Grow Tent and Light Shopping

High kev

Yankee seeds
Wow like pulling teeth to get me to understand what I need to do but I think I might have a much better grasp on this now lol. You guys probabaly want to slap me by now lol

F series

Insanely Active Member
I mean more like height from the Plants. I using luminus cxm 22 I believe. I have to double check but these are about 18 to 24 inches above canopy. That kinda what I'm getting at
If QBs are as good as strips then yes. You'll have to run them harder than softer

High kev

Yankee seeds
They fit in the pic, but I'd pull out a tape measure to make sure the actual boards do. Your support bracing looks to be in the way of the 2 middle ones no matter which way you spin it.
U sure? I think I might actually have to get more braces cause they won’t meet. Middle ones are flipped sideways. I think I’m returning my frame and getting what u guys originally told me to get. I thought I got the right stuff but nope. I got the heavy shit


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
U sure? I think I might actually have to get more braces cause they won’t meet. Middle ones are flipped sideways. I think I’m returning my frame and getting what u guys originally told me to get. I thought I got the right stuff but nope. I got the heavy shit
I just meant the way the flat strips are laid out in the pic it just looks like they might not meet the boards and be able to bolt them. You might need to flip the middle ones boards sideways. like the rest.

High kev

Yankee seeds
Ya I think your right unless I get more middle slabs. Maybe put light strips down the middle idk. Getting crazy now


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Or put a fat COB in the middle with those tall spiky heat diffusers!

No idea what that would do, but it would look cool as all get out!


Not meaning to hijack just had a quick question guys.. I’m trying to put something cheap together for a 2x2 tent.

What is the difference between say the LRS-100-36 and the LRS-100-48? And is it possible to hook a dimmer up to these drivers?

I’m thinking of something along these lines:

Any help would be appreciated, thanks all! :D