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Hobby Farmer
I stocked up...:D the check out girl said holy shit you must like jello...i said i make strong cannabis gummies with them..
And i was in the 12 or less aisle with 20 jellos...what a rebel.

She said geeze i would love some of those. lol.

Batten down the hatches.

Knock out and stay awake caps and gummies. :D Cherry is a pretty good middle ground. Green (lime and berry blue) is impossible to stay awake with.
The grapes on the tray are pig whistle and OBSM and thats it. 1 oz of buds decarbed into 240 ml of oil. 120 was used for that batch. The stay awake gummy.

Some of these are leaving for the frozen all the caps :D and some of each of the tasty gummies. I dont mind eating a spoon of oil :D lol. Tastes way better than butter.


Notch Hohnson

Got notice today everyone in the company I work for is going down to a 4 day work week with a corresponding 20% cut in pay. That’s gonna hurt. I’m going to have to figure out a safe way to move some weight. Any advice is appreciated.
You won't find a bigger demand for product than right now. Until tomorrow. Then the day after. Etc.
People are realizing they're close to the day that what they have in house is all they can get. Including weed.
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