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Deleted member 60

Glad to see some of ya taking it seriously. The next few weeks are gonna tell the tale on how widespread this will be. Like growing...I've always felt it is better to live to see another day than to be a fool and push yer luck.

And hey....who needs Grandmas and Grandpas and other old folks around anyway, huh? 🖕🖕🖕


Heathen Basterd
Glad to see some of ya taking it seriously. The next few weeks are gonna tell the tale on how widespread this will be. Like growing...I've always felt it is better to live to see another day than to be a fool and push yer luck.

And hey....who needs Grandmas and Grandpas and other old folks around anyway, huh? 🖕🖕🖕
Its's too far widespread now , its going to have to run its course , There will be very few of us that don't get exposed . They should have stopped all cruise ships , flights , international crossings ect weeks ago, Mandatory quarantines as well. It's short term going to kill My business , might have to do lay offs . Fucking Chinese can burn in Hell.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Its's too far widespread now , its going to have to run its course , There will be very few of us that don't get exposed . They should have stopped all cruise ships , flights , international crossings ect weeks ago, Mandatory quarantines as well. It's short term going to kill My business , might have to do lay offs . Fucking Chinese can burn in Hell.
Yup - we cock-blocked China fast, quick, and in a hurry - but no one else did, and we didn't block their dumb asses.

China needed to block it on their end.


Heathen Basterd
Yup - we cock-blocked China fast, quick, and in a hurry - but no one else did, and we didn't block their dumb asses.

China needed to block it on their end.
No they hid it for weeks and allowed infected fucking herds of their People go elsewhere and infect the World, Where is the UN to censure them , The entire World should impose no travel and no trade with China for at least 10 Years , bankrupt and ruin that fucking Country till its own Citizens are forced to start eating one another. What they did was a declaration of War against the World , They need to pay.


Mediocre grower
No they hid it for weeks and allowed infected fucking herds of their People go elsewhere and infect the World, Where is the UN to censure them , The entire World should impose no travel and no trade with China for at least 10 Years , bankrupt and ruin that fucking Country till its own Citizens are forced to start eating one another. What they did was a declaration of War against the World , They need to pay.
I sometimes think the Chinese let the virus go to weed out the old and feeble, and kinda thin the herd because they're so fucking overpopulated lol


Hobby Farmer
3 week March break here starts today

Teachers are on strike.

I have an emergency pound 2 full freezers and 50 gallons of clean water ready.

Today I get 50 pounds of spuds 5 gallons of milk and 60 pounds of propane and sugar and coffee

I might need a generator for the volcano we shall see

No NHL??? Canada.....????

Basketball i understand...they are a bunch of pussies..But hockey...that is real man tough shit..

The anti Christ is alive upon the earth.....



Seed Aficionado
No they hid it for weeks and allowed infected fucking herds of their People go elsewhere and infect the World, Where is the UN to censure them , The entire World should impose no travel and no trade with China for at least 10 Years , bankrupt and ruin that fucking Country till its own Citizens are forced to start eating one another. What they did was a declaration of War against the World , They need to pay.
Haha lawsuits out the ass! Was listening to the radio this morning and they were talking about all the potential lawsuits . Un fucking real!

High kev

Yankee seeds
Kids go home from school Parents have to watch them so they can’t go to work. Paid for already colleges not refunding. How do u do labs online? Now if u don’t have computer at home buy computer get internet etc etc. mess everywhere. If people aren’t financially ready. Nightmares


Seed Aficionado
Kids go home from school Parents have to watch them so they can’t go to work. Paid for already colleges not refunding. How do u do labs online? Now if u don’t have computer at home buy computer get internet etc etc. mess everywhere. If people aren’t financially ready. Nightmares
Wtf am I gonna do , I work construction. At least my old lady could conceivably work from home if she had too . Scary when u got kids and a mortgage
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