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Tegrity Greenthumb
Have you ever served? My guess is you haven't, because the vast majority of American troops don't blindly follow their leaders. There are a few idiots who would, but not enough to make a mark. People who never served seem to think that military personel have to follow every order they are given, and that is completely false. We swear to protect the constitution, first and foremost, and are only required to follow LAWFUL orders that don't violate the constitution. Hell, I disobeyed a direct order from my commander to swap VIN plates between two vehicles...and you think soldiers won't stand up against orders to disarm their fellow Americans?
You gotta keep on top of it. Too many facist and next thing you know hail Trump. When its top down orders its gonna take alot if men making very difficult choices to ever prevent such a thing again.


Tegrity Greenthumb
One reason we have taxes is because we have liberal leeches on society. The country could run fin with no taxes and very little government, but it would require the personal responsibility of everyone or every community taking care of their own schools, sewage, roads, etc. You would see a sharp increase in the divide between the affluent neighborhoods, and the hoods.

The actual problem is the shit they choose to spend that money on that has exactly no basis in the Constitution.

The taxes are not the problem. <bingo
Sounds an awful lot like socialism !


Tegrity Greenthumb
I'm white and grew up in a poor family who'd father worked multiple jobs and refused to go on welfare. I grew up on hand-me-down clothes, powdered milk, and all of our food was generic brands. I ojined the military because my parents couldn't afford to send any of us to college, when I got out of the service I started at the bottom and worked my way up to a decent living, and I've never once asked the government for a handout. Do you think I had any more privilege than a black kid who grew up poor and in the same situation? There are just as many, if not more, poor and disadvantaged white kids than there are black in this country. I would agree with this "white privilege" bullshit if this were the 1960s, or earlier, but we aren't living in the same situation in 2020.
You know your country is doing well when the the best choice or employment is a mercenary !


Tegrity Greenthumb
No. What I'm telling you is that race has nothing to do with it today. In fact, POC have a better chance than a poor white kid, because they have more opportunities provided to them by the government. Why do you think people who can afford to send their kids to private schools shouldn't? Why do you think they shouldn't provide their children with the best opportunities they can? There is no such thing as 100% equality and their shouldn't be. We need people at every level for the world to work. Just look at what is going on think they deserve to live a luxurious lifestyle but they don't think they should have to work to have it. They refuse laborious jobs so now we pay illegals to do those jobs for next to nothing.
Who mentioned race ? Clearly it has something to do with it one way or the other lol. Hes talking about the daily life of any individual. The stressors. Trying to study while your stomach is eating itself. Worrying at the age of 9 if you will have somehwere to live next month. Hearing gunshots while your trying to sleep. That kid of any race has the same opportunity as someone who doesn't even have to work while going to college? The kid in a coffin because he signed up to pay for school and cought a bullet. Hows his chance? There needs to be inequality so there are levels of jobs? Holy shit. The majority if jobs doing what besides petty services to others and managing money or assets. People don't want to get their hand dirty no shit look at the top. People dont want to work and have 70% of their labor disappearing to the man above them. Inheriting wealth is like bloodlines in kings. It does nothing in the means of darwinism.


Tegrity Greenthumb
A lot of people don't realize how broke Elon Musk was just 30 years ago. When he was on Rogan he talked about how anyone who has the focus, skills, and determination can do what he did. He said the problem with the younger generation is they want it handed to them and don't think they should have to sacrifice anything to succeed. He said he went years with no cable TV, or other luxuries, and challenged himself to survive on $1 a day for food so he could save money up to start PayPal. Try to get a kid in their 20s to give up cable, Netflix, iPhone/Android today. :ROFLMAO:
I admire his integrity but why should this be neccessary or the standard?


Tegrity Greenthumb
Whats ‘s inhumane about the service industry? I was a bus boy and a waiter when I was young and it seemed like a pretty humane minimum wage job to me. Should we just leave those jobs to the illegals? Are they less human than the children citizens of the US?
What exactly is the point of all these "jobs" ?


Tegrity Greenthumb
If you don’t want to do that then be the restaurant owner, or the investor, owner of the golf course. It’s America. You could do all 3.

