#Heisenbeans Genetics




Big Fan of Free Weed
Smoke report for Sundae
Banana Cookies #1. These buds have been curing for approximately 2 weeks. The smell is a mixture of garlic, onions, and industrial cleaners. I don’t get any bananas or sweetness. The flavor is pure spice, very pungent. 458CB278-378F-4FFB-98BE-5F0544E7E11D.jpeg
The high is very powerful. I smoke quite a bit. I typically don’t feel to much of a buzz from most strains, this one is up there with the best I’ve grown. The Hugh is wonderfully sedative, I’d recommend it for anyone with sleep issues.


Cannabis Connoisseur
I do the same from day one under the cobs. They seldom stretch tall like you see some seedlings.
I also start seedlings under LED, although I use QBs and not cobs. I leave my QB dimmed 50% throughout all of veg, start at 32” and let the plants grow until they’re 24” away, then just maintain 50% at 24” until flip, when I raise the light all the way up, turn it to 100% and let them grow into it. at the end of stretch i sometimes drop the light an inch or two but it usually works out perfect if I time the flip right.


Smoke report for Sundae
Banana Cookies #1. These buds have been curing for approximately 2 weeks. The smell is a mixture of garlic, onions, and industrial cleaners. I don’t get any bananas or sweetness. The flavor is pure spice, very pungent. View attachment 46236
The high is very powerful. I smoke quite a bit. I typically don’t feel to much of a buzz from most strains, this one is up there with the best I’ve grown. The Hugh is wonderfully sedative, I’d recommend it for anyone with sleep issues.
My GMOxBBC had that garlic onion funk mixed with a cookie undertone faint but you tasted the sweetness somehow they meshed well. I ruined that run if hmit drying but have another about to go into flower in 2 weeks...the reason I said this was I'm curious where your terps came from. Sundaexbbc are the only ones that eluded me. But I have plans. Ahaha
@Evergreengardener you running soil or hydro?
I have another BBC in soil flowering now I believe I'm at day 14...already better then the first run if I may so myself 🤪😉😏 I'm truly excited to see yours flower out.


My GMOxBBC had that garlic onion funk mixed with a cookie undertone faint but you tasted the sweetness somehow they meshed well. I ruined that run if hmit drying but have another about to go into flower in 2 weeks...
@Evergreengardener you running soil or hydro?
I have another BBC in soil flowering now I believe I'm at day 14...already better then the first run if I may so myself 🤪😉😏 I'm truly excited to see yours flower out.
I’m in soil man I’m to lazy for hydro checking ph and shit 🤣 I also get clumsy so I’d step on a pipe and flood a room haha.
I flowered out a s1 that came out really nice imo but don’t know if it was close to the real or not had a sweet inhale but the aftertaste on the exhale tasted like fresh brewed coffee.
I’ll be watching yours flower as well

I just put a gmo x bbc to flower myself with a few more vegging


I’m in soil man I’m to lazy for hydro checking ph and shit 🤣 I also get clumsy so I’d step on a pipe and flood a room haha.
I flowered out a s1 that came out really nice imo but don’t know if it was close to the real or not had a sweet inhale but the aftertaste on the exhale tasted like fresh brewed coffee.
I’ll be watching yours flower as well

I just put a gmo x bbc to flower myself with a few more vegging
Oh bro I'm swinging through your thread now. It's funny you say that. I feel like soil takes more effort. I'm going back to hydro fully after I flower out everything and figure out who stays and who goes. In a perfect world they'd all stay. Did your GMOxBBC self level out the canopy? What I mean by that is did the main cola stall out this allowing the sides to catch up then resume normal growth? This one I have is really nice I got ridiculously lucky off 2 beans and only have that one make it.


Oh bro I'm swinging through your thread now. It's funny you say that. I feel like soil takes more effort. I'm going back to hydro fully after I flower out everything and figure out who stays and who goes. In a perfect world they'd all stay. Did your GMOxBBC self level out the canopy? What I mean by that is did the main cola stall out this allowing the sides to catch up then resume normal growth? This one I have is really nice I got ridiculously lucky off 2 beans and only have that one make it.
i just put it in flower now so we will see how it ends up but it’s side branching are pretty damn close to the mains but I did top these.

I’ll go snap some pics of plants and update


You will not be disappointed. Bro tag me if you remember when you post the GMOxBBC. I'm curious to see them. All BBC just with a GMO structure and a complimentary terp influence.
GMOxBBC by Heisenbeans
Here you can see how nice the structure was. No lst/hstIMG_20191219_170545.jpgIMG_20191219_014828.jpg

ill try to find better ones, heres my vegging clone. If the above flowered plant. She just got over the stalling I was talking about. You can see the sides are pretty uniform around.IMG_20200129_222035.jpg
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