#Heisenbeans Genetics


I need to get that animal cookies. That GMO cross going to be fire. Good luck heis. Broke boy life for a while lol.
Oh well, fuck it. I've got enough fire to search through. Seen all the Heisen gear I have in seed flowered out so I'm just gonna put all that on the back burner and focus on all the wonderful shit youse have all sent me.
For whats available now , grab the Rum Runner or Purple Crash or any of the StarDawg/Chems Xs if You into gas.
This forum is THE shit!!!! I am planning a big grow coming up in 3 weeks. I love it here and cant wait to really start putting in work here. Journals and helping new members and current however I can. A few members here can vouch that too for me. Since it's going to be my first full journal here, I want some crazy strains to run and looking at this thread alone has me sold on a few already.


Hobby Farmer
GMO is nasty....i had to smoke 2 oz before i even liked it...but im a trooper..

What i found really weird is i cloned a GMO cake...the mom was stanky nasty....the daughter was more refined and really took the nicer flavors....

OR i probably started liking it...that is more likely the answer.....garlic BO....or is it....pungent fruity madness!


Thanks. was hoping someone would suggest a you gotta try this one or that one...
I was gonna do that but most of what you are seeing @ GPS currently is from the last drop......so they are mostly NEW...no history. But if you don't grab the new stuff, you can find yourself behind the curve muy rapido :D

In the regular section, Copper Chem is tried and true. It used to be the GPS flagship strain and was triple the price you see now. Some folk have used it in breeding and done well with it.
Orange Blossom Special is another one that folks like that's been around. I have both those packs but have not run them yet, but a guy at work brought in some Copper Chem and I went looking for GPS to get some. And I did, but I also got a boatload of other stuff too, lol. I have a Bounty Hunter mom that been filling jars regularly with it's kids. Ass kick weed that BH!
I was gonna do that but most of what you are seeing @ GPS currently is from the last drop......so they are mostly NEW...no history. But if you don't grab the new stuff, you can find yourself behind the curve muy rapido :D

In the regular section, Copper Chem is tried and true. It used to be the GPS flagship strain and was triple the price you see now. Some folk have used it in breeding and done well with it.
Orange Blossom Special is another one that folks like. I have both those packs but have not run them yet, but a guy at work brought in some Copper Chem and I went looking for GPS to get some. And I did, but I also got a boatload of other stuff too, lol.
Awesome. Thanks a million. Regardless old or new, still want to run some on the fact or prior success.