#Heisenbeans Genetics


Hobby Farmer
180 watt street lights..3k too holy shit what a grow light this would be.
This hangs right over my backyard. I can read by the light at 2 am.

It hermied autoflowers is why i had a feeling it did it. Because i have never seen autos hermy but if subject to enough stupid light

I am going to put a couple outside. if they hermie they become hash. We shall see. :D Might as well grow a couple monsters :D I like that 3 month veg lol.

Big Perm

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180 watt street lights..3k too holy shit what a grow light this would be.
This hangs right over my backyard. I can read by the light at 2 am.

It hermied autoflowers is why i had a feeling it did it. Because i have never seen autos hermy but if subject to enough stupid light

I am going to put a couple outside. if they hermie they become hash. We shall see. :D Might as well grow a couple monsters :D I like that 3 month veg lol.
Is it 310w, 200w, or 180w, lol.
Could very well be the culprit, I would think that at 30ft, the par wouldn't be anything to right home about. I know you can read by it, but you can also see stars, imo lol. I knew I should have par tested the one outside my house. :cautious:
Interesting though that you say you hermied an auto. Most growers I know running autos run them 24/0.


Seed Aficionado
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180 watt street lights..3k too holy shit what a grow light this would be.
This hangs right over my backyard. I can read by the light at 2 am.

It hermied autoflowers is why i had a feeling it did it. Because i have never seen autos hermy but if subject to enough stupid light

I am going to put a couple outside. if they hermie they become hash. We shall see. :D Might as well grow a couple monsters :D I like that 3 month veg lol.
Never seen one Herm either


Hobby Farmer
Is it 310w, 200w, or 180w, lol.
Could very well be the culprit, I would think that at 30ft, the par wouldn't be anything to right home about. I know you can read by it, but you can also see stars, imo lol. I knew I should have par tested the one outside my house. :cautious:
Interesting though that you say you hermied an auto. Most growers I know running autos run them 24/0.
Bunk genetics...oh you know it.
The only thing worse than crop king is hermies farm..and those were barneys tangernine auto.

I am tossing the rest of them. No need keeping crap seeds i have lots of great gear

and 1 out of 3 did it. the other 2 didnt and they were beside each other

Barneys farm tangerine seeds lol
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I live in a farm state. Farmed a lot with my dad myself. Having grown a lot of corn and soybeans, I look at nature a lot for the answer to most of my questions about growing. Here is what I tell my friends that ask about light and dark. We grew up around farm fields as kids. Barn lights blasting, lighting up half an acre of corn all night, every night. No difference in yield or anything visible. Same with headlights next to the interstate, Headlights lighting up corn and crops all night. Even on dirt roads. No loss in yield. If a little bit of light at night really was a big deal, every full moon night would fuck up your crops. Plus the nights leading up to, and passing it. We'd all be praying for cloudy full moon nights.
Plants can tell the difference is all I'm saying. It takes a huge fuckup to herm out a plant that wouldn't otherwise.
Edit: Maybe seed harvest plants wasn't a good example. Same thing applies to anything, though. Flowers, etc.

Well if you notice that soybeans will stay green until a frost under a hps or led light. Corn will not because its not photo dependent like beans are. Corn lives its life reproduces and dies just like wheat.

Big Terps

Growing on a dime
Could be reason why i never have balls on mine. I always grow mine out to a good sized plant before they get moved to the bloom room.
On my plants that was veggd to around 8 weeks last time i found balls on couple lowers on mine. Not alot just a couple tho.
I think it just is bound to happen every now n then.
But i do think heis is right with the force flowering it is more likely to happen to them than one that has been grown out nice and big b4 flip. That was my only time ive had do it on a mature veggd plant tho. All the others was on ones that i forced or abused it to much. Just my opinion tho. Thx

Big Terps

Growing on a dime
View attachment 52969
View attachment 52970
180 watt street lights..3k too holy shit what a grow light this would be.
This hangs right over my backyard. I can read by the light at 2 am.

It hermied autoflowers is why i had a feeling it did it. Because i have never seen autos hermy but if subject to enough stupid light

I am going to put a couple outside. if they hermie they become hash. We shall see. :D Might as well grow a couple monsters :D I like that 3 month veg lol.
I had one of these as my night light. Alot brighter than normal one i had.
I had 3 plants hidden in my flowers in front of house that come mid August wasnt flowering.
But on back side of house i had like 5 others of the same strain i had in front of house.
The plants on the back side started flowering like normal at beginning of August.
I couldn't think of why the plants wasnt flowering in front but on back they was..?

Being i only grow pots i moved those 3 in front to the back yard. Then they started to flower. Luckily they just finished later than the others. So for at least my situation the light caused them not flip correctly.
The year b4 when i had the regular night light i had plants in front in exact same place and didnt have any problems. So for my case i no it was from the brighter led night light.
Thats my story and 2 cents Thx


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
On my plants that was veggd to around 8 weeks last time i found balls on couple lowers on mine. Not alot just a couple tho.
I think it just is bound to happen every now n then.
But i do think heis is right with the force flowering it is more likely to happen to them than one that has been grown out nice and big b4 flip. That was my only time ive had do it on a mature veggd plant tho. All the others was on ones that i forced or abused it to much. Just my opinion tho. Thx
This makes sense with my two herms this grow. Flipped everything at 4 weeks just to get a bunch done before tester season started. It was still a good plan, and out of 12 seeds I had 3 males and 2 herms. I was planning on more males anyway, so I learned a good lesson in the process and it doesn't hurt so bad.