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Just some asshole
Its pretty shitty that things became so polarized politically that people lost sight of what made respective countries great.

Its just orange man bad....liberal sniffer bad...

Here it is Trudeau is dumb as a weeks rain and all of the cons look like Mr Burns but have the appeal of Jerry Springer.

Because its a real problem worldwide. And that shit spills over.

Because 98% of the NOT the usa.

And for the record Australia is REAL....the world is NOT flat.

There may be an impact of humans not giving a fuck on the earth....

Science is real until proven otherwise...that is how SCIENCE works...and the otherwise has to be repeatable by other people to be binding until it is overturned again by new repeatable science. Of course there are contradictions with regard to an unknown disease.

the whole unknown thing and all.

And you are so very wrong....China may hold your debt but the next problem in the world IS Russia and their new emporer.

Elected for 30 years is an emperor not a democracy. Without a vote I mean. Lets extend trumps reign by 20 years...4 Schmore.
China is the issue. Russia I don’t think is much of a problem. Russia didn’t come out with tiktok... 😂


Hobby Farmer
OMG really tiktok....a threat to national security....

like Canadian Aluminum...Foiled again eh...

Where do you grow this weed....that is strong enough to scramble the senses.

And the CDC is not biased...your mind is if you do not see it...that they have to advise on the potential for disease to fuck you up...HARD.

Or there is no disease...fuck your mask

and the mask....for the 3rd time is not to protect you...its to protect others from your horrid offensie spit...covid or not.

You spit when you talk...up to 10 feet.

So it doesnt protect the protects everyone else from YOU....holy fucking socalism batman.

You would never have made it through what was required for the regular not at war people to do through WW2....and you were in the military and everything.. it aint an order...its a nice thing to do.

But i do live in a 90% of America and Canada.

So we see it differnt i guess...and i think i am going to go full burka and hijab....if someone is not wearing a mask i can smash them with a full sized bologna and take off...who did it... A massive muslim lady,

And i get high enough to think thats a good idear.
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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
If Joe-n-Ho win the election, then it will be just a flu - thank GOD we picked the right person
When Trump wins, depending on who controls House and Senate - the same flu will be blown out of proportion.
You could set your clock to it.


Hobby Farmer
Well it could be like China...nothing to see here and if you report something we will bill your family for the bullet we use. Probably the most under reported country in the world.
It is all the FLU or DIE. Alegedly.

Or maybe the WuHan Klan has the vaccine and has been putting it in their water with the trackers....????


For work they wanted me to go there...every 6 months they would ask and i would say no because...i hate the got more insisting and then i....retired just in time eh... A place without freedom of religion or speech i have a problem with.. So no thanks.

And i know its not North Korea but it still creeped me out.


Sublingual might be the tincture.


Insanely Active Member
Well it could be like China...nothing to see here and if you report something we will bill your family for the bullet we use. Probably the most under reported country in the world.
It is all the FLU or DIE. Alegedly.

Or maybe the WuHan Klan has the vaccine and has been putting it in their water with the trackers....????


For work they wanted me to go there...every 6 months they would ask and i would say no because...i hate the got more insisting and then i....retired just in time eh... A place without freedom of religion or speech i have a problem with.. So no thanks.

And i know its not North Korea but it still creeped me out.

View attachment 68449

Sublingual might be the tincture.
Can’t say I blame you . Some countries I have absolutely no interest to visit . China would be near the top of the no thanks list . They pretty well represent everything we don’t starting with basic human rights .


Just some asshole
If Joe-n-Ho win the election, then it will be just a flu - thank GOD we picked the right person
When Trump wins, depending on who controls House and Senate - the same flu will be blown out of proportion.
You could set your clock to it.
If joe took office tomorrow the narrative would be completely different. “Well it’s not that bad, we should work to open things back up, church is ok, restaurants are ok”. Money would be flying out the door at an alarming rate.


The hair should be in the mask....LOL

Or have a trap door like those old long johns did for middle of the night washroom breaks..

The sniffing weird.
The sniffing is super creepy and I didn't realize how bad it was until a coworker sent me this link. Scroll down and watch how uncomfortable the little girls are from him. There's no denying how creepy that is.


The sniffing is super creepy and I didn't realize how bad it was until a coworker sent me this link. Scroll down and watch how uncomfortable the little girls are from him. There's no denying how creepy that is.
One vid I watched, he literally started caressing a little girls breast. What a weird election this will be. And Harris wouldn't prosecute pedos in her own state. She was paid off with bribes to protect them.
he needs one of those "pet protector" lamp shades to put on his head to protect from all the sniffing. lmao!
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