Don;t know about the other legal states...but here in CO it's an individual right unless you are in the Med/caregiver realm. That's the only scenario present here where someone else can grow your plants.....and without a STATE license (med or commercial) ...many jurisdictions here restrict how many plants can be on one property or outright BAN commercial entities relating to cannabis altogether.
I shudder to think how many hours someone would have to be onsite to deal with/accomodate a building full of growers...each with their own space. And think of one joker with a fucked grow could take everyone down.
And then there's the WHY of it least here.....regarding the lack of a market.'s legal.....and really...unless yer (STILL) trying to play 90's drug dealer and have traffic/move weight./are flamboyant as Hell with your sales...which isn't happening for most cus you can buy it at 3 locations in my small town alone... the cops aren't coming. There's no real REASON here to go big anymore unless you just love to grow and wanna grow as much as you legally can...for the fuck of it. (that's my gig). There's just no real $$$ in it here unless you wanna ship it elsewhere and take the risks...which is idiotic as fuck IMO. I made too much $$$ when there was REAL $$$$ to make to play now. Fuck that.
@Now1more .....I set up with an EXTENSIVE organic section....and I advertised locally that we were THE spot in town to get organics...from plant lawn food. I had corn gluten fertilizers...clove oil pesticides...and a wide variety of other organics. I heard a lot of folks SAY they were coming in......but more than once I'd be shopping myself for hardware/etc and see someone i knew who was >supposedly< into organics and shit with a bag of Weed and Feed in their cart.....
I had a med card then.....and now....looking back...i realize what i SHOULD have done...due to the infancy of it all and the protections i now understand better than I did then....was to ramp up and sell CLONES to the med folks. I think it would have brought more heat in than i already saw. Funny story....I had local cops and DEA in my store more than once asking me stupid shit.....and I had to go out once and tell the sheriff to FUCKING MOVE out of the parking lot....cus I wasn't selling ANYTHING that was illegal...and my TAXES paid were paying his salary. I told him it wasn't HIS or MY business to deal with what my customers did with their LEGALLY PURCHASED GOODS.....and that his presence TOTALLY killed my biz. Never saw em parked there again.....
super fun shit, for sure!