Know a guy who just bought 2 duplexes, did a bit of remodeling, put the remodel on a 0 interest credit card, owner financed the property. He will refi in a couple months conventional mortgage, pay the card off, and probably stick some $$$$ in his pocket. Didn’t spend a dime of his own money. It’s not easy. It’s not simple. It’s not comfortable but it’s possible.

I know jack shit about starting a business. I’ve got one that I make a few bucks on. It’s another income stream, or maybe a slow drip lol.

You have to want to put in the work. No free rides.
I'm all about putting in work. Anyplace I've ever worked for I can call and have a job instantly. Well except one but fuck those people lol. I'm not about labor that is only geared towards making and managing capital. Even if it's a building put up if it's a credit card company when it comes to actual human needs it means fuck all. Alot of what I'm hearing about "work" sounds like money manipulation and taking advantage of someone who has less than you by charging interest. It's a top down ran system. You tell on the jew trying to escape next to you, you get extra food and less work. It's a mutual agreement between upper classes. If you took our labor force and put them to actual "work" we would be so modernized and our youth so educated we would seem like troglodytes.


Tegrity Greenthumb
Sounds like you want a handout to me. Life is hard, get used to it. Life being difficult is what makes you actually appreciate the little things that you would otherwise overlook. The funny thing about the statement you quoted is that I make a good living working in all of those places you mentioned. I just recently programmed a system at a private golf course on Cape Cod, as well as their restaurant that is more expensive than I would pay to eat at, and I’ve also programmed systems in multiple mega yachts that cost more to charter for a week than I make over The course of 4 years. Who gives a shit if you can’t afford to enjoy those things? Are you really so jealous and petty that you think nobody should work at those places unless they can also own or enjoy them? Do you want to know what I’ve learned from working on those yachts and in some of the largest mansions in the country? I learned that they are neat to look at, but you couldn’t pay me to live in one, and I wouldn’t buy one even if I had the money. Those places, and those yachts, keep money flowing, keep people employed, and put food on more tables than you could ever imagine. The only thing I agree with, is that the pharmaceutical companies are a cancer to society, but I’d rather have more freedom, and the work the wealthy provide, than to live in a society of mediocrity that goes stagnant because everyone can get by without putting any effort into life. If you think life is hard now then just wait until you get into your 40s-50s.

I knew participation trophies were a stupid thing and that type of thinking is what comes from that bullshit.
Being a douchebag is how you dont appreciate little things. A handout ? Not at all. I have no problem with hard work. I have a problem with "jobs" that are based around servicing the wealthy and the waste that comes from it all. So I want to work at a place where your providing a service to people that your "class" cant receive. Struggling for ends meet you take a job bartending at a country club working all your free hours. Your looked down on, verbally abused daily, told to get a real job etc etc dumb shit while your working to pay for college and survive. . Builds character though right! Would have missed all those little things. Like friendship. Nutrition. Sleep. Proper exercise. Actually graduating in the pathway you desired. Glad I wasnt rich?


Tegrity Greenthumb
Hey look...if we all got jobs at NASA...some of us could build or launch rockets and some of would have to clean the is an incentive to better yourself.
If your all shitting in the toilets you should all clean them. Its incentive to do your part and have decency. If the worlds intelligence varied by .000034% and the lower ones were all made to clean toilets, polish shoes, clean the other ones houses, cut there golf courses lawns, build anything they desire would that be just ? They should have had the incentive..... I understand education and how its recieved varies widely with humans within our societies and lack thereof. However I dont think most consider all the other varibles of what is considered success and how one gets there. Equal opportunity is not a thing in our system. Unless equal means a Duke and a king is equal, a peasant and a lord is equal. And equal means something different than everything I've ever read it meant. So many beautiful minds in the world go to waste daily. Nurture vs nature ? I believe in both. However I think nurture is more dominant and can even steer nature. If you believe in evolution that is.

Whip Eurass

Super Active Member
If your all shitting in the toilets you should all clean them.
Not of I'm the manager. The guv wants me to produce rockets, and that's what the rocket producers were hired to do. The toilet cleaners knew what their duties were before they took the job. Right?

