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Hobby Farmer
And another thing....I hope everyone here never gets it ! sneeze.

My solution to the whole thing is to not watch the news...avoid news sites. The world is going MENTAL.

It is not exclusive to the USA by any stretch. And if you really look at all the countries in the world there was no pattern of behavior established that provided a satisfactory response to covid. As it is ongoing and developing changes are made to the suggestion of care and that breeds unease...questioning...its all bullshit etc.

Well it aint nothing. But its a little fucked up out there.

It took an Auusie to make me realize that douchebaggery is just not the way to go about it. Holy shit what an asshole.

Covid can bring it out in you or you can choose to rise above.

ranting here wont get a Libertarian to wear a mask. Or a lot of people really. And where are the masks.

I just give distance. I kind of like that grocery shopping delvered to the trunk. It saves me 1 hour and i cant do too much impulse buying. Now that they have it going smooth i can order today and pick it up in 3 days or so. Not too shabby (i plan ahead).

When i went to the dentist it was crazy...wear a the dentist...ok...put on the dont think they were big enough for me to wear for a hands sure as hell wouldnt go in there...i got them on and made fists and they blew out like 1 ply tires. They got me the biggest they had and they barely fit...XL people. Get some. 2XL if you can find them.

rinse with peroxide and moutwash put the mask on...take it off so he could see it. Book another appointment (i believe that one is coming out).

temp before and after....before i get but after...that is some quick fever.

I have a scope coming up that was pospoted 3 times for covid BS....that should be a treat and its already less than special :D
And the other shit going on is very unsettling.

Stay safe...avoid idiots in general ! and any sneezy looking hos at the waffle house !

Deleted member 60

Yup @gwheels ....avoidance is about all you can do in the current mindset out there. Like clockwork.... it is. See a buncha COVIDiots all spooning in a pool...wait a week...BAM. No surprises here. If you want the obvious, you'll get the obvious. We'll watch.

We're gonna have to surface for supplies @ some point here. I found the fat aluminum I'm ready for the coughers/maskless crowd. The wife found an old cane with a real sharp metal tip she's gonna sport...just in case.

Tryin to time the trip so we can cruise into the week before the 4th of July and restock >before< everyone decides they are going to amass in droves with no social distancing to celebrate how Great we are and how Great he has made things here. It will be a bigly weekend for many...including COVID.

He's at all of the parties, ya know. A real party animal.

Be safe out there folks.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The talking heads keep spouting the number of "infected" (tested positive) people and it has now topped 2 million!!!

But the deaths are dropping. They are going to try and create another scare, but it's just because we are testing more and more people every day - that aren't sick or dying.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
It's basically the flu - that only affects sick people, old people, etc. instead of the entire population.

And the tests presumably also show positive if you have had certain flu vaccines in the recent past.

The two places (NYC, NJ) with the highest mortality rate were counting non-Wuhan deaths because the person happened to be infected (gubmint$$$)

Those two places also placed non-infected hospital patients in China-virus wards and contaminated them.

They also placed flu patients in nursing homes that are nowhere near capable of the medical quarantine stuff that a hospital has.

They also failed to use the emergency hospitals purpose-built for the virus, or the hospital ship, because that would have made too much sense.

Add to that the fact that literally no one has died from the regular flu this year, and the numbers are all bullshit.

High kev

Yankee seeds
I didn’t have a tape measure on me but I swear the geniuses that put the blue 6 foot markers on the floor are a maximum of 4 feet apartA7BDE772-16D6-45AE-A0D0-20A8B219EFED.jpeg532715C0-A3C4-422C-A6F9-AAB9F3896A1C.jpegA7BDE772-16D6-45AE-A0D0-20A8B219EFED.jpeg532715C0-A3C4-422C-A6F9-AAB9F3896A1C.jpeg
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