#Heisenbeans Genetics


Blümen Meister
Not poking fun but to have a press and be smoking like a caveman is pretty funny. China actually has decent glass. Not really a good time though for all that though. Anything in a head shop that is non designer or big name is typically china glass. Check out the ccg egg on dhgate. Nice rig.
If anyone wants a USA made rig by a brand name artist, plus USA made quartz banger for a STEAL, hit me up in DM. Promise it’ll be worth your while

Big Perm

If anyone wants a USA made rig by a brand name artist, plus USA made quartz banger for a STEAL, hit me up in DM. Promise it’ll be worth your while
When I see 'rig' I think of a light. The Quartz banger was throwing me off for a sec, thought you had some new shit going on...
'rig' imo is a pretty loose term.
Had a buddy that called trucks rigs, I don't think he could say truck.
Dab rig, Jerry rig...I see that here a lot.
Rig is basically what you are talking about at the time, and I just walked out of an LED thread, haha.


Blümen Meister
When I see 'rig' I think of a light. The Quartz banger was throwing me off for a sec, thought you had some new shit going on...
'rig' imo is a pretty loose term.
Had a buddy that called trucks rigs, I don't think he could say truck.
Dab rig, Jerry rig...I see that here a lot.
Rig is basically what you are talking about at the time, and I just walked out of an LED thread, haha.
Lol, yeah an oil/dab rig is what we’re talking about. I forget not everyone’s into glass, so yeah plenty of people have no clue wtf we’re talking about lol


Hobby Farmer
This east coast star dog turned into a really nice plant. Nice yield and some serious lemon/citrus terps with a hint of gas on the back end. The COMPLETE opposite side of the smell curve compared to the purple punch I grew along with it haha
Thanks for these pics...i was wondering if ECSD can stack some colas...Purple Diesel is sounding pretty good...i kept a pack for ME



Not poking fun but to have a press and be smoking like a caveman is pretty funny. China actually has decent glass. Not really a good time though for all that though. Anything in a head shop that is non designer or big name is typically china glass. Check out the ccg egg on dhgate. Nice rig.
It actually suits me fine for the amount of rosin I make and smoke. I smoke rosin daily on joints, love that dipped in some keif ;)

Last thing I want is a pipe like that ccg egg rental, this way I don't/won't have to sweep it up off the floor. To me, what is caveman-like in the rosin operation here, is the little dulytech.......... that I might upgrade, the 2x3 platen is small. I got it set up next to an old beater laptop...........I can press and surf...simultaneously.


Crush m0d3
When I see 'rig' I think of a light. The Quartz banger was throwing me off for a sec, thought you had some new shit going on...
'rig' imo is a pretty loose term.
Had a buddy that called trucks rigs, I don't think he could say truck.
Dab rig, Jerry rig...I see that here a lot.
Rig is basically what you are talking about at the time, and I just walked out of an LED thread, haha.
I also around these parts especially in Appalachia people use rig interchangeably for a lot a lot of stuff pretty much anything that you or your friends are into that had cost some good money or is pretty neat would be called a rig. As well as some shity shit like even a needle can be called a rig Round Here


Super Active Member
I will pay 5 bucks a pound for heirloom....but not 200 an oz for weed :D you just think about where you put your money different i mean.

And outside...this year...i am growing VEGTABLES!!!!....,my cannabis is indoor only (i signed a paper to get the big count). And thats ok i have street light hermy issues forever.


I would also like some awesome bell peppers if anyone knows a GREAT seed company.

I am ripping out the roses and weird ass flowers they put in. I hate them. Flowers that do not smell like cannabis i dont really like.

And i am growing a lot of stuff. Just no weed outside.
Did a street light cause yours to hermie? I threw one out close to a street light a couple yrs ago to see what would happen, I figured it would stay in veg but she flowered out like normal. Made me wonder if its a percentage thing. Say Lights off has to reach a certain percentage of lights on to remain in veg. I also wonder if it’s the consistency of the light that keeps it from herming. Being the light was on every night all hours of the nite rather than inconsistently coming on one nite out of the week or just a few hrs per nite.

Big Perm

Did a street light cause yours to hermie? I threw one out close to a street light a couple yrs ago to see what would happen, I figured it would stay in veg but she flowered out like normal. Made me wonder if its a percentage thing. Say Lights off has to reach a certain percentage of lights on to remain in veg. I also wonder if it’s the consistency of the light that keeps it from herming. Being the light was on every night all hours of the nite rather than inconsistently coming on one nite out of the week or just a few hrs per nite.
They can definitely tell the difference in night and day. Getting blasted with full sunlight, then a drop in temp, rise in humidity, and the par drops to like 30, they know it's dark.
These guys that claim to mess up a grow from a pinhole in a tent had something else going on I guarantee it. Like a fucked up timer, or they messed up a light cycle.


Dont Need One
They can definitely tell the difference in night and day. Getting blasted with full sunlight, then a drop in temp and the par drops to like 30, they know it's dark.
These guys that claim to mess up a grow from a pinhole in a tent had something else going on I guarantee it. Like a fucked up timer, or they messed up a light cycle.
Force flowering plants before maturity will result in lower balls. It happens. A true herm is one that throws balls 5 to 6 weeks flower imo.

Big Perm

I live in a farm state. Farmed a lot with my dad myself. Having grown a lot of corn and soybeans, I look at nature a lot for the answer to most of my questions about growing. Here is what I tell my friends that ask about light and dark. We grew up around farm fields as kids. Barn lights blasting, lighting up half an acre of corn all night, every night. No difference in yield or anything visible. Same with headlights next to the interstate, Headlights lighting up corn and crops all night. Even on dirt roads. No loss in yield. If a little bit of light at night really was a big deal, every full moon night would fuck up your crops. Plus the nights leading up to, and passing it. We'd all be praying for cloudy full moon nights.
Plants can tell the difference is all I'm saying. It takes a huge fuckup to herm out a plant that wouldn't otherwise.
Edit: Maybe seed harvest plants wasn't a good example. Same thing applies to anything, though. Flowers, etc.
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Force flowering plants before maturity will result in lower balls. It happens. A true herm is one that throws balls 5 to 6 weeks flower imo.
agreed. And if you dont catch it for some reason, ime, a true herm will have them beans deep down in a dense bud as opposed to some lowers that have one or two beans, but not throughout. I tried to say that on another thread and got teased, lol, so I just let it all go, I prolly said it wrong. . Per what Big Perm said above, I agree, and could also add thunder and lightning storms in the mix, if lightning isn't bright enough to fuck up outside plants, a pinhole or rare light on for a split second is not causing herm. But I guess thats not grower error, thats environmental error. I flower all my plants from seed to control size, I thought I would gain time, but I don't, but I do end up with more than I first thought I would in the beginning. But not all force flowers make the balls. ECSD91 is one that comes to mind I did recently, but just picked em off and didn't see any. Thought I smoked one once or twice, lol. Never did see any though. Edit to add: I have a deep seated theory that the newer cloth pots that you don't see the tubulars coming out of like the old days, are slightly rootbounding the plant, hence a herm or two. Old days, you could rub off the roots comin out of the pots, these days seem like its a lil heavier material. Still get good rootballs, so you know they breathe ok, but again old days you'd have roots comin out the smart pots and you could rub most of em off.
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