The problem is so many growers point the fingers at the breeders with no proof. IMO, dealing with hermaphrodites is always a risk when you are dealing with smaller scale breeders unless they’ve been around for a long time and they are known for solid lines. If specific growers can’t handle taking chance then they shouldn’t. I just had some regular seeds where all 4 females I kept (2ea from 2 strains) grew sacs and I dealt with it. I plucked all I could see and only one plant got heavily pollinated. It really isn’t a huge issue if you grow for yourself and friends but, if you are growing to sell, then you should be sticking to things you know are solid. I don’t know if this discussion is relared to Eso, or not, but the Twinkle Tarts and Dynoberry Bites I grew from him turned out to be some of the best shit I’ve grown to date. Everyone who’s tried it keeps coming back for more