#Heisenbeans Genetics


Really Active Member
Late new years resolution. I refuse to argue with these people any longer. They are like a cancer that just drags you down. No matter what you say or do there whole intent is just to bash on you and prove to everyone in there mind your a piece of shit. I'm completely done with it. Life is to short. I apologize to everyone for letting all these haters get to me.
Do not give what is holy to the dogs, or cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, turn and rend you.

Ignore them, you can't teach them because they are miserable in their own skin. They are not looking for knowledge but a fight to drag others down to their level of misery. Keep on doing what you do. I struggled with that for a long time and finally just walked away.

Wish you the best.


Dont Need One
Do not give what is holy to the dogs, or cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, turn and rend you.

Ignore them, you can't teach them because they are miserable in their own skin. They are not looking for knowledge but a fight to drag others down to their level of misery. Keep on doing what you do. I struggled with that for a long time and finally just walked away.

Wish you the best.
It's just annoying that some of them guys base there whole opinion on the genetics based off 1 seed they sprouted.
Than Bob says none of the purple punch crosses from the past have impressed him. My punch is not even the same punch that was going around with the weak reputation.

A few pages back he said he had 16 plants going with no issues and would post a report. But was crying over a pack that didn't germinate after the fact when the haters came out in droves led by boy vato. Just sucks to work so hard and people try to break you down over shit that that doesn't even matter. I made a follow up video that explained alot but do you think any of them haters mentioned it.
NOPE because it didn't fit the narrative.
If you look back at ALL my videos I always keep an organized grow space and clean.


Really Active Member
It's just annoying that some of them guys base there whole opinion on the genetics based off 1 seed they sprouted.
Than Bob says none of the purple punch crosses from the past have impressed him. My punch is not even the same punch that was going around with the weak reputation.

A few pages back he said he had 16 plants going with no issues and would post a report. But was crying over a pack that didn't germinate after the fact when the haters came out in droves led by boy vato. Just sucks to work so hard and people try to break you down over shit that that doesn't even matter. I made a follow up video that explained alot but do you think any of them haters mentioned it.
NOPE because it didn't fit the narrative.
If you look back at ALL my videos I always keep an organized grow space and clean.
That's the real problem. It has nothing to do with you and is all about their own inner misery. People like that are all about burning the world down. They can't even see you. When I see that behavior I think it's an agitated form of depressive practice.

Anyone who grows seriously knows you can't make an honest assessment after 1 seed. That's just crazy. I selfed my JW GG#4 clone. I then promptly, and accidentally killed her. I've been through a few dozenish seeds and found one I think is as good as, if not a little better and I thought I'd end up going through at least 100 to find something comparable. So I got lucky, but 1 seed :rolleyes: LOL

Keep up your good work.


Super Active Member
It's just annoying that some of them guys base there whole opinion on the genetics based off 1 seed they sprouted.
Than Bob says none of the purple punch crosses from the past have impressed him. My punch is not even the same punch that was going around with the weak reputation.

A few pages back he said he had 16 plants going with no issues and would post a report. But was crying over a pack that didn't germinate after the fact when the haters came out in droves led by boy vato. Just sucks to work so hard and people try to break you down over shit that that doesn't even matter. I made a follow up video that explained alot but do you think any of them haters mentioned it.
NOPE because it didn't fit the narrative.
If you look back at ALL my videos I always keep an organized grow space and clean.
Hiesen.....you are the Creator of your HB strains of S1 and select female crosses. When you speak intelligent
Grower focused segmented People listen. When you explain your thought process of crosses and strain endurance requirements.... your golden in your element effortlessly.
You are it. Top guy. This an awesome reality you have created and we Co create with you we resonate . The rest ... it’s not their time nor our responsibility to bring them up to this level. Your the captain. Your legacy is now we see it and join with you to explore where ever the journey ends.
Peace Capitan’HB😎🌱🤘🌈


Really Active Member
Here's to hoping the next drop isn't all Stardawg again - so many good genetics in your stable, we need some different lines (guess you gotta talk the boss into that one). And to GU getting better payment methods! I know that's a tough one, but a guy can hope.


Tegrity Greenthumb
So I planted a purple crash (got tails before I planted) about a month ago and it didn't pop up. I planted a brotherhood og in the same pot 2 weeks ago. It came up and wouldn't shed it's shell and I think it may be dead. This was 4 days ago and I moved around some soil to see if it would do anything. 2 days ago another seed popped up where i planted the purple crash. Strong female. @Heisenbeans Did I miss the tester list?
So the month old germinated seed came up and lived ? Also if it has helmet head. Take off the helmet yourself the seed is already cracked I dont know why it's even a issue for some.


Blümen Meister
It's just annoying that some of them guys base there whole opinion on the genetics based off 1 seed they sprouted.
Than Bob says none of the purple punch crosses from the past have impressed him. My punch is not even the same punch that was going around with the weak reputation.

A few pages back he said he had 16 plants going with no issues and would post a report. But was crying over a pack that didn't germinate after the fact when the haters came out in droves led by boy vato. Just sucks to work so hard and people try to break you down over shit that that doesn't even matter. I made a follow up video that explained alot but do you think any of them haters mentioned it.
NOPE because it didn't fit the narrative.
If you look back at ALL my videos I always keep an organized grow space and clean.
I haven't bothered to go back over there since I joined here. There's certainly fine folk over there, but unfortunately they have a large population of "internet badasses." Any internet forum including social media can suffer from this disease. A few folks just got it in their heads that they'd start hating on you, and others joined in not knowing why but it felt cool to be a badass too.

Take it as the most sincere form of flattery. Comes with the public persona.


Insanely Active Member
It's just annoying that some of them guys base there whole opinion on the genetics based off 1 seed they sprouted.
Than Bob says none of the purple punch crosses from the past have impressed him. My punch is not even the same punch that was going around with the weak reputation.

A few pages back he said he had 16 plants going with no issues and would post a report. But was crying over a pack that didn't germinate after the fact when the haters came out in droves led by boy vato. Just sucks to work so hard and people try to break you down over shit that that doesn't even matter. I made a follow up video that explained alot but do you think any of them haters mentioned it.
NOPE because it didn't fit the narrative.
If you look back at ALL my videos I always keep an organized grow space and clean.
I hear ya but personally I don’t give a rats ass what your room looks like only care about the fire genetics you have and make I’m not buying a floor from the breeder lol


I hear ya but personally I don’t give a rats ass what your room looks like only care about the fire genetics you have and make I’m not buying a floor from the breeder lol
Legitimately, I guarantee 75% of growers areas aren’t that clean or organized. My house is a mess, my grow room is clean, who cares. Just don’t be a disgusting ape and wash your hands after the bathroom, etc. Guys been working out in sweaty fields dripping sweat and bird dung and god knows what else on their flowers, I’m sure we’ll be fine.