Life, easy ? No. Should we work to make it less hard. Probably.
Sounds like work to me. It's been 50 years, and people still complaining. :}



You quoted way too many posts so I don’t have time to reply to each and every one during this mornings shit, so I’m just going to say this...
You seem to be missing the point that the majority of those at the top started at the bottom. It’s called “life” so get used to it. Somebody has to do shit jobs and the fact of the matter is that the time of those who are at the top is too valuable to waste on mediocre tasks. Most wealthy people (silver spoon kids excluded) don’t hire people to clean their houses because they don’t want to, they hire them because they simply don’t have the time. Most of the homes I work in are empty most of the time because the wealthy people you seem to assume are lazy are constantly working and spend very little time in their homes.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Try getting a shit job at McDonalds - without some investor/businessman opening a franchise and hiring people. Then remember that those shit jobs were never meant as careers, unless your goal is to be a manager, maybe own one someday - then learning all aspects of the job from the bottom up is also an investment as well as a job.

The fast food industry is mainly run by high school and college kids. They gain work experience more than money. They learn important things like the fact that someone has to clean the grease trap, and if you learn enough stuff, you are no longer that guy. They learn that not all bosses are loving, kind people with your best interest at heart - and that if you want the job you need to accept that.

Highland Rogue

Really Active Member
The nature of the work and who usually does which job is interesting, but how to determine whether the relationship between employer and employee is "fair" is easy.

Is the relationship consensual and voluntary or is it involuntary and someone is being forced ?
In other words is the relationship voluntary and mutual from both sides ? Is there an actual agreement?

All people have an equal right to self determine, but not all people have equal abilities to do things, physically or mentally, so equality of outcome is not going to happen in a free society. Nor should it. The reason why it shouldn't is the only way to ensure equality of outcome is to initiate aggression on those who will naturally and without violating anyones rights, attain more, due to some innate or developed ability. Initiating aggression to force an equal outcome, violates the principle that we are equal in our right to self determine and achieve what we, as an individual are capable of.

I used to cut trees down and clear land sometimes, any help I hired needed to be physically capable and mentally aware enough not to cut their own limbs off. Hiring a 120 lb genius for THAT job, made no sense. Sorry genius, go invent a cell phone or something! While it would have been dumb for me to hire a geek, it would have been "fair" if we both agreed to the terms we mutually established.

All rights are really a kind of property right in ourselves, meaning the individual gets to decide what he will try to do, within the framework of respecting others rights to do the same with themselves and their property. THAT is where humans should be equal. Mileage will vary in outcomes, because that is reality since we all have different levels and kinds of abilities.


The nature of the work and who usually does which job is interesting, but how to determine whether the relationship between employer and employee is "fair" is easy.

Is the relationship consensual and voluntary or is it involuntary and someone is being forced ?
In other words is the relationship voluntary and mutual from both sides ? Is there an actual agreement?

All people have an equal right to self determine, but not all people have equal abilities to do things, physically or mentally, so equality of outcome is not going to happen in a free society. Nor should it. The reason why it shouldn't is the only way to ensure equality of outcome is to initiate aggression on those who will naturally and without violating anyones rights, attain more, due to some innate or developed ability. Initiating aggression to force an equal outcome, violates the principle that we are equal in our right to self determine and achieve what we, as an individual are capable of.

I used to cut trees down and clear land sometimes, any help I hired needed to be physically capable and mentally aware enough not to cut their own limbs off. Hiring a 120 lb genius for THAT job, made no sense. Sorry genius, go invent a cell phone or something! While it would have been dumb for me to hire a geek, it would have been "fair" if we both agreed to the terms we mutually established.

All rights are really a kind of property right in ourselves, meaning the individual gets to decide what he will try to do, within the framework of respecting others rights to do the same with themselves and their property. THAT is where humans should be equal. Mileage will vary in outcomes, because that is reality since we all have different levels and kinds of abilities.
The only true “winner” from the dispersal of participation trophies are the people who were smart enough to manufacture the idea and sell them.


Insanely Active Member
You know your country is doing well when the the best choice or employment is a mercenary !
Welcome to my country where we invented something called the 457visa which allows foreign workers to enter our country when we couldn’t supply skilled workers and yep doesn’t take long to work out how to exploit the shortage of skilled worker part and you can guess which countries they found these imports from . Fucking morons .
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