Pool shock of peroxide for sterile. I have run peroxide for 9 months.
I buy it 1 gallon at a time in 29% food grade and then make 5 gallons of 3% out of that. 1 cup in a bubble bucket 2 cups in anything bigger every 3 days.
Pool shock is way cheaper. I have a pool too i just hate changing...and i have 1 gallon of 29% left.
Either of them will burn you HARD. be really careful with it. 70% bleach is as hot as 30% peroxide.
With the bleach pool shock 10 bucks worth would last a year.
Peroxide is H202 so when the extra oxygen falls out of the peroxide the byproduct is water (h20) so its safe. And it eradicates fungas gnats...they hate the stuff. (4 parts water 1 part 3% peroxide as a drench).
food grade peroxide is unstable so the oxygyn can not stay in the liquid...that being said if you get it on plastic that shit is stable as a table. You will get burned 2 weeks later. I get them every now and then
Pain is your bodies way of saying your alive....peroxide makes me really feel alive.