? Anyone?
my seedlings and clones didn't like the LED, too strong IMHO. I switched back to fluro's and haven't had any issues. If you have an adjustable driver you can try dimming the QB.


Quick question.. long time t5 guy here, got a qb 240watt and put it in place of a t5 for now to test! My plants are always happy under the t5 but now I have like 4 seedlings to teens that are drooping like they are over/under watered! But they are not! Hadn’t been watered in a few days and don’t need it! But they look sad my only thought is the light too strong? Or close? I moved them lower to see if that helped but would like confirmation? Anyone?
You will be amazed at how the quantum boards will produce.


Look Heisen, you have no control over the pictures, these people must be Democrats, twisting facts to get their outcome. Just keep up the good work and as far as i'm concerned the can go toke on Heathens bong he posted , he needs some hair on them balls.. LOL . I know this bothers you as we all can tell but sometimes you have to just say fuck it and move on. Your beans have been nothing but stellar IMO and have never had an issue. My two cents from a old fart grower.
untitled  bong.png
Even here I gotta hear about politics


Quick question.. long time t5 guy here, got a qb 240watt and put it in place of a t5 for now to test! My plants are always happy under the t5 but now I have like 4 seedlings to teens that are drooping like they are over/under watered! But they are not! Hadn’t been watered in a few days and don’t need it! But they look sad my only thought is the light too strong? Or close? I moved them lower to see if that helped but would like confirmation? Anyone?
Just get a cheep light meter 7-10K lux for clones seedlings and your golden.
No sense in guessing they are to hard to dial by eye.


Heathen Basterd
Yeah thanks for the support guys. I'm not even gonna look at that shit anymore. Enjoy my vacation fuk it
seriously Man enjoy Your vaca and don't worry about what People who are the equivalent of crack heads who hang at bus stops think . That is what the MFs on RIU are . They are beneath even the worst of the worst here , and there aren't too many bonesmugglers on this site . Good peeps who are bringin it.